Monday, August 12, 2013


By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama While many a Northern Rhodesian are busy baying for the head of Mamadou Gaye, the much loathed Ivorian Super Sport football commentator, some of us are realistic enough to boldly state that he was for the most part spot on about some pretending champions getting booted out in the very first round of the AFCON. Therefore, for that sporting insight by him, we will always sal...ute his discernment. It does also go without saying that if we are to be really honest with ourselves, after watching them struggle through friendly fixtures, most of us held this view anyway. It is just that a well know aspect of human nature sustained them, that is, to always hope against hope so as to avert the inevitable even when it stared us in the eyes! Listening to his highly corrosive sarcasm and scathing attacks on feeble but pompous outfits in that deep, pigeon or is it creole marred and adulterated accent of his, was something i could listen to the whole day. Certain truths have to be told somehow and sugar-coating them rarely ever improves their biting reality. The latest spin is, look, our fellow group members being Bukina Faso and Nigeria have both qualified to the next round, what this proves is that they were put in the ultimate group of death! Sadly this angle of reasoning may have eluded me totally because fact remains fact; You-Did-Not-Make-The -Cut, period. Brother, have you no shame? OK, we did not qualify even to the second round of the AFCON, let us now focus on winning the World Cup! Am i the only one seeing the funny side of this type of reasoning? For the umpteenth time may you know that god is not a soccer fun, ‘Christian’ nation declaration coming to your aid(zilch!), spiritual and ritualistic appeasement(bathing at the Gabon crush site) do not work at all, well at least not any more. I just feel bad for laying it bare like this for people and inadvertently seem as though I am scratching a healing wound. CAUTION: You are not me, for safety reasons, never talk like this in public (This is only safely managed in the virtual public), people are still going through a process of healing and the natural thing to do is empathize with them.

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