Wednesday, February 13, 2019
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
I will start by making this disclaimer that whatever will be said in this piece, as emotive as the subject matter evidently or ultimately proves to be,is not at all meant to willingly challenge or demean or belittle anyone's tenets of faith or their chosen ideas about their God. If then,in the end, they find it overpoweringly impossible to be rational and objective about what they will read and opt to get upset,then that will have been entirely by choice and that am afraid, is something I have no control over and are thus more than welcome to engage in the highly encouraged exercise of emotional carthasis and vent out their ire but by god, let me not be used for target practice while they are at it.
It will greatly help here also, to acknowledge that, ever since I took to the path of Higher Level Spiritual Consciousness, matters of religious affiliation and its evident expansionist Agenda as propagated through the offerings of alternative interpretations of Scriptures so as win over more converts and outdo others in terms of membership,the showmanship of Magic like antics of sleight of hand in the name of Miraculous works by the unscrupulous clergy meant to dupe the willingly gullible laity or blind and unthinking followers or the Philanthropic involvement in charity work of building service organisations such as Mission Schools or Clinics, while appreciated, have not blinded us to the true motives behind such posturing . You will remember that, in medieval times this degree of aggressive cohesion was equally practiced and taken a notch higher during military campaigns in Crusades when Christians matched under the banner of the Crucifix and Muslims wielding that characteristic unfurled insignia of the Crescent Moon almost encircling a Star with its full esoteric significance literally waged Wars to forcibly convert people in distant lands to adopt their modes of worship and establish permanent presence in those far flung territories by erecting imposing edifices to their honour and that of their preferred gods. The Knights Templars were equally sent by various Royals to go and pillage holy cities and steal religious relics and amass immense wealth in Gold and Silver for The Crown in the guise of being men with religious intentions when in fact not.
This having been said however, it should be noted here that, my background in matters of religion prevents me from keeping quiet when I see or hear blatant falsehood being championed by people from different denominations in Christendom with various motives,whether willingly or otherwise out of sheer dangerous ignorance. It should further be respectfully stated that Evangelicals and the Pentecostal movements are most notorious in this regard. This , they have done in different ways and even embark on exercises to promote these teachings in various forms such as Song and Dance , staging extravagant Crusades or religious gatherings for this very purpose.
I do appreciate how ,after this piece ,the many faithfuls will seek to set the records straight to correct what they will deem my wrong interpretation of scripture,leap at every opportunity to point out my oversight or their perceived weakness in my analysis and promote their version and understanding to be the most correct one . I find this kind of response of inundating my inbox or string with a litany of scriptural citations and threats of Hell Fire , Heresy or Blasphemy(not necessarily in that order) extremely counter-productive and one not exactly in keeping with my cherished norms of intellectual engagement in progressive civil discourse.
I have grown up lending an ear to various forms of artistic expression and music with its different genres it presents as being the foremost attraction of my leisure time during which i luxuriate in treating meself to anything from either Catalonian Rhumba, Afrocentric Beats,Radical Dub Poetry with agitative Propaganda themes,Reggae of the Roots and Culture sort, Classical Symphony,New Age, Brobdinagian Bards, Gregorian Chants,Ancient Scottish and Irish Celtic Tunes,Yiddish sounds,Arabic and/or Indian sounds,serving the best for last, The Music of The Brave ,Hard-hitting Rock!!! I deliberately left it till the end to draw out all the Rockers out there who I stood ready to be lynched by for this intentional suicidal omission.
I sometimes find myself randomly wiggling my toes or tapping my finger away to so-called gospel tracks blaring away until I hear something that does not quite agree with what I know to be the Truth,as subjective as this concept is. I had been seriously taken aback when I heard a chap sing away by naively and hypnotically screaming on top of his lungs in his country's local dialect that, " Umulopa Wenu Ba Yahweh......" to mean ' Your Blood Yahweh' literally implying The Almighty Jehovah God actually died and shed his Blood for Humanity or, and as it is now common in Christendom where they proclaim that "Jesus Our Almighty God." YAHWEH, according to the Tetragrammaton and existing Septuagint of the time is supposed to be the equivalent of Jehovah ,Almighty Hebrew God . Yahweh comes from the four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH or JHVH that form a biblical proper name of God. To the best of my memory Jehovah has never died before unless there was some passage of scripture I missed. Just imagine the overall implication of suggesting,albeit indirectly, that the God you worship and look up to for Salvation is actually a mortal God and was slain. Clearly, this could only have been in reference to Jesus. Now to make his son ,who their scriptures openly state is the first born of all creation Almighty is quite frankly scary as this would be executing a coup det'at of sorts in the firmament. This,because even he himself said that his Father is Greater than he is and he should not at no time be Worshipped. When he was being baptized in the river Jordan,the Holy Spirit, in the form of a Dove descended onto his head like a hologram and a voice,God's voice or his Father's deep husky commanding authoritative Voice declared from the parted cloud that,'This is my Son,in whom I am well pleased.' While on Earth,when Jesus was being pursued by his eventual captors in the garden of Getsamane during the transfiguration looked up in supplication to his Father and pleaded that if he willed and if it were up to him he should let that Cup of Suffering pass him by. This was when those holy men ,Elisha and Elijah,who are the only personages never to have seen or tasted physical death appeared on his side embued in a bright heavenly glow to discuss matters which the onlooking disciples found unintelligible. The very idea that he was sent to Earth on a mission means the sender is more senior than he. The confession by Jesus himself that even he does not know when the End of The World will come surely proves somebody more senior than him knows all. This is why, I advise caution before unconsciously parroting Amen-hotep in unison when listening to publicly offered prayers that have blatantly misrepresented the Truth about the Ethereal hierarchical orderly arrangement of Power structures and Protocol. You would be deemed party to fanning falsehood by simply proclaiming 'So Be It'.
The concept of God The Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit and their being 'One' is to me nothing more than The oneness of purpose and intent as exists between Man and Wife joined in Holy matrimony. Now ,to begin to calling Jesus 'Yahweh' is a dangerous and criminal error of attribution which even he was humble enough to admonish his followers to desist from doing.. Although,it must be mentioned here that, he did not himself exactly help matters much either as he merely asked of his Apostles to tell him who they thought he was and what the people were saying he was, in a strange display of identity Non- Commital.
So then, what exactly are we saying here exactly? Well,to be absolutely honest with you,nothing really. No one knows the entire Truth,Remember the Analogy of the True appearance or description of the Pachyderm that is Loxodonta Africanus spp. as described by a number of unsighted people who relied only on their tactile faculty to fully describe what they touched.This was just me helping to prevent your suffering some irreparable cranial tissue atrophy by you supplying it with oxygenated blood by triggering your thought processes. Exercise that convoluted mass of fatty grey tissue while you still can.You may go on believing in whatever religious verbiage or teachings or system of Beliefs as you please with my best wishes,to the extent that it does not bring the bacon home,I will not in the least give it a rodent's Gluteus maximus! Right now,I am more concerned with what Earth shaking breath of fresh air and emboldening stance that will come from Namuso to completely change Our State of Being Forever as a people and whether that stubborn Woman across the pond survives the No Confidence Vote this evening and how the Brits are now embarrassing themselves with shocking disorganisation with the way they have made a sodding mess of BREXIT. Are we to understand that there is so much illiteracy in Britain now that the majority of the citizens ignorantly Voted to Leave Europe without knowing what it fully meant? Welcome to the Eternal Curse of Demon.cracy that Africa is belliguered with due to its massive illiteracy levels where the majority of its people of humble learning ultimately decide who leads their countries at the ballot. But then, that is supposed to be Great Britain for Crying Out Loud!!What do they really want to achieve with a second Referendum Vote,forcing a square peg into a Round hole until they Rig the Poll to get a Remain Vote outcome? The people already spoke ,even if some quarters did not like what they heard. Have they sat to think just how stupid they would collectively look if ,and heaven forbid,they ever went for a second Referendum and their Citizens still Voted to Leave? And all along we thought they knew better,rolling mine eyes in repugnant disgust at what is unfolding in the once Great Island.
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