Monday, March 23, 2015

The Short Literary Works Of Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama

  Preface This is a brief collection of some of my personal opinions and thoughts on different subjects. They have been posted on my online personal Blog and various social media. These are my original personal thoughts qualifying as an intellectual property, therefore, ALL the material in this publication is copyright protected. Any unauthorized reproduction of this material whether partial or complete is not allowed. The offender will be guilty of Plagiarism and thus liable for legal prosecution. POST- ELECTION SYNOPSIS By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama It is by now common knowledge that I am and always have been particularly apolitical in my pilgrim’s journey. However, I have found life in general way too interesting to be completely indifferent about the goings on on this Big Blue Marble we call Earth. Before and during the run up to The Polls, there was a lot of talk and debates about which way people thought the election would ultimately go considering a number of facets that surround an African democratic election. This mostly revolved around analyzing the chances of winning the elections by the main contenders. Some were ticked off as being very irresponsibly unserious with life by exhibiting that now very irritating and annoying habit of only popping up when elections fall but almost completely avoiding campaigns except restricting their canvassing online by churning out an opinion or two on a topic that takes their fancy. Then there were those who ended being mere jesters to spice up the pre-election activities and almost stole the show with their unending twists and turns during their candidature filing in process. There were those who because of their dismal showing probably finally had reality dawn on them about how they ought to have stuck to saving human souls from eternal damnation in Gehenna in the valley of Hinnom from the pulpit and not lying to gullible voters from the podium. Then came the dangerously heartless man who dangled his elixir or panacea carrot for good health which he promised he would freely give the terminally afflicted but only if they voted for him! Am I the only one who saw the criminality in that posture? If you do not vote for me I will gladly watch your shriveled body experience mass wasting away from tissue necrosis due to immune-deficiency unless you can find the strength to crawl your way to the nearest polling booth to cast a vote on me. Whatever happened to the Hippocratic Oath? Then there came an octogenarian political mammoth that has for all intent and purposes pretty much outlived his usefulness, to blurt out some grossly irresponsible statement about why he felt his preferred candidate should win. The worst form of senile ethnocentrism maybe? Did someone put him up to it to sabotage his candidate’s chances of winning? This incident may well have done a lot of damage to swing the voter’s perception of the man he had now opted to back despite his having garnered quite a following and exponentially improved his political clout nationwide. So much for The Plan B hype! kwa! After all is said and done, people knew or were already decided about which candidates had the most realistic chances of doing well in the election largely because of the resources they possessed, had at their disposal or had managed to marshal up and also on account of the support base or the intelligence structure in the inner circle of who surrounded them for guidance. We had on one hand double Hotel having Victor Juliet jump on his band wagon to offer his massive years of experience in ‘conducting’, ‘overseeing’ or ‘organizing’ elections on the African continent to ensure Executive Outcomes. He was a truly formidable asset to have had due to his past interactions abroad and many years of training in international tact and relations with western nations from a very young age. Surely this was going to give his candidate the much needed edge over his rivals. He was also propped up by the coming on board of Deepak (of course not Chopra, eff-tard!) to sharpen the campaign team. According to most, this was the final nail in the coffin; victory was certainly assured, no amount of craftsmanship would cause victory to elude these two forces when they completely gel together to achieve a common objective. Or so they thought! As reiterated in the copious pages of Sun-Tzu’s ‘Art of War’, perhaps, the worst mistake one can ever make is to underestimate the capabilities of the enemy. We had on the other camp The legendary prowess of X-ray Charlie to buttress the fortunes of one candidate, who though equally intelligent himself, had almost but given up the race because of the clear odds that were stuck against him. He was grappling with a severely divided party of members he dearly needed to unite behind him for support, surviving through that cock-up of a convention that was nearly ‘engineered’ in favor of some shadowy grouping hell bent on determining the affairs of the country to its detriment. He had very few resources to go round, he had to quickly sharpen his oratory and crowd appeal skills almost overnight to the level of his predecessor, had very little time to convince the electorate because of the protracted intra-party succession dispute while his opponent had months of a head start in uninterrupted campaigns. If you have never had an opportunity of making the acquaintance of the subject above(X-ray Charlie I mean, then, you, like many of those who rather mistakenly opted to deceive themselves about the chances of the other camp winning have not he foggiest idea of what they were dealing with or stood up against. I once had a rare privilege of interacting with him albeit briefly at Turnpike during one of my many interstate travels. This whole incident occurred by sheer happenstance as he was going about his business just I was with mine. While at this meeting, without him and his company realizing it, I had all my faculties horned to suck in his aura that he was exuding all around him. He was mostly of a humble, reserved and well-mannered demeanor. This as you know is highly indicative of a well-travelled man but it takes a trained eye and ear to know that. I was in the midst of one of the most intelligent men south of the equator. I must hasten to mention that there were no formal introductions exchanged or anything of the sort for obvious reasons. As normal etiquette demanded, only the expected social pleasantries were exchanged. We shared a meal and a light moment of operational maneuvers which left me awestruck at his depth of thought and sophistry in intelligence circles. This was to me my Sandhurst experience. The up and down group only had themselves to blame for letting something that was in their grasp to slip away due to their usually casual and cavalier approach to serious matters. They had a good thumping and crash course on the ABC of how to do it and how not to do it. KOLOPA.COM UNRAVELLED By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama It is indeed a bitter pill to swallow but the not so dandy lunatic from the cuprous north sure does seem to have a knack for churning out addictive political tunes that leave his followers humming away at every turn. It is really immaterial that you would never catch me dead lending an ear to his mostly incoherent sounds, punctuated with not so well thought through forced rhymes which to me are but largely an unintelligent racket. The last one having been ‘Do not tell them’ and its explationwas also attempted on The sad painful truth though, is that, there are actually people who do like him. There was a time not so long ago when his artistic fortunes had almost fizzled out because of his having crossed the path of the finger that feeds him. It so happened that he had a fall out with a certain grouping he had done a political campaign song for. So bad was this incident that before he realized it, he had the equivalent of DEA goons on his tail. If my memory serves me right, I think they even found a stash of that innocent dried green serrated palmate leafed shrub affectionately called sensimilla on his person which he adamantly protested was not his but merely planted on him by these overzealous agents. This episode thankfully quickly passed, boiled over and the two are now good bed fellows. Not so for a good occidental wee lad brother of mine from Sefula, who whether from a total lack of political acumen or sheer naivety, has an almost equal knack for always ending up backing the completely wrong tree. It is not immediately clear whether this comes from an unwavering loyalty for a deed done for him or it is due to some filial connections with some recently resurrected political big wig which may not yet be in the public domain but he seems to be indebted to the Indonesian currency which in case you never knew is actually called (Rupiah) gentleman to the point where he was even the guest of honour at his nuptial festivities. is the latest piece currently blasting the air waves from every nook and cranny of the not so classy joints dotted around suburbia. This song title has some intertwined connotation between information technology and some menial laborious exercise of drying up spilt liquids! If you have or develop an insatiable appetite for knowing more and you hastily key in or miss-type a wrong web address as into your browser you will be directed to a not so kosher site for oriental lewdness. I urge you not to do it! But as I know the destructive curiosity of the human mind, it will make you want do perform the forbidden act! As honestly stated above, I have not even really listened to this track that much since he sings it in a tongue from a boreal direction which is laced with some of the most coarse street slang from the cuprous north. However, I have since had a chance of seeing how patrons respond to it when it plays to have taken interest. One chap was wiggling his bottom and back so fluidly like a boneless contortionist in the most hilarious manner while mimicking one holding a mop on a stick that I could not help it but chuckle at the sight. Being the inquisitive bloke that I am, and not being so familiar with these people’s genre of music, I requested to have the song explained to me for it to completely make sense. As you may know it gained an almost overnight popularity during the just ended presidential bye-elections after the passing on of the regal slithery reptilian. The few people I have asked to explain its obviously nebulous meaning have varying versions to narrate. 1. One explanation I got was that the song talks about being proud of whatever job one is doing no matter how lowly. This I must say I could not get clearly from the song. 2. As you may now know ‘kolopa’ means mopping. In military circles, a mop up operation means going back to a place to finish up on the work done or tying up any loose ends to make sure you were really thorough! Without going into all the gory details of course as this is highly classified stuff you know, for most of it may be way be above your pay grade! 3. Perhaps the most scary rendering of the song lyrics was from a gentleman who bluntly stared into my face and said to me, to ‘Kolopa’ means to eliminate! Now this is where I got really scared because there was a party that had undergone some protracted intra-party wrangles and a very tense succession dispute. It was here where we saw the emergence of some shadowy group dubbed ‘The Cartel’ which ultimately ended up being curtailed itself! Although, from the recent goings on on the zedian political landscape,it does appear to me that this Cartel was in fact as Greek mythology would bear this out, actually a Chimaera of sorts. It does seem to have reappeared as a ROYGBIV entity(The optical Effect you see when light is passing through a prism). In Scottish folklore we call it a Kelpie which inhabits the many lochs that are strewn all across our ancestral land. After having faced unprecedented rivalry and opposition and intra-party camps and scheming, a leader was found and who later successfully got democratically elected as president. He now needed to literally purge his predecessor’s cabinet and re-brand it with a touch of his own. The loose usage of ‘Eliminate’ is what scared me because I did not know whether this act was in La Cosa Nostra Sicilian fashion or it was going to be ‘kolopad’ by leaving them out of his new plan of things. Of course, I quickly dismissed my latter fear as being utterly and ridiculously preposterous in this day and age of modern political dispensation. BETTER VOTING, COMING SOON! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Granted, that, i do not vote, have never voted, never will either but this is no reason i should allow a chaotic situation to persist. Asking me why I do not vote in your elections will most definitely make you miss my point. It is common knowledge that election time does almost always offer temporary cheap employment to the majority of unemployed youths albeit for a few days, but this should not be allowed to continue. It does not really help matters much as a country to be constantly whining and grumbling about system inefficiencies and allegations of rigging when you could proactively address the situation. Remember what Einstein described as doing the same thing, the same way but expecting a different result? There is an urgent need to address the possibility of electronic voters roll or register and electronic voting so that there is no undue delay between the voting ending and announcement of results. The very confused arrangement where one can only vote where they registered has disenfranchised a lot of people. This is an awkward absurdity that needs to be addressed as a matter of absolute urgency The crippling of operations of sensitive organisations during the voting period is unacceptable in this modern age. If you currently live in Katima Mulilo but you registered in Mpulungu, are you honestly, in all fairness, expected to incur the cost and inconvenience of travelling this distance to go and queue up to cast a vote?How much down time is this when extrapolated over a bigger population in an already over stretched economy? The idea is, with this in in place, the future looks good as the issue of people in the diaspora not voting when their opinion about how the country of their birth should be run matters but are disenfranchised will be sorted. They are citizens too and their voice counts a great deal. The other reason we need an electronic voter’s roll whose numbers of registered voters at each polling station should be made known to the general public is that, the era of verifying voters with a ruler by a fatigued human with squinted eyes is over! I here envisage contraptions like ATMs in the polling booth, which would have a slot for face-vetting or verifying the authenticity of the required documents for voting. The machine should have a slot for inserting the NRC,VOTERS card(although, i strongly feel this should be left to humans to do as expensive facial recognition software might be required)The machine would also do the recording and counting each individual who enters the booth. The very thought of seeing grown men moving around with Potassium Permanganate stained thumbs sometimes even years after an election is to me embarrassingly laughable at most and medieval at worst. This is the 21 st centruy for crying out loud people! The machine would have all candidates displayed on an LCD touch screen. The challenge of the visually impaired voters can be adequately addressed by installing software that recognises voice prompts. While in the booth,a voter merely touches the screen of the symbol for their preferred candidate. When voting becomes electronic like this, it will greatly cut down on the counting delay which sometimes lends the process to manipulation and intentional mistakes during the counting process. The unnecessary overnight airlifting of ballots by known institutions (Zulu Alpha Foxtrot, I finally know why they exist and what they are good for. Always thought ZNS was more productive than them what with all the cabbages they churn out!) will be cut out because of the suspicions this raises. It will also greatly reduce even eliminate the problem of spoiled ballots. Of course, this system should be armed with the state-of-the-art software to protect it from possible manipulation by hackers hell-bent on shifting the vote in favour of their preferred candidate in a very sophisticated rigging syndicate. There is your challenge, let independent serious minds in decision making positions assess this suggestion for feasibility so that we see what progress can be made going forward. So sorry to break the news to you folks but we just have to concede as humans that machines are better than us and more honest! if programmed right that is! THE PRESIDENTIAL RACE; WHO’S WHO? By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama I do not really know whether it is the same practice in Austral Africa, but when one is taking the oath of office as president, they usually swear to uphold and protect the constitution of the republic as a confirmed newly elected leader of the country. Now, when one of the now aspiring candidates was acting as president , they claim that they were made to hand over the instruments of power under duress by people who used threats of treason and all manner of coercion, even a slight hint at physical force was used on them to make him capitulate. If your potential president cannot stand up against pressure coming from his peers from within his own party, how do you expect him or her to stand up against possible outside pressure on any matter or belligerence from a foreign power? What makes it even more startling is that, being one from a legal background, thus expected to be slightly conversant with the dictates of constitutional law, one ought to have known better as to whether or not they were the right person to act as president and thus effectively argue their point for the defense of what is right and constitutional. As a leader, you have people looking up to you for direction on all matters. Openly admitting to such an incident is a weakness which may have a telling effect on how one is perceived by people and their suitability as potential serious leaders. Of course, this is assuming these particular people know what it takes to be good a leader. It does not help either to give a candidature speech after the death of your supreme leader clearly showing signs of the ‘shakes’ or as we would say in the business, delirium tremens while shedding what seemed for all intent and purposes Cayman tears! There, was an unsuccessful attempt at mimicking Titus Jacob Mpundu’s memorable emotional outpouring in the stadium after the demise of their country’s football team. ‘Father we thank youuuuuu!!! So went the master of political engineering ! And the crowd wailed even more. Most informed electorates fear you will be spending more of your time ‘sot-ting’ out issues while in office. If you think that is a misspelling of ‘sorting’ you cannot be more wrong! This party is yours to lead everything points to that. No manner of machinations against you from whatever quarter will deprive you of that which was destined to be yours. Only, look, get a grip man, the republic you want to lead is Zambesia not Inebria! Leadership, especially of a Nation, is not a simple thing. As one of the puns doing the rounds has crystalized this reality, leadership is not sexually transmitted! Wow. The women’s groups can argue all they like, yes, until the cows come home they may but sadly though, even a freshman from medical school knows this cannot be true. Just because I was married to some leader then his qualities must have rubbed off onto me? Well, if they were good leaders then that is a good thing. Perhaps, put differently, ’There is nothing more frustrating than an idea whose time has not come’ – Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama. This is in direct reference to a woman president. Your most serious chance has been marred by cultural incorrectness spurred on by pressure political expediency from the shadows. Even misplaced espirit de corps from the women’s lobby will not help for theirs will be a tall order because of the blatant disregard for widely accepted cultural norms on the mourning of a recently departed spouse. This is why in retrospect, we wholeheartedly appreciate and respect Maureen’s culture more now for the manner in which she conducted herself after her husband died and only choosing to get politically active after six years! Regardless of the wads and bundles of Mickey Mouse money that trickles down from beyond the borders from some cuprous rich precinct in the proximal boreal direction, it would not help at all. What they need to do as a country is to evolve to a level where they closely scrutinize the sources of funding of political parties or individuals who intend to rule the country. To what extent would the integrity or even general security be compromised by an external funding institution or individuals when the candidate they sponsored wins? What really is their interest in the politics of a sovereign state? If you come up with laws or rules as a political entity, in order for you convince the electorate on how democratic and organized you are, these laws have to apply and be followed first by yourselves. The party and national constitution represent the highest collection of laws which guide a people on how they should behave and consequently govern the masses. The parentage clause on the eligibility to be president is one such reality. It is really pointless as to whose political ambitions it was initially meant to curtail. The truth of the matter is that, laws exists and must be followed otherwise an institution which comes up with laws it does not follow risks being viewed as not being sincere and serious about the business of running a country. If you find yourself a mulatto or half Bangladeshi and your phenotypic outlook bears this out, then without even seeking the consultancy services of a legal pundit or geneticist you should just keep away because involvement in a presidential race of a country with such existing laws is an exercise in futility. The electorates know this too well, unless you can convince them otherwise. The image one projects ultimately does come to haunt them when they aspire for public office. This is why I always maintain that if your intention is to finally run for president, you have to watch your every step from the cradle to the grave. People will dig up on your past to find anything they can use against you in your political life to bring you down. If you are still reeling from the aftershock of a scandalous incident after a session of sensual gratification escapade you begun spewing near state or state secrets (well, maybe not quite so secret, let us give the man a bit of slack shall we. This is where you got exposed as one suffering from a severe case of runaway libido, then the best you ought to have done was let the incident boil over and allow for people get over it. Look, they have never been known to have a very long memory or attention span but sadly it is not that short either! In the public eye, you are still a bad example of a family man as husbands in the nation would have to guard their wives with you at the helm. We do however, give you credit for your near clairvoyant powers for having so accurately predicted to that woman, what is her name again, in that now infamous secret recording of your disclosure of the intra-party leadership succession chaos that has ensued after the passing of a leader that never planned well for the life of his group after him. Without him realizing it, it may actually be a plus for him and it might prop him up in his campaign ploy because he displayed some remarkable leadership acumen. What he said was what he saw happening in his party but was powerless to change because of the innate primal fear of their supreme leader. It showed insight on how he, as a democrat would not have done things had he been the leader of his party. This is my take on Bashi Nono! The dynamics of people leadership is very interesting. Just because people do not tell it to you in your face does not mean they do not know or they have completely forgotten. It is deeply saddening if simple facts still elude you, then you are not ready to shoulder certain responsibilities. What I can state with a great degree of certitude, is this that, there happens to be a world of a difference between managing the affairs of an emergent nation state in leadership turmoil and running a taxi business! Who has the final report on Ruth Mbangu’s murder case? Did it even conclude or people have not really followed it or cared enough? Talk about synchronized mass amnesia on matters of greater import, typically Rhodesian style and manner of handling things. If you are still struggling to shake off your reputation as an uncouth raucous vigilante leader from Mpatamato then you are not ready to rub shoulders with personages that exude honour and carry themselves with a diplomatic aura in the international community. In Denmark, there is a saying that, ‘Man has two ears and one mouth; hence he is expected to listen more that he speaks.’ This man is clearly yet to tame his buccal cavity which he desperately needs to do if his is to marshal any realistic chances at higher political office. I am here picturing some caricatured image of a mutant figure with two mouths and one ear to describe this individual. My dear mum puts it this way; you have such a big mouth that when you die you may have to be buried in it! The man just does not know when to shut up period! A recent incident at mass media proves this point. In an extremely rare show of bravery the management of this public media institution stood up against politicians. This is only now possible after Mikhail, who was the epitome of despotism in harassing public workers in order to have sway over them. It is hoped that this form of courage and embryonic signs of independence and equal coverage of political parties is a sign of good things to come. Bravo to you! Then, there is his eminence or his honour the former mayor with an alleged canine peddling background. Since when has this been a problem? Look, whatever activities I may have embarked on before entering public office, if legal, no matter how lowly do not preclude or exclude me from higher aspirations. The only down side is that I bear the names of an individual who most would rather forget than remember! Oooh, and then there is that wretched parentage clause hanging over his head like the proverbial sword of Damocles, damn! There is a psychological effect that renders one guilty by association even when everything about them seems so, so different from their cohorts in their party. They clearly represent a rare fresh air of hope for a different style of leadership. In politics, it is sometimes advantageous to be unknown but this can also be ones undoing. However, what experience has taught us is that, to be an unfamiliar or unknown variable in the political equation has more demerits than merits. People are just not ready to be experimental with leadership. The personality we have come to observe about the man from the once cleanest city shows that he stands out like a misfit amidst a party that has etched its name in the annuls of notoriety and one that has displayed never before seen levels of disorganisation . I know not whether this has dawned on him yet but the entity to which he belongs cannot handle or let alone appreciate his caliber of leadership like he envisages to offer. What is really worse is that, he may have suffered the misfortune of being born from a politically incorrect ethnic background which they may find unpalatable to accept to be led by. It is of absolute importance that people have a fair enough appreciation, albeit in slightest possible way, of some bit of background information on the individuals who are pledging to be their servants. THE GERMANS ARE THE CHAMPIONS OF THE WORLD! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Well, in life, I have never been one to use expressions such as, I told you so, but I guess,in the end , I did tell you so! Look, straight from the very beginning of that month long tournament in Brazil, I declared my allegiance in no uncertain terms. Two of my preferred teams, that is, Germany and Netherlands, did make it into the finals and as it happened, the Germans went ahead to even claim the ultimate prize! I did not, no strike that out, i do not waste my time supporting African teams! If a few of you are honest and true, to yourselves at least, after the tournament you probably now have an idea why this is the case and what my reasons are for this radical paradigm shift on my part. There was nothing paranormal or clairvoyant about my stance. It was about knowing what i know pure and simple! So, what exactly did the Argentines think they would achieve against the brutal onslaught of the Germanic juggernaut again? What has Argentina known of the Art of War and discipline? The Germans have fought two World Wars and almost took over the world for crying out loud! It is no joke at all that their psyche is primed for excellence in all they do. Otherwise, they would not have set out to embark on such a herculean task of taking over the world. It had to take a number of countries to gang up against them in the guise of the allied forces. They needed to muster enough inner courage, self-belief, conviction and above all else the discipline to achieve it. They are currently the best performing economy in Europe because of this attitude. . Perhaps, the Argentines only taste of war was that nearly forgotten minor skirmish against Margaret Thatcher (god rest her soul) in the Falklands! Therefore, other than that, they truly lacked the pedigree to overcome the boys from the Fatherland this time around. We would assume that they may have been inspired further by countries like Russia that are increasingly re-asserting themselves to reclaim their past glory and place in the community of nations in all areas of their endeavors. And who do we credit for this kind of mind set of being achievers and have utter distaste for failure? Even when the world would want us to forget and totally expunge his memory, we know that his legacy is one that will endure forever more. He was voted by Times magazine as one of the most influential humans that ever lived! Their children's children are still being taught in folklore and as passed on tradition or rather inculcated and reminded about the former greatness of Germany under his leadership and how they must never accept mediocre thinking and posturing in all they do in life. This happens to be more the reason we shall always chant; “Dem Führer einte gergen Arbeiten! This is why we will reiterate that, “To attain a certain degree of congruence with the Führer philosophy is the ultimate goal of any well-meaning Neo-Nazi protagonist.” – Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama. A very dear friend of mine once asked about my quotable quote above, How can a Neo-Nazi be well meaning Namakando?” To the uninitiated,it does really sound a bit oxymoronic in a very cheeky kind of way. Well, If you are familiar with what is currently going on in the Holy land of Palestine, specifically Gaza, then you will never also ask me this same question, ever! Come on! Namakando do not be so melodramatic about it, this was but a mere game of football nothing more. If you only you knew what I know, then you would think different for there was a whole lot more at stake than just eleven men in short shorts running around kicking an inflated plastic orb in Brazil. THE LEGENDARY DISMAL PERFORMANCE OF AFRICAN TEAMS AT FOOTBALL WORLD CUP COMPETITIONS. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Now that the football World Cup is underway in Brazil, it is in order that we all declare our interest as to which team(s) we are rooting for. It is an open secret that I am and always have been an ardent supporter of the disciplined Germans as inspired by Hitlerism. The demolition of the uncouth Iberian daggoes was achieved with the efficiency and relative ease of legend .Our Fuhrer's legacy of discipline and efficiency was thankfully upheld last night .Clearly, the world knows little or close to nothing of the virtue of 'warfare' and meticulous planning in perfectly orchestrated combat. This is why it took nearly half the globe in the guise of allied force to gang up against our Fuhrer's scheme of taking over the world and bring it under collective Germanic rule where discipline and efficiency flourished and was the norm whereas mediocrity and inefficiency was in fact punishable by death Auschwitz style Hail Fuhrer X 3. It is not just because of last night but I seem to now have a much softer spot for The Dutch team as well! At this world cup, you will not catch me dead supporting the quadrennial under-performing African teams as they cause us way too much embarrassment as a continent. The individual players only exhibit their true talents when applying their trade in professional leagues abroad. The African individual players seem too muscular for some reason maybe they think this stamina helps them endure the physical exertion. Sadly, it also causes their brain to harden or something this judging from their decision making on the pitch and final execution of moves. Well, news flash, football is not only about physical staying power or stamina but more to do with mental and intellectual acumen as well. The Africans should pick a leaf from the way Robin Van Persie launched himself at the ball, while seemingly levitating, defying all known forces of gravity but still managed to think and control the ball and knock it where he wanted it to go. That is, quickly calculating the position of the goal minder and lobbing it over the keeper, paying attention to the trajectory of the ball, his own aerial lift and determining correct point of actual contact with the ball then lo and behold scoring! That was, to me, the truest classic definition of ‘The Flying Dutchman!’ My note to our African players is this that, ordinarily you are not expected to miss when you head the ball for the very simple reason that you are using a body appendage on your own torso, and not on anybody else’s .This body part, the head that is, contains both the aids of sight, eyes, and thought processes (Brain) so use it god damn it! What I have noticed is that when approaching or facing the goal in an offensive effort many an Africa player opt to rely on their obviously superior physique and unleash an undirected shot at goal hoping it will find its way in by hook or crook or sheer virtue of the strength employed even with their head bowed down while they do this. The usual result of this is what we are all too familiar with. It hits into players even their team members or just gets ballooned into outer space much to the annoyance of the over-zealous expectant fans. This is not to justify the practice but now you have a fair enough idea where the occasional toss of Musa paradisiaca spp. (Banana) to African players on the pitch comes from. What they little realize is that, with an occasional lifting of the head as they run with ball and checking the position of the keeper and possible obstacles in their way, it may not take that much strength to put in the shot and scoring. The seemingly never ageing Arjen Robben from Bayern Munich was particularly impressive also but you may not probably notice this from the many online reviews especially hereon because the majority of the commentary on last night’s game is predominantly coming from the Manchester United support base for obvious reasons. Modern football is more about finesse, technique and team-work. So, when these aspects are well-coordinated this is what delivers on the pitch. There are a myriad of scapegoats that do the rounds after many a shoddy showing at global sporting arenas by African teams. What they need to be told is that we are just about fade up with their never ending shocking levels of sporting ineptitude. What is our latest excuse for not performing as well as other non-African nations? The player’s allowances not being paid or they are not enough? Look, if you are a little thin on resources as a football association go ahead and borrow from Qatar or something but be sure to pay them back while you are at it! The lack of facilities is now a cliché which has become stale and does not really hold anymore. The African players are too scattered abroad so when they are hastily assembled during major competitions there is little or no time for the players to bond or gel properly and be well coordinated. There is an unequal representation of African teams whereas continent of 53 nations only gets 5 places. Well, i do not know about you but i think this actually saves as from more embarrassment! The pre-colonial slave trade still has many psychological scars resulting in inferiority complexes etched on the African personality thereby doing untold harm to their ego. When they meet other Nations they have a low self-esteem and this has had a negative impact on their game. However, and unfortunately, probably unlike you, I am not abusing a substance to delude me into thinking of impossible outcomes. Because of my infantile dread for claustrophobia and asphyxiation I will not be turning blue from holding my breath too long that an African team is going to win this particular World Cup either! I beseech you not to get me wrong. They have actually been known to win a few matches here and there but when it gets to where and when it really matters they falter. It will crash your heart to learn that more often than not, they have proven to be rather consistent in their failure to achieve. Before you decide to lynch me, I know this will not go down well with many soccer fans on the continent but, just know that I derive credence for my rather harsh assertion from their proven track record of not improving on their previous showings at these tournaments. Africans should be advised to gracefully withdraw from this competition and re-group. Probably just play among themselves or field one team for the continent so that the shame and heartache they inflict on us is reduced somewhat. The strength in numbers concept clearly has not helped Africans much as the pain ever increases. This is not healthy at all because we can only take so much embarrassment as a people. There is so much pride that rides on these chaps and people with hyper tension are strongly advised not to be overly passionate and expectant even this time around as the picture is bound to be the same. What did Einstein define as doing the same thing but expecting a different result? So, there you have it, I have officially dared them to shame me and win the 2014 Brazil World Cup so that I eat my words! Caution: Just remember though, that, I do not have a voracious appetite for my own words and they usually do not return void. ADVANCED LEGAL STUDIES COURSE 101: BRIAN Vs O’BRIEN By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama If you ever thought this piece had anything to do with a rigorous academic regimen at Law School preparing one for admission into the Bar, then like Brother Malcolm El Shabbaz Malik X once said, you have been bamboozled, yes, you have been had! There is a phenomenon that me friends and I were struggling to unravel. When it was first brought to my attention I expressed a certain degree of expected surprise as a front so that I am not seen to have known about it much earlier than them. The above citation of a case like issue did not actually end up in some land mark ruling which has been studied about at any known Law School in the world. Although, I must hasten to state that, of course there might be some coincidental resemblance to some actual case. The issue has more to do with advanced ecological studies of Trophic Levels and Niches than anything. The case in point is one where for some reason we noticed that there are two colleagues who did not get along much at all. This has even been confirmed by sentiments aired by each of them separately which clearly points to their having an un declared acrimonious association at their work place. Being a keen follower and student of man that I am, I sought to delve into this phenomenon. The first name that immediately sprung to my mind was the Russian ecologist Dr. Georgy Gause! He is a well acclaimed academic who has carried out extensive ecological studies. We are eternally grateful for “The Law of Competitive Exclusion” which is one of the many theories that have been attributed to him. The very basic explanation of this law is that no two organisms occupying the same trophic level can co-exist. They would have to constantly engage in a deadly competition for the available resources until a dominant one emerges as the apex predator or alpha-male. The equivalent adage translated from the vernacular is where they state that no two cobras can ever inhabit one anthill. The logic still remains the same. The very basic explanation that I can come up with is that of typical, raw male machismo. This is that instinctive desire by most men for being the dominant and ultimate sex symbol. The overwhelming pursuit for being the magnet of feminine attraction is how this presents itself. How this is achieved however, is quite varied. Some men are naturally born attractive and very appealing to the females and believe it or not even men folk for various reasons. For some, it is their burly manly physique, good looks, well-tended moustache, neatly shaved head, being well-mannered in nature, deep and husky voice, being sharp and quick witted, telling funny jokes, clever, resourcefulness, being a handy man, loving and caring, smartly dressed, tall and with a straight chin, considerate, humble, gentle, spotting a well-tended look all the time, politeness and generally presenting themselves as being very likable people indeed. These are some of the admirable qualities that some people look for in a mate and friend. However, when they show up in more than one person at any particular point then the two individuals may start competing for attention and attracting the same set of females as aspiring suitors. This they may not really have to do consciously because the tussle even gets psychological. This is where without each of them realizing it; they even begin to literally hate each other for reasons not yet apparent even to each of them. If confronted for an explanation they may be hard pressed to come up with any plausible and acceptable basis for having what they rather erroneously end up calling a natural dislike for the other. The extreme case of which is when they each begin to manufacture frailties in the others personality they detest which the accused may not have even been aware they ever had. This brief analysis, albeit personal and maybe considered by many to be rather misplaced, will be incomplete without highlighting the ultimate end to it at least in the animal kingdom. Sadly of course, we happen to be a major part of this very Kingdom as humans as well. It has been observed that one of the two competitors will always overcome the other, leading to either the extinction of this competitor or an evolutionary or behavioral shift towards a different ecological niche. The principle has been paraphrased into the maxim "complete competitors cannot coexist". Human beings however resort to some other more subtle ways of living their lives in a shared habitat but opting to have absolutely nothing to do with the other. Enter The Law of Passive Avoidance of sorts. The main limitation to this law is that the conditions in Nature have to be constant. This presents some form of relief especially for the purpose of maintaining unity among the human species in order for them to live harmoniously. The reason is that, in life there is nothing that is as constantly changing as human natures! THE MISSING MALAYSIAN MH 370 AIRLINE PLANE EXPOSES MODERN MAN JUST HOW ADVANCED DO WE THINK WE ARE REALLY? By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama So much about the hyped 21st century technological advancement! 26 nations involved, the search party for MH370 continues to increase in size, two weeks no sight of a jumbo sized plane. What people little realise is that this issue has effectively gone beyond just the plane. It is now a race to see which nation finds it first as a show of their technological advancement. There is currently a clash of Nationalistic egos. Imagine where one country takes satellite pictures but decide to blur them out a little( in essence kill the resolution) so as not to expose just how advanced they are in satellite technology. The scientists of old with their rudimentary apparatus made more discoveries as individuals locked away in attics than we are making now as the scientific community with all the fabled hi-tech tools at our disposal. The innovations of today are only done by institutions bringing together scientists as a group receiving massive funding from corporations. Have we made additions to the body of science or we have in fact subtracted from it? One would have hoped that after the Egyptians, Mayans and Aztec civilizations we ought to have really advanced and made much grandeur discoveries but alas now we are seemingly going and edging ever backwards. The only observable advancement we have made is in weaponry best suited for the mass destruction of all known life on the planet. POTENTIAL LEGAL DISTRACTION IN AZANIA By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Is it just me or after watching the much publicised but really merely exaggerated hullaballoo Oscar Pistorius(The South African ‘Blade Running’ paraplegic athlete accused of fatally killing his girlfriend with a pistol as his weapon of choice) Trial on Carte Blanche on DSTV Channel 199, one cannot help it but actually phonologically ‘see’ a Pistol embedded somewhere in his name? As in, Oscar Pistol-rius!!! This should go down in legal history annuls as a classic case of how ones name can predispose them to a prejudicial conclusion of a case. This will obviously not help his case if the South Africans pick up on it. I am just glad though that the South African legal system does not have the jury system of determining a verdict. You get amazed at how the media is trying so hard to raise the profile of this trial by sometimes referring to it as The Trial of The century! Come on people!!! Some of us only got to learn of Reeva Steenkamp after her death,i mean just how terrible is that? We are learning about transvestite screams, gun shots sounding like cricket bats struck against doors but making bullet holes in the door,which bloody cricket bat was obviously used to bludgeon someone or something, a couple living in a heavily guarded compound in an affluent neighbourhood assuming a burglar had made it all the way into their upstair bath room and without checking whether his girlfriend on his bed side,this Oscar fellow just walks over to the bathroom and discharges four shots from his pistol allegedly by accident? This is clearly one trigger happy chap with a shot fused temper on account of his physical impairment. Come on people, i am going to sleep, when is the football world cup in Brazil? We are clearly in dire need of more realistic entertainment than this. PRE & POST-BURIAL RITUALS FOR NELSON MANDELA By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama We are gladdened to know that all the necessary Free Masonic pre and post burial rituals were or are to be observed for Madiba. Do you mean Nelson Mandela was a free……? Of course, fucktard (Bless you Situ for this vocabulary enrichment) why do you think all those high powered personages are coming for his funeral. Do you really think this was possible for a mere mortal? Did you honestly think they would have done it for any other spear carrying Hottentot or khoisan of a freedom fighter? Oh please wake up! Just how much of the current life you are living do you really know about? How aware are you of what is going on around you?…/masonic-african-leaders-ra…/ Most of this information reaching you now has been held on a need-to-know basis and believe me hitherto you definitely did not need to know otherwise you have known already! We have obtained clearance so that the world should know. THE HYPOCRISY AT MANDELA'S FUNERAL By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Do you folks know that these same Western leaders that are today flocking to Mandela's funeral actually had him on a terrorist watch list for over 20 years? The CIA will independently confirm this for you! They considered his activities and that of his party(ANC) of liberating the Black majority as terrorism and did everything they could to support the Apartheid regime logistically and otherwise. I hereby beseech you to kindly see through their actions and know them for what they really are and not what you see them do.They do it with Smoke and Mirrors as we say in the espionage business. I have been deeply touched though after seeing Nelson Mandela's final portrait of him holding hands with his Grand Son Lewanika named after that Great King of The Nation of Barotseland. — with Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela. PART 2: ON NELSON MANDELA'S PERCEIVED 'GREATNESS' By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama My friend and Brother Weston Munguya wrote (I, personally believe that Mandela made a deal with the whites. His release was pre-planned, just as his stepping down after one term in office to pave way for making him into a 'global icon.' The acclaimed liberation of blacks in RSA's still a pipedream.) I so agree with you Weston because 27 years is way too long a time to have survived at the brutal hands of the oppressor. The real freedom fighters who employed a no compromise stance met their death much earlier. These people had access to him 24/7 and could have so easily eliminated him. But guess what? They did not ,when they could have so easily snuffed him out! There is certainly some gray area that needs light to be shone on for posterity to have a true rendering of events as they happened .I strongly suggest we team up and come up with a Tell All book on what really happened at Robben Island and not the cock and bull stories we have been sold thus far. We are a curious generation and we do not believe in things for the sake of believing. We question things that do not just add up and this is how i am going to raise my kids. You just have to shudder with repugnant disgust at the sheer hypocrisy of the Western leaders that reeks to high heaven. These same western powers and their leaders had either sheepishly or rather deliberately maintained a very loud silence during and at the time the struggle for majority rule in South Africa had reached fever pitch. What we have on record is this that, most of them that are today flocking to Mandela's funeral in droves are merely doing it as a futile exercise in retrospective moral rectitude. For all I know they could even have been actively involved in supporting the actions of the Apartheid regime. This struggle raged on at a time The US and Britain were also grappling with deep cited racism and this had been entrenched at the core of their societal fabric especially in the Deep South of The US. America (USA) and UK were at the time, nation states that practiced subtle racism but did not declare it openly. At least the Boers in South Africa had the immoral ‘decency’ and courage to outwardly proclaim and make their political ideology known to the world. We vividly still remember the riots in Atlanta and Brixton,the water canons, Alsatian canines unleashed on defenseless masses, men covered in bed sheets torching churches and staging public beatings of men and women of colour leaving a trail of destruction in their wake as immortalized in song and dance productions of hard hitting sounds of Dub Poetry and Agitative Propaganda by artist such as Linton Kwesi Johnson(LKJ) and Mutaburuka(The Unconquerable One) respectively. What a bunch of utter rubbish if you asked me that now they should rush to Azania and sing praises to Mandela. But then you have not asked me, so i will rant on as i please! NELSON MANDELA’S GREATNESS OR THE LACK OF IT THERE OF. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Macmilan Murebwa wrote: “Today the soul of a legend has left the earth. Many a legend known for viliant fights or acts of extreme heroism but this man famous only for saying "lets us forgive our enemy" makes him a legend beyond our comprehension. For me I do not understand the man's achievement but what I have come to know is that a great many people stand in awe of the man. The honor that he has recieved surely is accounted to something I mean the legend has his own money! So yes my defination of hero might be different but truly Madibha you are an inspiration to me. RIP Nelson Mandela.” My very Dear MacMilan, With your carefully picked words, in your nearly rather 'pathetic' attempt at a eulogy (Only i have the exclusive rights to use such language with you right?), what you are struggling to say is what I will re-state in this way. As shocking as this may be to you, i have also held this potentially controversial view. Being the blunt person that you have come to know me as, i will paraphrase your piece in a very concise way. It may not be the right time to say it given the charged emotional outpouring being exhibited by the globe at the passing of their icon but then I figured what the hake? Are you ready Macmilan? You may need to buckle up for this you know<: With my head held high, i will state in no uncertain terms that Nelson Mandela's so-called greatness has been largely exaggerated at most and highly misplaced at the very least. This, unless we have so lowered our generally accepted standards of greatness. Sadly, some of us have this bar so high that only a select few do manage to measure up. What? He forgave the white regime after taking office? Please, what else was there for them to do? He(ANC or Black Majority)could not possibly have waged a retaliatory vengeful armed campaign against them(White Minority) because they still held the real instruments of real power anyway. This is complete with one of the most sophisticated weaponry arsenals on the continent and possibly nuclear silos at their disposal. Look, the whole economy and financial suprastructure in South Africa is still in their hands as we speak! Reality check 1: It really did not take that much genius to figure this out if you asked me. To realize that a negotiated settlement was a smarter and safer option was a no brainer really. There were more gallant men and women who got more actively involved in the struggle outside prison and even paid with their lives. What Madiba did was simply sit it out in prison, did a lot of doodling, was preoccupied as a pugilist, lots of shadow boxing here and there, mostly worried about what the wife was getting up to on the outside) thus merely ended up being a figure head of sorts in the entire struggle. We have often joked with friends of mine that the quickest way of becoming great is being arrested or dying! This piece will obviously not go down well with certain quarters that have cherished the man and his perceived 'immense' contribution to civilization and good governance! I could obviously go on and on ad nauseum on the subject and even write a dissertation but for now i think i have adequately made my point whether wrong or right. Have i gotten anywhere near to what you meant to say Comrade Macmilan? or is it a proverbial bull's eye,if you are oriented as a Yankee it is a Home run then! Breathe Easy My Brother. MHSRIEP (Madiba wena unzimbi, halaaaala Nelson Mandela Halaala!( An excerpt from Mzwakhe Mbuli’s Mandela praise song off the album ‘Now is The Time’ It thus begs the question, Just what is your individual measure of greatness? THE UNASKED QUESTIONS. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Whenever an event occurs that deeply disrupts the perceived existing social order, the media plays a major role in putting maters into perspective. Sadly, however, whether electronic or print, the media also shapes public opinion in a very dramatic way that ends up blurring clarity of thought. A lot of vital information is lost in translation or as we usually see, the interpretation is muddled up or shaped for you into what the powers that be feel you ought to know or that which is a more politically correct rendering of events as they occurred . Normally, you would never catch me dead concerning meself with the politics of another country but the gruesome and disturbing imagery of intra party violence we were treated to in the past week is something that should have been seriously pondered over other than just merely glossing over it and portraying a skewed angle to suit people’s narrow interests. This approach caused some bone chilling realities to escape people’s reasoning. This implosion of political order should be treated as a national emergency but alas it has slowly boiled over and escaped the memory like nothing ever happened and life is back to normal and down to business as usual, Wow! After all that blood and life/lives lost, Really? Knowing West Nyasans, someone must have even won the tender to single source the supply of these machete/pangas! Enter The Panga Gate Scandal: Truly you have become a country overly fixated with scandal. Who bought them, how much did they cost? Where did the money come from? Was the right tender procedure followed? The whole thing is to me tragically hilarious in a very annoying kind of way. The individuals that set out to maim and kill fellow humans in the most brutal way were guided or governed by group ethos or ideology. This is of course, notwithstanding the fact of who sent them or what intra-party camp they belonged to. Their display of despicable violence was spurred on by selfish motives. The evident fact is that they belonged to the same group. What could have been more shocking than that? This to me makes the issue even all the more worrisome. If you are one interested in matters of maintaining social order and governance, it ought to gravely worry you as well. It would not be logically correct to assume that the perpetrators of that violence were members of any one party. That is, members in the sense of being card carrying sympathizers. This ladies and gentlemen is Africa; it does not take much to be convinced to do anything for money. The poverty levels are so high that you can turn against your own brother and sister to please the one playing the tune as a piper. Fortunately, though, for some of us whether poverty or whatever manner of cohesion at play, it would never cause us to act in the manner we saw. It then begs the question would there have been other higher psychological or spiritual influence or forces acting on them? What could have been the other motivating factors that would have led a human to turn against another in that fashion? I am glad to report that that kind of savagery is rare if not totally non-existent in the animal kingdom as animal behavioral scientists will confirm. We should never underestimate the power of a mob. What I have come to learn during my brief existence as an ardent student of man is that, “ When the banner is unfurled, all reason is in the trumpet.” I strongly recommend the book, ‘The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness-By Dr.Eric Fromm as a good read on this subject matter. Even as this assessment of mine may be true that money was indeed the proverbial carrot that was dangled to entice the subjects to achieve that scale of brother on brother violence, what is more true however, is that those people’s destructive effectiveness was further enhanced to a large extent by sectarian intra-party political zealotry and their deep set desire to have their preferred individual ascend to the highest echelons of power. Do kindly forgive my over simplification of the issues here but have once plain pieces of paper cut up into rectangular shape then later painted attained this much influence in modifying human character? If you detect a slight undertone of detached indifference on my part,you would not be too far from the truth. Does the whole incident not worry me you ask? If you want me to be bluntly honest, what I am really thinking about right now is, ‘when the next Chelsea game is?’ I know how much you like it when i say that! Ordinarily, all this should not matter but I felt compelled to contextualize your perilous existence in the country you are living in, the country you are creating and ultimately the legacy you are living behind for your children’s children. What other parties, concerned people whether politically inclined or totally apolitical like meself, religious, atheist or agnostic should be asking themselves is that if those people can inflict that much harm on each other without so much as flinching or having any ethical inhibitions whatsoever ,what more can they do to members of other parties? This to me is the question that begs a scary answer. AS AN AGENT IN THE BAROTSE INTELLIGENCE UNIT PROUDLY ON HIS MAJESTY’S SERVICE (OHMS) AS AN OFFICE OF THE KING(OK) OPERATIVE AND NEVER (OP)OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT , THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO DECIPHER FROM SEEMINGLY INNOCENT LOOKING PICTURES SUCH AS THESE. WE ARE MADE TO SEE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MAY NOT SEE! This is my take on the picture. These guys are most certainly an African gentleman and another man of Middle Eastern origin probably in a European country, France would be my most likely bet. The two look like they are commuting during the early morning rush hour on either a tram, Bullet Train or Bus. The Arab man is trying to be too busy fidgeting around with his phone while the African is too focused on the trip and what lies ahead while proudly showing off his photo voltaic cell(Solar plate-like ) baldness while the Arab man constantly struggles to conceal his bald-headedness by being cleanly shaven all the time. We see this done even here. The African is spotting glasses and this just gives him away as either an academic or lecturer from a local university or a busy business executive plying his trade in a foreign country. They are obviously not engaged in any boisterous conversation together because they live in a culture where people mind their own business and they are too busy with their own affairs. They just want to get from one point to the other on public transport. I so love the way the loading bars have gone to the 50% mark and the Afrikan has half an afro during a session of Afro loading at some down town affirmative action salon probably owned by a certain Jimmy ‘James’ Brown promoting Black consciousness or something. Now let me share with you, some really deep philosophical truths. I do not exactly remember whether it was German Chancellor Gerhard Shroeder or Hermurt Kohl who was concealing his real age by dyeing his hair. His hair was greying out hence he feared he would be seen to be unfit to hold office at that age. He got increasingly desperate to correct this condition. When he was discovered, the German public demanded that steps down from office because of being dishonest. This is just how serious our Caucasian friends take issues of personal integrity especially for people holding public office. They figured if he can hide such a personal thing from the people he was leading what else can he hide from them in his line of duty! The man was eventually made to step down over something like this which in Black Africa would be deemed trivial. Sorry for seemingly straying but you more than anyone knows that I look at one thing and see things that other people do not see. MOVE OVER STEPHEN FRY! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Welcome the new kid on the block. Well, not exactly a kid, but I am sure you get the point all the same, right? Kindly allow me to have a go at me very own R18 rated QI show. Before you, Ladies and Gentlemen, is a picture of an extremely curious looking, almost extraterrestrial contraption which could have a number of plausible uses under the sun. Your task, is to suggest what you feel is the most practical use for it, on planet Earth that is! We do not exactly want to end up with some weird outlandish ideas now do we? I will, of course, do the decent thing by giving it a try meself. This strange looking thing does appear to me like a number of Dildoes neatly mounted of a spinning spindle for dispensing multiple orgasms! I had the benefit of touching one of these limp phallus-like rubbery things which at first sight might seem like bits of deformed and slightly bent steel bars of which I can assure you they are not. Do feel free to magnify it for good measure of sight. So, I am afraid you would have to get a little more creative than I was. I would like to implore the puritans to forgive the slightly coarse language, but this is QI remember! It usually is a late night show and for good reason. MOHAMMED MORSI OVERTHROWN! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama One cannot help it but see the ugly hand of The CIA and Mossad in aiding the insurrection that has resulted in the recent ousting of a Muslim Brotherhood strong man heading Egypt as President. The Israeli interests were too threatened to allow a prolonged reign of radical Muslims so close to their home. In a rather shocking and ironic turn of events, Tahrir square protests have been covertly utilized to depose a democratically elected head of state. This is so much for the much spoken of hype about America being a champion of democracy. As the only power in a now uni-polar world it is only democracy if it serves their (American) purpose and design in bringing about the New World Order. To the uninitiated, it all looks rosy as they see this event as another show of what a united people can achieve. They have naively attributed this whole incident to People Power again as it was achieved during the ‘Arab Spring Revolutions’ in other countries. . In Political Intelligence analysis however, we seek to understand the Power behind the Power! So some of us are not exactly fooled by the façade they are presenting to the world. Have people wondered why the Syrian standoff will play out longer than they think? In the end, do not be surprised if Assad still emerges victorious by quenching the unrest with a strong arm of defiance.(…/) And,If you think this coup d’état is going to be unanimously condemned by the western powers like they hastily do in most other parts of the world,I would not hold my breath if I were you .It will be unhealthy on your part as you will just turn blue from self- inflicted asphyxiation! This is indeed a scary time to be alive folks, we need to buckle up alright!…/Egypts-army-drives-Mohammed-Mo… THE BIG BROTHER SERIES OF SHOWS By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama The obvious hand of the Illuminati in this television programme is undeniable if only one cares enough to pay attention to all the signs. It is not just the symbol of the all seeing eye of Horus that gives it away as being the work of people whose motives may not be entirely beneficial to those who have been gullible enough and have the time to tune in. Without seemingly becoming the wet blanket that I am not, may I just state here that the massive intellectual and cultural benefits of this show have completely eluded me sadly. If Africans have now worked hard enough to now pass time watching shows that have no direct and observable value but which do more in contributing to the overall moral decadence of the continent then that is entirely their choice. Just what form of encouragement do Africa’s youth get from this show? What aspect of Africanness is accurately depicted by what you see in BBA show? How are your youth who stay up late nights to watch that material enriched by being glued onto the screen for hours on end? By addressing these issues, I am not in any way declaring myself moral police nor am I constituting meself judge of anyone’s conduct as we all have the right to choose what we can and cannot watch on satellite or cable Television. It is really doubtful to some of us if this social construction of reality that BBA is has any real lasting value to the average thinking and serious individual; for we see it very much as a failed experiment which has managed to occupy the minds of the mediocre. I kindly beseech you not to take serious offense at what I am disclosing to you if you happen to be caught up in this web of deceit and hedonistic show of carnal immorality neatly packaged as reality TV. It is in the end all about choices we make in life and as to whether or not we will be able to live with the consequences of these decisions. What, they teach how to deal with different human personalities and character traits? You find the different tasks they give in the house intellectually challenging and beneficial in exciting ones cranial department? are they teaching and encouraging team work and sharpening leadership qualities in the house mates? Are they trying to foster African unity by encouraging youths from diverse backgrounds to interact freely in a watched closed environment? If these are some of the many illusions you have been living under I strongly recommend you take the Red Pill before it is too late! (from ‘The Matrix Philosophy’ ) Come on! Namakando get off it, you are spoiling it for us. It was already marred before I had anything to say about it, you just did not want to see what was right before your very eyes. I do sincerely hope that even after allowing my children to make their own free choices in life they will not fall prey to these trappings of libertines. Well then, have you not watched the show you ask? Look, the few times that I have strayed off into the living room and the telly happened to be on, and by some freakish chance the show could have been showing and if by sheer happenstance my eyes were not shut ,then yes I could have caught a glimpse of it and that was all really. What I can tell you with a great degree of certitude is that you will never ever catch me dead sitting through that rubbish. If you are eggshells I might have trodden on thee too hard with my rather candid expression of an opinion that I hold dear whether rightfully or wrongly. As for all those who enjoy the show dearly I respectfully encourage you to carry on with my best wishes as these are the liberated days after all! How then are the Illuminati connected with all this? If you read up on their global agenda you will clearly see how the end justifies the means. UNRAVELING THE ‘DON’T TELL THEM’ SLOGAN By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama There has been a lot of mystic and hullabaloo surrounding the above maxim which has now gained some degree of eminence and notoriety on the Zambian political arena. Most of what I have encountered centres on its true meaning and this is what I endeavour to shed light on. What most people do not know is that there was almost a protracted legal battle on the patent or the true originator of this phrase between some politician and his party and a known musician. This, if you asked me would have been sheer embarrassment to the Zambian legal system although that would not have been a first! Thankfully they seem to have come to some sort of understanding and all seems quiet for now maybe because you can now hear it blaring in drinking places,markets, taxis and buses everywhere really. My own brother in whom am well pleased analysed it this way, “It’s clear that Zambian music has engrained itself into the fabric of day to day living in Zambia. It’s amazing how this little phrase `DON’T KUBEBA’ has become part of daily language from politicians, clergymen, bankers, tax collectors, bus drivers and conductors, students, managers, policemen, thieves and conmen, prisoners, patients, pensioners etc. All angles of Zambian life are using this little phrase as part of their communication…………..Thanks to the young man who started it.”-Am always indebted to you Jim James for your depth of analysis on most issues, you are truly a blessing to the human race I wish they knew! The vernacular equivalent of this adage I choose not to repeat as I find myself dialectically opposed to its loose connotation and the disposition of its proponents. When properly applied in its truest sense has such potential that I doubt its users even realise it. You may take it lightly that you know what it means but the following is my interpretation. In guerrilla warfare tactics, the manuals of which am a proud owner of, your enemy not knowing how deep dislike for them would make them not know to what length you are prepared to go to obliterate them from the face of the earth. Enough of this war talk lest am cited for incitement not that am easily scared of anything these days! In politics citizens are being implored not to openly show their discontent but reserve their disgust for a regime for the polling booth where they are being further urged to give them a shock of their lives at the ballot! When you say this to a citizenry that is predominantly frustrated, unemployed, under paid, over taxed, whose means of livelihood are over-priced, whose education system is churning out sub-standard graduates , whose economic future on the long term is pretty much uncertain, whose natural resources are being plundered with impunity, whose salary savings are non- existent then you find this phrase having a far reaching near infectious appeal unless of course one finds themselves enjoying slightly better fortunes than the majority then that makes them a minority! The strategy is sucking in all your anger, stomach it, the gist is actually deception. I may need clearance for me to disclose some of these things but I figured it is still kosher for civilian consumption. In military stratagem we call it fraternization with the enemy and this you will remember in your world war history lessons for those of you that had that chance of sitting through these sessions which I sadly did not have. You may even smile at them if you must, talk with them , eat with them but by all means never mention just how much you wish them gone and see their humiliated backs. Kozo sha! Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Barotse Patriot Barotseland, Central Africa “I tell you a Truth, Liberty is the best of all things, my son, never live under a Slavish Bond.” – Sir William Wallace’s Uncle IT IS EASTER AGAIN-BUT ALAS THE BLEMISH OF SIN IS STILL UPON US ALL! Thanks you ever so much for all the Easter wishes people. Now, where is that wretched bunny? Before you go on to call me names from what am about to say and ASS-U-ME what you think i am and what am not, which you must understand would effectively mean you are making an ASS out of U and ME! Granted that JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS, and his death covered our sins. Now, these same sins were they the ones we are alleged to have been born with or the ones WE had when he died (For those who are old enough to have been present then) or the ones WE ARE going to commit in future (Sounds like an except straight from a Sci-Fi block buster-Talk about futuristic sins!) Which sins are covered really by the crucifixion of Jesus? Since it seems all too easy to sin in Christianity am I sinning by asking these questions? Are we sinless now that he died and covered them all up? Since he died for everyone without exception do not complicate it by saying his death only becomes meaningful when you are born again and what not, he died for every one period! Am not all together comfortable with the assertion that my sweet babies are already sinners condemned from conception .Through one man death entered,Romans chapter what? This arrangement of things I will always struggle with from the cradle to the grave! Look, just because its written does not make it fair, at least not where I stand. I am only being honest and If that be sin then so be it, are we not all sinners after all. Pardon me; it is just that I have a medical condition of insufficient space in my cranium this is why I need to constantly create more space for new information to come in by asking probing questions. And please do spare me a whole sermon on the mount alaaaa! Never assume everyone knows these things .I am only trying to be a better Christian so that I fully appreciate and really value the death of the man YESHUA. Please do try to make sense as another person may benefit from your explanation. Your Birthday wishes..... May I express my sincere thanks to all those who wished me well on my Earth Day which fell the past week. It is during moments like these that one gets to see who thinks about them and ultimately who really matters in your life contrary to what you may have hitherto thought. It is on these that you need to concentrate and shed the rest, yes drop ‘em like a bad habit as they seem to contribute little or nothing to your well being. News flash! There is more to life than just calling me or worse still beeping me on Fridays for a beer! I do know that this piece may not be received well in some quarters but then this is exactly my point,excess luggage,phew!!! You are jettisoned THUS.Goodness, i do feel a whole lot lighter actually. DIARY EXCERPT FROM MY MANY TRAVELS ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT Entry No.101 By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama

Nothing do i detest more than seeing or listening to a bunch of lavishly draped women wiggling their bottoms to some blaring and ear splitting clutter of sounds of their preferred Congolese tune they have the audacity of calling Rhumba Gospel emanating from some squeaky onboard television or music system . The sheer naivety of these people utterly shocks me because I can clearly see their dancing where waist gyration is by the way the predominant feature, is inadvertently, depicting the sexual act! But alas, they dance for god. All I know is, Saint Christopher, The Patron Saint of travellers is not at all amused by the din you create. The other annoying thing with public buses is that just because they are playing so called ‘gospel’ music my ears should not suffer as the sound levels are always beyond the allowable decibels. For some strange reason there seems to be an unofficial consensus that if the music be religious then loud it will be. The last time I checked I was never diagnosed with a severe case of ear wax problem or inflammation of the ear passageway or what we in the business call auditory meatus . Look, I paid for this bus ride and frankly, I don’t care less nor am I interested in the racket they create so as to evoke the spirits or as supplication to theirs gods to grant them travelling mercies. I think RATSA should re-educate people that music of whatever genre does little or nothing to confer protection to road users. Simply be smart, follow traffic rules and regulations and keep your vehicles in road worthy condition only then can you arrive alive and let me read my book or finish my crosswords in peace, god!!!HAVE THE GREEKS VISITED US? Warning: This is not a dirge. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama The news of JTF’s (How is that for an anagram?) passing has been received by many with a touch of disbelief, shock, surprise, joy (come on, do not be so shocked now, yes, joy!) etc. I will not waste your time by heaping my personal feelings about the whole thing on you. Forgive me for my bluntness, honesty and for being true to my feelings. All I know is I do have a strange over powering sense of well–being, as to whether or not it is due to this incident or not I have no idea. All I know is my eyes have never been dryer; the incident may have even served as a desiccant actually. You may call me heartless, uncivil, un African, weird, uncultured, evil, cruel and what not, for what it is worth, do know this, I do not give it a rat’s ass what you think of me. Who has a direct line to Guinness I may need to get hold of them to reserve an entry as given this country’s and Africa’s obsession with Septuagenarian and Octogenarian leaders we may be infamously making it into their book of world records for losing the most leaders serving or retired in the shortest time frame. Are you up for a mini prophecy from yours truly? Here goes, “Let our eyes be cast down south, as The West may soon celebrate at the passing of an icon, as they clamour to re-take the terra firma in ‘a big stone house’! Prophet of doom you call me? Watch this space! The point am making not being such an expert in presidential deaths and all, what I need are answers to a number of troubling questions. 1. Will Chinyama be the lone pole bearer? Ok this is a bit cruel I take it back! 2. Does this mean our tax payer’s money is gone for good or it was secured some- how? 3. Do we finally get our money back and from whom? 4. How many will genuinely moan this death? 5. How many are quietly not so saddened? 6. How many liked him for the brown envelops? 7. How many envied his political manoeuvres good or bad? 8. How many liked him for his eloquent speeches? 9. How many liked him for his down to earth demeanour and his ability to reach out and connect with the lowly in society? 10. How many liked him because they benefitted from his housing empowerment exercise? We did as family actually mum will shed some tears, I think. 11. Does this mean we have been spared that 4 billion kwacha stately mansion for former Presidents that was supposed to be built for him? 12. What is the implication of his passing on the Zambian political land scape vis-a-vis the coming elections? 13. So will his body be taken round the country as well? 14. Will a mausoleum be built for him as well and where? 15. How many marvelled at his audacity of banking personal money in a government account and getting away with it? 16. How many still wonder why many Zambians who have committed lesser crimes have been jailed and are still serving but some so easily wiggle out of a sticky patch and walk free? 17. Has anyone heard from my brother JV, I do miss him so? 18. How many will seek to make political capital from his death? 19. Do they realise how much of a dangerous tight rope it is to mishandle his passing? 20. How should he be properly moaned? Look, it is tricky whichever way you look at it, it is a classic case of damned if you do and damned if you do not? What must never ever be forgotten however, is this that the man held public office and did what he had to do good or bad but his contribution will forever be indelible and this country owes him some measure of gratitude. We conveniently bent our backs and he gladly rode on us,we cannot blame him much really especially not in his death. We are where we are today because he once lived, he did his duty and he drove us where we are as a country. So then, how have The Greeks visited us you ask? What we read in Greek Mythology is this that, NEMESIS was the goddess of indignation against, and retribution for, evil deeds and undeserved good fortune. She was a personification of the resentment aroused in men by those who committed crimes with apparent impunity, or who had inordinate good fortune. Nemesis directed human affairs in such a way as to maintain equilibrium. Her name means she who distributes or deals out. Happiness and unhappiness were measured out by her, care being taken that happiness was not too frequent or too excessive. If this happened, Nemesis could bring about losses and suffering. As one who checked extravagant favours by Tykhe (Fortune), Nemesis was regarded as an avenging or punishing divinity. (Source: To the grieving family, the sorrow you feel is shared by the country. Selah THE MEANING OF THE MANCHESTER UNITED LOGO By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama This is for all those that may not have taken a closer look at something that has been staring at them in the faces all this time. It is a well-known fact that Manchester United football team is also called the Red Devils. In Zambia there were some circles that raised concern about why they should have a team called NKANA RED DEVILS when they live in a country they think and want to call a Christian nation. The MANCHESTER UNITED LOGO is of interest here. Even as there may be many caricatures of the devil figure worldwide, however the one that has stuck more is the one that shows him having a red face, fanged teeth, horns, forked tail, and wielding a pitchfork. . It is not my business right now to go into what this logo really implies to this team and its supporters because its largely a question of Faith and religious discussions have not really been my strongest point in life. At the centre of the logo one will see the depiction of Satan. I can think of a myriad of questions right now but a few may be in order. 1. Why call yourselves after one of the most notorious figures in the whole of Islam and Judeo-Christian dogma? 2. To what extent has Satan influenced the team’s work ethic? 3. What does all this mean for the many naïve followers or supporters? 4. Or maybe all this does not really matter it is just a name, you are more interested in the football, the rest is irrelevant? Granted, that I may be reading too much into all this, but if we want to be realistic with ourselves one will realise it’s definitely food for thought. There is a bit of information I may disclose but may not be kosher for this forum. I thought this bit of trivia may interest some folks. To know where this rather misleading depiction of ‘shaytan’( which is Arabic for Satan)comes from, kindly follow the link below; Kindly Press ctrl and click on link. THE REVOLUTIONARY RABIES-LIKE VIRUS IN THE ARAB WORLD By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama After taking an introspective insight into the current disorder in the Maghreb and the entire Mashreq regions respectively, one needs to look beyond the mass insurrection and the political mayhem that is happening in the Middle East and the rest of the Arab world in general and ask some probing questions. Here we have been treated to images where, in an act of organized anarchy, the citizens have gone on rampage taking up arms and calling for the unconstitutional removal of their leaders through unconstitutional means. This is why I feel for the preservation of order and some semblance of a certain measure of sanity they needed to be met and repelled with the brute force which was sufficient to achieve this end. Yes, in that typical Machiavellian fashion the end would justify the means. The question however which begs an answer is where were these people when their leaders perpetuated their stay in office? Did they just learn how to count and woke up one morning and said wait a minute have not these leaders over stayed? Did they just realize that they were being badly governed and unanimously arose to call for their recently discovered ‘human’ rights which were hitherto denied them? It is so disgusting almost how they are so naïve and so unoriginal in their actions going about literally copying actions of others without considering their peculiar situations. Please my humble advice to them as unsolicited for as it may be is this that do not be martyrs for no apparent reason just because you have had an excess of cable TV and an overdose of the internet you think you can now die for western values, the fabled 72 virgins have all been taken up and that paradise is but a misleading Shangri la or El dorado! What I would say is that any society which for some strange reason decides to be ruled without any form of constitutional checks and balances or controls which should serve to limit the tenure of office of political leaders just lends itself to gross abuse of power. The age old adage that absolute power corrupts absolutely comes to mind here. After all, it is an innate evil inclination in all humans to want to continue their spell of good fortunes if the environment is allowed to be conducive. We have eternity encoded into our genome. This is why we always think in terms of tomorrow and the future even when it is so uncertain. What was scary is how Gaddafi was slowly grooming his son to take over the reins of power from him. Did the Libyans say their style of governance was not a monarchy? It was open ended and thus lending itself to exploitation. Remember that No man can ever ride your back unless it is bent. For some reason like in many black African countries it seems the gods have decreed that the wisdom of leadership is vested in the hands of a select few who hold an irrevocable monopoly to political office. What I will state with a great degree of certitude is that the contention of Gaddafi and the other leaders having over stayed in office is to say the least laughable. Most European monarchs have easily paled their record of clinging to power. What we do not want to see as a rare breed of radical free-thinking Pan-Africanists and as an Africa arising, slowly asserting itself so as to effectively take up its rightful seat on the table of nations, is have a chain of spineless and visionless vassals to the West for leaders. This world still needs inspirational and iconic leaders who are prepared to confront and repel imperialistic overtures. The global influence of The Brotherhood and other shady entities who are hell bent on extending their clutches and tentacles near and far in an effort to complete their global domination ploy have to be stopped in their tracks. The world needed and still needs Adolf(unapologetically so),Enersto Che Guevara,Castro,Chavez,Mugabe,Ahmedinejad,Brother Malcolm X,H.I.M Emperor Haile Sellasie I,Honourable Robert Nesta Marley,Mutabaruka,Mzwakhe Mbuli,John Lennon,Muhhamed Ali,Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Mahatma Gandhi ,Martin Luther King Jr. et al, all of them intrepid in their own right. Men of valor and impeccable social standing who strongly spoke against injustice and stood for what they believed in despite the cost to themselves. The display of utter diplomatic indiscipline by those serving in Libyan foreign missions abroad when they resigned en mass should be addressed here. What exactly are they saying is their honest reasons for dissociating themselves from a leader they loyally served for 4 decades? If this was not the most immoral sign of self-preservation to avoid reprisals against them then I do not know what it was. So, did they all of a sudden grow brains and realized they were backing a wrong man? They were appalled by the crackdown on protesters so they said. Oooh, please move over! These people who took to the streets of Libya should be called what they really are, anarchists, pure and simple. They were not peacefully calling on the government to discuss changes they wanted made as a matter of urgency. What they wanted was a sudden and disorderly removal of a regime by any means necessary. This is what I find rather disturbing and the West and everyone is unanimously in support of such actions. Is this the culture we are truly advocating all disgruntled nationals to employ whenever they are unhappy with their leaders? It is clearly undeniable that the western powers are not entirely being driven by their morality in dealing with what is happening in the Arab world particularly in Libya. What they failed to achieve through the many years of isolating Libya, they have most definitely found a necessary primer to try again in the current crisis to push this agenda. The rest of black African leaders have been embarrassingly lukewarm in the face of this crisis because they have this almost morbid fear that what is happening is a creeping death of sorts and they reason the best strategy is to keep quite lest they beckon it to hit them even faster. The man Gaddafi has for years been championing the establishment of The United States of Africa which concept was the dream of many Pan-Africanists like H.I.M Emperor Haile Sellasie I,Marcus Mosiah Garvey,Kwame Nkhrumah,Armical Cabral, Honourable Robert Nester Marley et al. Gaddafi has been supported little by the crop indecisive leaders in Africa. Those in the know realize just how the West does not exactly look at the prospect of having to deal with a united Africa as a block with relish.So they would be more than glad to see the back of whoever is seen as wanting to bring this picture to fruition. The blood dripping claws of western imperialism are dangling over Libya like the proverbial sword of Damocles. What if Gaddafi now finds it unprofitable to cooperate with the West in many reform programs? Do they realize what this can do to the man? I cannot wait to see just what will happen when Libya starts to make an audit of who really are their allies in the world after this crisis has boiled over. There is a more pressing and serious nuclear crisis in Japan and the world is wasting time trying to protect those demon(cracy) junkies! How hypocritical, please know this that the Japanese need the world’s help now, they did not exactly develop some rare form of radiation resistance after Hiroshima and Nagasaki! It is yet again another example of how Democracy should be strongly questioned as to whether or not it is the most ideal governance model for all ethnic communities. It has blatantly failed black Africans I can tell you that for a fact. It is a known rarity in Africa for an incumbent leader to lose at the polls. Occasionally, they have actually been known to lose but in a shameless show of defiance they simply announce that they will not leave office nonetheless, or delay the announcement of election results and the next day call for a government of national unity, whatever that means. Let us just swallow our pride and leave democracy for the Greeks and western Europeans as clearly one model does not fit all. Do not get me wrong, as has been seen in North Africa, the modern era of black Africans cannot organize themselves to attain those levels of espirit de corps in a show of unity of purpose in order to achieve a desired goal. They, unlike the Arabs are too polarized into pockets of ethnic groups or tribes and their lack of religious unity does not help matters much. There may be Sunni and Shia Islam and traces of Christianity but overall Islam proved to be a unifying factor and a rallying point for those protesters. When time came for prayers they gathered as an Umma and went to the same mosque, bowed down together and arose together in unison as an impressive synchronicity of a rallying call to action led by the same Imam. Conversely, I know this will not go down well in some circles but some things need to be said like they are. Contrary to Gaddafi’s assertions, the strong Islamic faith among the protesters, made the obvious absence of alcohol and drug abuse at the gatherings have a telling, strengthening and truly unifying influence even more powerful. They matched together, prayed together, spoke one language and aspired for similar ideals. The South Africans, with the help of the international community while spurred on by the undying ancestral spirit of Azania had paid for their current semblance of quasi-freedom in blood to defeat the diabolical apartheid regime. Without having to elaborate further for obvious reasons, I fear for that Nation, the glaring disparity between the rich and the poor may get too unbearable and God forbid they may just attain critical mass and become susceptible to the hydrophobic affliction of Canis familiaris(According to the scientific nomenclature as espoused by the Swede Linnaeas, is the name for the Domestic Dog!) The role that the Gaddafi’s family has played in the near miraculous turning around of the economic future of that country cannot go without consideration. That is how his people want to thank the Colonel? Never before have I ever seen such ingratitude indeed. It is for this reason that even if I may not know Muammar personally but this man will not easily give in to these riotous mob. I can certainly and totally relate with his current psyche amidst this turmoil. He is a true Tuareg warrior who would rather choose to stop a product of copper than leave a country he helped build from nothing almost at the mercy of western powers. Ordinarily you would not catch me dead concerning meself with what these Arabs do to each other. This is because of the way most of them want to distance themselves from being and belonging to Africa proper. I hear one of the ‘african’ Arab countries even applied to be a member of the European union! I say this also knowing full well about the racism that is rife in the Arab world and thus would be the last person to support any individual or society which espouses such sickening isms founded on nauseating ignorance. The lives of dark negrescent citizens of these Arab countries are so difficult because of suffering rampant discrimination and abuse because they are considered misfits for the most part but they quietly bare it. The fabled unity in Islam is but a mirage which quickly fades and evaporates at large gatherings like the Hagi(pilgrimage to Mecca)when Arabs are seen hanging around their kind! Even when most people have permanently committed him forever into the annuls of infamy I on the other hand have a totally different opinion of the man. It should therefore not be strange that I chant Heil Fuhrer Our Fuhrer (Adolf Hitler). What I will forever maintain in accordance with National Socialist dogma is that, “To attain as certain degree of congruence with the Fuhrer philosophy is the ultimate goal of any well-meaning Neo-Nazi protagonist.” – Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama. This even when I very well know the man’s general opinion of people of colour but whose actions has left him immortalized as one of the most influential figures of our modern times because he foresaw what honest and independent free-thinking people are only seeing now. The irony of the situation in the debacle that is Libya is just captivating in a way to say the least. Look, here is a nation and their leader, a man who has managed to withstand the full effect and bore the brunt of western sanctions and years of international isolation thinking he was protecting his people’s interests but which people in a shocking move turn out to be his worst enemies! This is stuff for a paperback clearly. The logic of what am saying may be explained in either of two ways, that is, either am a strong believer in the continued maintenance of an orderly way of life of citizens at all costs or it may be my ugly side of being a potential despot showing its head. What does not surprise me is how the West yet again has been exposed for being the sickening turncoats they have always been. They have always backed these leaders who are being overthrown by their people but saw nothing wrong with them. All in all, as We say in Freemasonic circles, Nemo Mortalium Omnibus Horis Sapit, to the uninitiated you just have to marvel at how Out Of Chaos Order Does Indeed Prevail. The universal truth shall always hold that in matters of governing mortal beings, it is folly to leave them to their own devices. They inevitably need to be guided with a firm hand so as to protect them from themselves. The West like always are hypocritically groveling over these scenes like voracious sharks or vultures hovering over a limping animal to eat their fill in the resultant feast of controlling the emerging ‘puppet’ governments so as to ravage their resources. We all know that the existing political stand-off in Cote d’ivoire begun much earlier than the troubles in the Arab world but in a not so shocking act of hypocrisy they have chosen to focus troubles in lands that have a more valuable mineral buried underground than the cocoa in Ivory Coast. The euphemism they are using is that they want to demon(cratise) these societies so as to welcome them into the community of civilized nations but in actuality they all they want is to usher in a wave of moral decadence replete with all manner of debauchery western style which they will package as freedom of speech, human rights and other civil liberties so as to fashion a country of libertines in the Arab world. They have been quick to condemn the killing of civilians in Libya while they opted to look the other way when the evil Zionist regime in Israel freely and wantonly went about slaughtering the people of Gaza, the Americans still continue to murder civilians using unmanned drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan without having the scruples to criticize these actions and bring the perpetrators to account. If anyone ever had any doubts about how despite his oratory prowess and eloquence sorry I meant his rare ability to read a speech from a teleprompter Hussein Obama Barrack is powerless in the face of the powerful Jewish lobby and The Brotherhood in shaping American foreign policy in the middle east, just yesterday 14 out of the 15 UN Security Council members voted to condemn the Israeli settlements in the occupied territories and west bank as illegal but the Obama administration used their very first veto power and vetoed this vote. So this is the kind of world we find ourselves living in where in a classic example of what I would say in the immortalized words of George Orwell, “All animals are equal but other animals are more equal than others.” These events should serve as a lesson for anyone exercising some form of headship or leadership over any human beings. Do not kid yourself into thinking their silence means they are pleased with your imposed authority over them. They may only be enduring you and one day they will not take it any longer. Like they say in the business, the moral of the story is, Do not take people for granted, they can be some of the most unpredictable creatures on earth! Namakando Nalikando Sinyama Barotse Patriot Barotseland, Central Africa “I tell you a Truth, Liberty is the best of all things, my son, never live under a Slavish bond.” – Sir William Wallace’s Uncle MY LIST OF THE WORST POLITICAL BLUNDERS EVER MADE IN RHODESIA ! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama I am sorry but you may have to put on your thinking cap for this piece as it is inspired by an excess of cryptic puzzles from The Mensa Society. You are more than welcome to have a go at deciphering it and do let me know what you think I am on about. CAUTION: It is only for people who like to excite their cranial department and are good at cracking codes. 1. The Bufo Amphibian or Goliath Frog reducing itself and consequently almost completely diminishing his political clout or influence after his not being preferred by the Double Mike River Mouth Group by forming an ineffectual party when he should have been more patient to join a more established one to propel himself to greater nation-wide appeal. This was when he failed to get the reins of power in the Double Mike River Mouth Group after the untimely demise of our very dear Israeli High Priest tribe and Irish cousin from the midlands. 2. The Brit heir apparent prince Sisutho variant lingo for Incessant Rains, a Barotse National, fancying his chances of ruling Zambia one day that he even goes ahead to form a political party. Though not explicitly stated, but the motive was to ride or bank on his almost default popularity or support base he would get in Barotseland. He grossly miscalculated to do all this at a time when many a Mulozi are expressing deep nationalistic fervor. The pinnacle of this booboo was when during a campaign trail rally in Barotseland he was booed and jeered off a platform and almost roughed up for forcing The Malozi to sing a Zambian national anthem this they resented and proudly bellowed out of their chest and instead sung in unison ‘ Bulozi Fasi La Bondata Luna’ (The Proud Barotseland National Anthem). 3. Double Hotel’s total lack of discernment or failure to learn from the lessons of the Ugly thing in Luyana botched unholy union with the micturition product informalized into a copulation euphemism. 4. Double Hotel wasting his chance at winning/stealing a sizeable amount of votes from a few confused Barotses who would shockingly still vote in Zambian election in 2015 and beyond by failing to understand what The Barotseland Agreement WAS about. He even embarrassingly likens the resolution of the Barotseland Question to federalism. 5. The Regal venomous slithery Reptilian blood lined individual from the boreal campus point, having the propensity for commenting on all matters even those whose full depth he sadly usually and obviously little understands, only to have them explode in his face like 10,000 mega-tonnes of TNT like promising to honor an agreement he little understood the depth of. 6. The ploy by successive administrations to make the issue of Barotseland taboo even to the extent of making even its mention treasonable and as not acceptable in parliament pretty much childish in my books. 7. The total avoidance and removal of the Barotseland Question from the country’s historical background and how their country was founded through meticulously doctored curriculum offered in schools to their children is extremely bizarre. 8. The total inability or unwillingness of the citizenry to comprehend a very basic once legally binding document (Barotseland Agreement 1964,whose abrogation has since been mutually accepted) and its full implication, which unity treaty was the sole basis of their country’s founding. 9. The failure of the BRE( Barotse Royal Establishment)to fully engage all the stakeholders who are part and parcel of greater Barotseland(Encompassed in the geographical boundaries of the Nation of Barotseland) in charting the way forward for the Nation of Barotseland. Their total failure or inability to unite all the activist groups and issue an equivocal statement on their stance to the international community and to their people post-BNC in the form of the State of the Nation address. 10. Zambia continuing to grapple with the Barotseland Question for 50 YEARS using the same techniques of fruitless internal dialogue, intimidation, belligerence, military armament and invasion. What did Einstein describe the process of doing the same thing over and over again but expecting to get a different result? 11. The embarrassing intellectual inadequacy of failing to comprehend what is happening in Barotseland and some people’s inability to differentiate between Secession and reverting back to a previous status of Statehood. Secession is when a group of people in one historically solid monolithic state decide for whatever reason to detach themselves from the rest of the country. This usually happens where there is ethnic division and unequal distribution of wealth and resource utilization. The proud State and Nation of Barotseland only became part of Zambia based on the Barotseland Agreement 1964 which Zambia decided to unilaterally and systematically abrogate by disregarding the clauses enshrined therein. The end result is what we see now; in my humble understanding this is technically not secession. How are they a Unitary State then? Who did they unite with and using what tool as the modus operandi of the union? 12. The failure to realize that the Barotseland Question left inconclusively addressed as it has always been, will FOREVER be there to haunt us up to the 20th generation and beyond. No amount of intimidation, arrests, killings, warn and caution statements will ever prevent the Barotse People from achieving that which was divinely ordained to be theirs, Royal Barotseland! They constantly add insult to inury by always going back to tease Malozi that when voted into office they would help resolve the Barotseland Question and for some strange reason like a cursed people Malozi buy into this cheap politicking by voting for them en masse. How not so shocking , remember The Curse of Sir Mwanawina III whne he was forced to sign the Barotseland Agreement? 13. The perpetuation of a very unfortunate and dangerous ideology and thought that any other ethnic group in Zambia will never ever ascend to the helm of political power. This assertion unfortunately we openly and publicly hear being repeated by the denizens of Zambia as an affront to anyone who opposes their plans and political hegemony. Armed with this fallacious thought pattern many electorates have entered into polling booths to choose their preferred national leaders during their exercise of universal suffrage solely based on tribe and regional origins but not substance of the candidate. The voting pattern in most African countries is regional or ethnic in nature. This happens when certain, but not all, usually or predominantly the less affluent and those of humble educational backgrounds or the blatantly bigoted individuals vote for presidential candidates based solely on which tribe they hail from. Having come to grips with this eternal fact, “ May God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ”Reinhold Niebuhr quotes (American theologian, 1892-1971). The almost unforgivable result of the succession rift in The upended group between Double Hotel and the Ugly Luyana thing was to say the least selfishness on the part of the duo. They did not realize that they had inflicted untold harm on the relations Of the Bulls and the Elephants. The two were, as a consequence, blinded at the potential of uniting or harnessing the south, central, copperbelt, north-west and The Occident into a formidable voting block of great repute taking full advantage of the historical strong bond of cousinship which binds us all. This, when properly done would radically create a paradigm shift in the political landscape of the zedians. 14. The various machinations of state to attempt to stifle the public freedom of expression and the free flow of diverse intellectual ideas no matter how they find them disagreeable. Fond memories of the Grecian’s Agora spring back to my mind where i would have intellectually thrived to unimaginable proportions. What this effectively does is it inadvertently creates a police state where citizens develop a morbid fear of officialdom. The barometric readings on broader or critical issues affecting the general public would not be ascertained accurately if you do not allow them vocalize their discontent. The end result of this strangulation of opinion is that they vent out their disdain and anger in the polling booth when it is too late for any meaningful intervention measures. 15. The blunder by the bearded fair skinned semi-Grecian to leave the trappings of the acme of professionalism at N.A.T.O. Phonetic Alphabet begins in encoded; Scottish product; The Brit heir apparent prince pet name; and lastly O’flahertie Wills Wilde’s forename only to join Double Mike River Mouth Group at its political nadir. Lo and behold he has effectively vanished into oblivion after he headed Zulu Romeo Alpha as CEO. Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Barotse Patriot Barotseland, Central Africa “I tell you a Truth, Liberty is the best of all things, my son, never live under a Slavish Bond.” – Sir William Wallace’s Uncle THE LEGENDARY DISMAL PERFORMANCE OF AFRICAN TEAMS AT FOOTBALL WORLD CUP COMPETITIONS. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Now that the football World Cup is underway in Brazil, it is in order that we all declare our interest as to which team(s) we are rooting for. It is an open secret that I am and always have been an ardent supporter of the disciplined Germans as inspired by Hitlerism. It is not just because of last night but I seem to now have a much softer spot for The Dutch team as well! At this world cup, you will not catch me dead supporting the quadrennial under-performing African teams as they cause us way too much embarrassment as a continent. The individual players only exhibit their true talents when applying their trade in professional leagues abroad. The African individual players seem too muscular for some reason maybe they think this stamina helps them endure the physical exertion. Sadly, it also causes their brain to harden or something this judging from their decision making on the pitch and final execution of moves. Well, news flash, football is not only about physical staying power but more to do with mental and intellectual acumen as well. The Africans should pick a leaf from the way Robin Van Persie launched himself at the ball, while seemingly levitating, defying all known forces of gravity but still managed to think and control the ball and knock it where he wanted it to go. That is, quickly calculating the position of the goal minder and lobbing it over the keeper, paying attention to the trajectory of the ball, his own aerial lift and determining correct point of actual contact with the ball then lo and behold scoring! That was, to me, truly the classic definition of ‘The Flying Dutchman!’ My note to our African players is this that, ordinarily you are not expected to miss when you head the ball for the very simple reason that you are using a body appendage on your own torso, and not on anybody else’s .This body part, the head that is, contains both the aids of sight, eyes, and thought processes (Brain) so use it god damn it! What I have noticed is that when approaching or facing the goal in an offensive effort many an Africa player opt to rely on their obviously superior physique and unleash an undirected shot at goal hoping it will find its way in by sheer virtue of the strength employed even with their head bowed down while they do this. The usual result of this is what we are all too familiar with. It hits into players or just gets ballooned into outer space much to the annoyance of the over-zealous expectant fans. This is not to justify the practice but now you have a fair enough idea where the occasional toss of Musa paradisiaca spp.(Banana) to African players on the pitch comes from. What they little realize is that, with an occasional lifting of the head as they run with ball and checking the position of the keeper and possible obstacles in their way, it may not take that much strength to put in the shot . The seemingly never ageing Arjen Robben from Bayern Munich was particularly impressive also but you may not probably notice this from the many online reviews especially hereon because the majority of the commentary on last night’s game is predominantly coming from the Manchester United support base for obvious reasons. Modern football is more about finesse, technique and team-work. So, when these aspects are well-coordinated this is what delivers on the pitch. There are a myriad of scapegoats that do the rounds after many a shoddy showing at global sporting arenas by African teams. What they need to be told is that we are just about fade up with their never ending shocking levels of sporting ineptitude. What is our latest excuse for not performing as well as other non-African nations? The player’s allowances not being paid or they are not enough? Look, if you are a little thin on resources as a football association go ahead and borrow from Qatar or something but be sure to pay them back while you are at it! The lack of facilities is now a cliché which has become stale and does not really hold anymore. The African players are too scattered abroad so when they are hastily assembled during major competitions there is little or no time for the players to bond or gel properly and be well coordinated. The pre-colonial slave trade generally still has many psychological scars resulting in inferiority complexes etched on the African personality thereby doing untold harm to their ego. When they meet other Nations they have a low self-esteem and this has had a negative impact on their game. However, and unfortunately, probably unlike you, I am not abusing a substance to delude me into thinking of impossible outcomes. Because of my infantile dread for claustrophobia and asphyxiation I will not be turning blue from holding my breath too long that an African team is going to win this particular World Cup either! I beseech you not to get me wrong. They have actually been known to win a few matches here and there but when it gets to where and when it really matters they falter. It will crash your heart to learn that more often than not, they have proven to be rather consistent with their failure to achieve. Before you decide to lynch me, I know this will not go down well with many soccer fans on the continent but, just know that I derive credence for my rather harsh assertion from their proven track record of not improving on their previous showings at these tournaments. Africans should be advised to gracefully withdraw from this competition and re-group. Probably just play among themselves or field one team for the continent so that the shame and heartache they inflict on us is reduced somewhat. The strength in numbers concept clearly has not helped Africans much as the pain ever increases. This is not healthy at all because we can only take so much embarrassment as a people. There is so much pride that rides on these chaps and people with hyper tension are strongly advised not to be overly passionate and expectant even this time around as the picture is bound to be the same. What did Einstein define as doing the same thing but expecting a different result? So, there you have it, I have officially dared them to shame me and win the 2014 Brazil World Cup so that I eat my words! Caution: Just remember though, that, I do not have a voracious appetite for my own words and they usually do not return void. I SHOULD NOT BE ALIVE! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama I have been traversing the Southern route back and forth using MazhanduFamily Bus Service since January of 2008. Having been such a regular patron of this bus, there has been certain ‘benefits’ or privileges that accrue like having preferred seats reserved for me well in advance. I have always been offered the front roll seats when I travel. I have often joked that if the distance I have covered to date on this bus were to be stretched, it might easily run from Cape to Cairo! On this fateful dayof 05/10/2012,keeping true to this tradition, I was given seat No. 2 which is right behind the driver’s seat. All seemed well and relatively uneventful after we started off from Livingstone at about 09:00hrs until at around 10:25 or so at a point 10 to 15 km before Choma, when our bus had a front tyre bust while moving at speed and careered off the road. This sent it hurtling into the nearby bushes where we yet again had a second tyre bust from hitting into tree stumps and a living tree, effectively uprooting it in the process until we came to a traumatizing stop some 100 meters away from the first tyre bust. It is worth mentioning that throughout this ordeal, our gallant driver, though having passed the regulation speed, telling from the breaking distance of our bus, he had his hands firmly on the steering until he brought the bus to a stop. We all know that stories abound where drivers have been known to jump out through the window or in a feat of sudden panic they apply emergency breaks which if it had been done we would certainly have flipped over making fatalities all the more likely. Judging from the bus wreckage,a number of people must have been badly hurt and indeed they were.Some people I sat next to sustained broken limbs and very deep cuts. In the thick of things, due to her instinctive infinite maternal ‘wisdom’, there was a lady who decided to toss her young infant through the back windowof this wildly speeding bus. This infant may have landed head first on the hard ground because she had a soiled head when we later met up with them at Choma General Hospital where we had gone to have our vitals checked and shots of Tetanus injection administered due to the threat of our wounds becoming septic. This poor baby’s neck or spine would have instantly snapped on impact. As to whether or not this was a right decision by her mother, may not be for me to say as I never experienced pangs of labour! Granted that in instances such as these rationality is thrown out of the window, literally! There were people who got badly injured and some could have so easily died, so you will not catch me dead leaping to thanking god that my life was spared and because I escaped with merely superficial bruises on the body, aching spinal column and a severely sore left Gluteus maximus,my head was left in a dazed state from the post-traumatic stress which might explain why moments after the accident I just stood there in a transfixed pose,I am having pieces of glass debris still imbedded into my skin. The only visible reminders of this incident on my person is, that despite the famed hardness of a cotton fabric that denim is, its structural integrity was breached as a hole was made in it near a very delicate part of my body.If only whatever made this impression had moved upwards by a few inches, I would have kissed my procreative ability good bye! There is a deep lesion in my left breast made by some sharp object. If the object had moved just slightly to the left I would have lost a nipple! My lower back is experiencing some dull but telling pain as I cannot seem to support the bulk of my frame as well as I used to. I now have to walk gingerly with a slight noticeable limp. I do not intend to trigger any religious debate but I happen not to subscribe to the common notion of there being a Celestial Ledger where world events are neatly choreographedor orchestrated by the powers that be and where it was ordained that on a specific day this lady who sat next to me was to break her leg in two points!The same way I find it rather utterly inconsiderate of people who escape death in an accident where others have died but they thank God they did not die themselves. This, of course, is notwithstanding the ecclesiastical proclamation of there being time for dying and time for laughing etc. What is fact though is thataccidents do happen and always will to one and all.Some people die and some people survive, some people end up with severed limbs and others come out of accidents unscathed, others are maimed forever others end up only with a mere headache and a version of events to narrate. It is quite implausible that a whole bus could have been filled up with very special people who god wanted to save on this day for some later assignment and higher purpose in life. Whether there is some yet unknown reason why we did not die and others have died gruesomely before is not an area am prepared to delve into just yet as am still recuperating to entertain philosophicalred herrings. Look,going by The Law of a Probable Outcome, the very frequency with which I have travelled that route just rendered me prone to any of such freakish accidents. A number of conditions conspired to make this bizarre event possible. In my opinion, the driver may have over sped well over 140 Km/h,owing to the extreme mid-day temperatures and the possibility of the bus being in a semi-state of neglect, that is,tyres not having been checked or replaced with more road worthy ones made them fail to hold their own against the full brunt of the mid-morning sweltering heat coupled with the traction frictional heat. Sadly, not even Thegod Vulcan could protect us as the tyres gave in to the massive heat generated from the tarmacadamised road surface. After having said all this, what remains to be said is that despite all the whys and wherefores, I have yet again Lived To Die Another Day! THE TOTAL UNDOING OF SOMBER DIPLOMATIC ETIQUETTE - BUCHIZYA MUTEPA KAUNDA’S OUTBURST! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama So, did that really qualify as a befitting tribute in your books? It was to me the worst affront to the magnanimous memory of our Khosa Brother, U yoyange Rohlihlahla Madida. Whichever way you choose to look at it calling, an Afrikaner a Boer (Farmer) in this day and age is a form of derogation which for all intent and purposes was utterly uncalled for. This was supposed to be a time when people should have been healing. Which healing was being completed by the passing of an individual who epitomized the struggle and was himself one of the architects of the reconciliation process and the eventual emergence of what we have come to endearingly refer to as The Rainbow Nation. It was not too much to ask that true and genuine seasoned statesmen ought to have adopted a more reconciliatory posture. The other time it was again the man from the Highlands of Scotland ranting on about something so misplaced and not in keeping with the spirit of good neighborliness. One day, just one day soon my brother, the regional giant will roar to reassert its position on certain pertinent matters and heads will most certainly turn and the Geo-political landscape of Southern Africa never shall be the same. When this happens you will remember that I was not such a Nostra-Dumb-Arse after all! What we saw done was the scratching of a healing wound, the cicatrix covering years of emotional anguish was being painfully peeled off. To me, it was just as bad as a white person calling a person of colour a Nigga (of course not in the manner it is now glorified in this incoherent racket laced with vulgarities they call music) or a Melon in The Deep South or The Bronx. Then you turn around and call them Hillbillies back and see how the men hooded in Bed sheets would get back at you. If you are in Birmingham and you are originally from Uttar Pradesh and you are called a curry-muncher it is really not cool at all. I reckon it is even worse than a southern European (Spanish or Italian being called a Dago twit in New York. So listen people, these are ethnic slurs that are commonly accepted as impolite to use and it had to come from your inspirational leader! Gosh! Did not they teach the very basic tenets of Diplomatic Etiquette and International Relations at Lubwa Mission even as an elective? The other unsung hero of the attainment of majority rule in Azania is Fredrick De Klerk. Granted, that this is highly debatable but it is my opinion nonetheless. Even when the world felt there was way too much pressure weighing in on the Apartheid regime to release Madida , I strongly feel If they so wished, they could have easily chosen to hang onto Madida just a little bit longer to simply prove to the world that they could in a show of revulsive defiance. I do not really mean to demean people’s eternal icons but that ‘speech’ did not really cut it for some of us I may not be a Northern Rhodesian but I empathetically felt like burying meself in the sand from utter shame and embarrassment. It was not exactly the type of witty defiant rhetoric, if that was the delivery that was intended, you know, like one you would have heard from say Mahmoud Armedinajad, Fidel Castro, Muammar Gaddafi , Comrade Robert Gabriel Mugabe, Malcolm El Malik Shabbaz X, The Right Honouraboe Minister Louis Farrakhan or H.I.M Emperor Haile Sellasie I et al . It does therefore go without saying that thank heavens for the adept time keeper, after that nebulous rant, I was gripped with an overpowering sense of ennui. And for the record, I will let you in on a little diplomatic state secret; the ‘speech’ time was not really up at all! It had more to do with the taste, choice of words, tone, general timing and to be honest downright shocking sense of occasion. But then, in retrospect, what exactly did you expect? You were well represented by the best right? How I so miss The Gaffer, starring Bill Maynard, the very best of ITV British situation comedy. He was definitely outdone! FOOTBALL INSPIRED HATE By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama While many a Northern Rhodesian are busy baying for the head of Mamadou Gaye, the much loathed Ivorian Super Sport football commentator, some of us are realistic enough to boldly state that he was for the most part spot on about some pretending champions getting booted out in the very first round of the AFCON. Therefore, for that sporting insight by him, we will always sal...ute his discernment. It does also go without saying that if we are to be really honest with ourselves, after watching them struggle through friendly fixtures, most of us held this view anyway. It is just that a well know aspect of human nature sustained them, that is, to always hope against hope so as to avert the inevitable even when it stared us in the eyes! Listening to his highly corrosive sarcasm and scathing attacks on feeble but pompous outfits in that deep, pigeon or is it creole marred and adulterated accent of his, was something i could listen to the whole day. Certain truths have to be told somehow and sugar-coating them rarely ever improves their biting reality. The latest spin is, look, our fellow group members being Bukina Faso and Nigeria have both qualified to the next round, what this proves is that they were put in the ultimate group of death! Sadly this angle of reasoning may have eluded me totally because fact remains fact; You-Did-Not-Make-The -Cut, period. Brother, have you no shame? OK, we did not qualify even to the second round of the AFCON, let us now focus on winning the World Cup! Am i the only one seeing the funny side of this type of reasoning? For the umpteenth time may you know that god is not a soccer fun, ‘Christian’ nation declaration coming to your aid(zilch!), spiritual and ritualistic appeasement(bathing at the Gabon crush site) do not work at all, well at least not any more. I just feel bad for laying it bare like this for people and inadvertently seem as though I am scratching a healing wound. CAUTION: You are not me, for safety reasons, never talk like this in public (This is only safely managed in the virtual public), people are still going through a process of healing and the natural thing to do is empathize with them. THE BIG BROTHER SERIES OF SHOWS By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama The obvious hand of the Illuminati in this television programme is undeniable if only one cares enough to pay attention to all the signs. It is not just the symbol of the all seeing eye of Horus that gives it away as being the work of people whose motives may not be entirely beneficial to those who have been gullible enough and have the time to tune in. Without seemingly becoming the wet blanket that I am not, may I just state here that the massive intellectual and cultural benefits of this show have completely eluded me sadly. If Africans have now worked hard enough to now pass time watching shows that have no direct and observable value but which do more in contributing to the overall moral decadence of the continent then that is entirely their choice. Just what form of encouragement do Africa’s youth get from this show? What aspect of Africanness is accurately depicted by what you see in BBA show? How are your youth who stay up late nights to watch that material enriched by being glued onto the screen for hours on end? By addressing these issues, I am not in any way declaring myself moral police nor am I constituting meself judge of anyone’s conduct as we all have the right to choose what we can and cannot watch on satellite or cable Television. It is really doubtful to some of us if this social construction of reality that BBA is has any real lasting value to the average thinking and serious individual; for we see it very much as a failed experiment which has managed to occupy the minds of the mediocre. I kindly beseech you not to take serious offense at what I am disclosing to you if you happen to be caught up in this web of deceit and hedonistic show of carnal immorality neatly packaged as reality TV. It is in the end all about choices we make in life and as to whether or not we will be able to live with the consequences of these decisions. What, they teach how to deal with different human personalities and character traits? You find the different tasks they give in the house intellectually challenging and beneficial in exciting ones cranial department? are they teaching and encouraging team work and sharpening leadership qualities in the house mates? Are they trying to foster African unity by encouraging youths from diverse backgrounds to interact freely in a watched closed environment? If these are some of the many illusions you have been living under I strongly recommend you take the Red Pill before it is too late! (from ‘The Matrix Philosophy’ ) Come on! Namakando get off it, you are spoiling it for us. It was already marred before I had anything to say about it, you just did not want to see what was right before your very eyes. I do sincerely hope that even after allowing my children to make their own free choices in life they will not fall prey to these trappings of libertines. Well then, have you not watched the show you ask? Look, the few times that I have strayed off into the living room and the telly happened to be on, and by some freakish chance the show could have been showing and if by sheer happenstance my eyes were not shut ,then yes I could have caught a glimpse of it and that was all really. What I can tell you with a great degree of certitude is that you will never ever catch me dead sitting through that rubbish. If you are eggshells I might have trodden on thee too hard with my rather candid expression of an opinion that I hold dear whether rightfully or wrongly. As for all those who enjoy the show dearly I respectfully encourage you to carry on with my best wishes as these are the liberated days after all! How then are the Illuminati connected with all this? If you read up on their global agenda you will clearly see how the end justifies the means. DIARY EXCERPT FROM MY MANY TRAVELS ON PUBLIC TRANSPORT Entry No.101 By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Nothing do i detest more than seeing or listening to a bunch of lavishly draped women wiggling their bottoms to some blaring and ear splitting clutter of sounds of their preferred Congolese tune they have the audacity of calling Rhumba Gospel emanating from some squeaky onboard television or music system . The sheer naivety of these people utterly shocks me because I can clearly see their dancing where waist gyration is by the way the predominant feature, is inadvertently, depicting the sexual act! But alas, they dance for god. All I know is, Saint Christopher, The Patron Saint of travellers is not at all amused by the din you create. The other annoying thing with public buses is that just because they are playing so called ‘gospel’ music my ears should not suffer as the sound levels are always beyond the allowable decibels. For some strange reason there seems to be an unofficial consensus that if the music be religious then loud it will be. The last time I checked I was never diagnosed with a severe case of ear wax problem or inflammation of the ear passageway or what we in the business call auditory meatus . Look, I paid for this bus ride and frankly, I don’t care less nor am I interested in the racket they create so as to evoke the spirits or as supplication to theirs gods to grant them travelling mercies. I think RATSA should re-educate people that music of whatever genre does little or nothing to confer protection to road users. Simply be smart, follow traffic rules and regulations and keep your vehicles in road worthy condition only then can you arrive alive and let me read my book or finish my crosswords in peace, god!!! . MOHAMMED MORSI OVERTHROWN! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama One cannot help it but see the ugly hand of The CIA and Mossad in aiding the insurrection that has resulted in the recent ousting of a Muslim Brotherhood strong man heading Egypt as President. The Israeli interests were too threatened to allow a prolonged reign of radical Muslims so close to their home. In a rather shocking and ironic turn of events, Tahrir square protests have been covertly utilized to depose a democratically elected head of state. This is so much for the much spoken of hype about America being a champion of democracy. As the only power in a now uni-polar world it is only democracy if it serves their (American) purpose and design in bringing about the New World Order. To the uninitiated, it all looks rosy as they see this event as another show of what a united people can achieve. They have naively attributed this whole incident to People Power again as it was achieved during the ‘Arab Spring Revolutions’ in other countries. I hope the West are now happy with what they have achieved because Egypt is now succesfully attaining that not so enviable status of being a Failed State joining Somalia et al. In Political Intelligence analysis however, we seek to understand the Power behind the Power! So some of us are not exactly fooled by the façade they are presenting to the world. Have people wondered why the Syrian standoff will play out longer than they think? In the end, do not be surprised if Assad still emerges victorious by quenching the unrest with a strong arm of defiance.( And,If you think this coup d’état is going to be unanimously condemned by the western powers like they hastily do in most other parts of the world,I would not hold my breath if I were you .It will be unhealthy on your part as you will just turn blue from self- inflicted asphyxiation! This is indeed a scary time to be alive folks, we need to buckle up alright! The nauseating hypocrisy exhibited by the West of even sitting down to engage the military coup leaders was not at all shocking if one is familiar with their dealings around the world. Now the world should brace themselves for a spiral of protracted violence because in all fairness the Muslim Brotherhood need to fight to the Death to ensure their hold on power is reinstated by any means neccesary otherwise the waters of the Nile will turn red and this time it will not be a biblical curse on pharaouh but with the blood of modern day Egyptians. A TRUE CATCH-22 OF SORTS IMMEDIATE DOWN UNDER! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Even Joseph Heller would turn green with envy at the apt application of the phrase he so naively coined decades ago. Come ooooon Uncle Bob Gaby Gaby! Show 'em just who really is Boss. Until then, am afraid they may have to first find one with an equal Blood of a Revolutionary and visionary spirit of a rare witty leader of our Age. Win it and then ma......gnanimously just identify your successor to carry on the baton of True Pan Africanism which should ably co-exist with the modern dispensation of evil capitalism spurred on by egotistic philosophies of profit at all costs. Your people have survived with you through political turmoil effected and inflicted on them by the despotic western hegemonic rulers. Your people are hard workers, resourceful and thus survivors, they obviously need some form of reprieve from their economic ordeal. This however must never ever come at the expense of National Pride and Identity which is represented by the people proudly owning a piece of their ancestral land. Mutabaruka, which is Rwandese or Burundian for 'The Unconquerable one' once said," Land is Power without it, Life has no Worth." Believe me, we are from Barotseland, and by God we do know what Land is truly worth! Your people must never be shot at for so-called trespassing in the land of their birth by people who own duo-citizenship. Granted, that the path taken may have caused the many sufferings and eventual deaths and break-down of the societal fabric in The House of Stone. These events have no doubt been highly regrettable and to some extent they could have been avoided. We who share his visionary spirit however saw and still see the broader picture of a True Revolutionary. There was collateral damage along the way but my prophecy is this that Time shall come when U Robert Gabriel Mugabe shall be read of in History books as a great Leader! This is obviously sounding quite controversial to armchair critics who know not the basics of Revolution and those that may have suffered and still suffer harsh conditions which they rather wrongly attribute to The Supreme Leader and i mean that in a good way! I can actually go on and on ad nauseam on the subject matter but space and time cannot allow. May the Change that most people require come but it must never happen at the dictate of foreign powers with ulterior motives. Our friends must not be allowed to jump from a frying pan into the fire. Change is very necessary but to what? Do people really think Uncle Robert does not realize he needs to rest? He is to me one of the smartest Presidents Africa has ever had whether currently serving or past. Now you can join me in ranking them and see what you get! Enjoy the exercise .Selah TO BE OR NOT TO BE DREADLOCKED IS THE QUESTION MY DEAR WATSON! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama My concept is this that the presence of dread locks on someone’s scalp actually has a lot to do more with what is in the inside of their heads and not on it. That is, the quality of their thinking, content of their character and their life’s guiding philosophies. You may prove this from the list you can come up with of notable people that are or have been dreaded (as we say in the business) once in history. It is extremely saddening though how some backward societies still think to spot dreadlocks means that you are weed smoking, unprofessional, un-serious, uneducated hooligan and unmotivated!! To the contrary, this fashion symbol is in fact a very strong and powerful public statement that people make and one only needs to sit down with one of these that have genuine dreads to realize the depth of misunderstanding that abounds about who they are as people. By genuine dreads, i mean I have actually crafted a categorization of a myriad reasons why I think people decide to go dread. Although, strictly speaking, there is no such thing as genuine dreads because each person ultimately has a reason why they choose to throw the comb away! To illustrate; 1. FASHION DREADS- Everyone is doing it and it looks pretty cool and trendy, so why the hake not? 2. ECONOMIC DREADS- I may not be able to manage or afford to always go to the salon and the barber shop so… Dread is the way to go and that is how it is going to be! 3. IMITATION DREADS-There are a lot of positive reasons I have heard about going dread so I would like to be associated with them even when I may not completely understand what these are! Please, grow a brain. Can you not be a little more original in your actions? 4. COMMERCIAL DREADS- When I go Dread there are sections of society that take to people with dreads and develop a fondness for them. I will take advantage of them economically or financially once they fall in love with me because of spotting dreads. There is a fad or craze in tourist towns like Livingstone where a certain clique of blokes who strictly seek out white girls and as my observation would have it these guys are mostly in dreads! These have sometimes been the source of the foliage of the cheap and easily accessible now criminalized but really innocent mood altering hallucinogenic palmate herbaceous shrub! You get to see a lot of this in Livingstone where some unsuspecting Caucasian and fairly youthful girls fall for brothers who are otherwise widely deemed to be of humble looks and quite simplistic in their demeanor. If you ever thought you would win the hearts of these females by waltzing your way to them with your perceived sense self-importance and sophistication, you would be disappointed. Some of these brothers sometimes do not remember the last time they came into contact with water. They even develop a rare form of hydrophobia that would make a rabid dog seem like a platypus. There are exceptions to this general rule though because a few brothers are actually very well-tended and are very nicely dressed too. A number of them even hold quite respectable positions in society at their levels. There are those in the entertainment industry who see dreads as the in thing among performers and resort to being dreaded so as to increase their stage presence and appeal among their followers and funs alike. The trouble is in primitive or not socially advanced and diverse communities as Zambia is akin, they would not let you keep dreads and keep a formal job. This is the reason I had to hastily clip me well groomed ‘Crown of Jah’ after varsity as I needed to look for a formal, white collar job. I see this perception slowly changing but we still have a long way to go. Other African countries like South Africa have gone so far and they see this hair style as perfectly normal and is commonly accepted as a beautiful way of expressing the nature of an Afrikan person. 5. LAZY DREADS- I would rather just get up and go about my day to day business every morning without having to waste time attending to my hear and styling it. 6. ‘ANGEL’S’ DREADS- These are dreads you see on the many tramps, hobos and vagabonds walking around nearly half dressed and stack naked sometimes. These so-called mad people are called ‘Angels of Jah’ because of their innocence, purity of heart and the protection they receive from Jah. They pick their food from the garbage dumps but never get sick at all. They quickly attain some mysterious form of immunity from disease that would easily get the so-called ‘normal’ people down in no time if at all they tried eating from the dumps. 7. CONSCIOUSNESS DREADS- These are Sistrens and idrens who are aware and are thus conscious of the history of dread locks and their religious significance. This category includes Rastafarians and those who may not really subscribe to any Isms or ideologies of any religious Order but have strongly opted to take a stand in society against or for an issue they feel deeply about. These are Doctors, Engineers, Clergy, Scientists and other professionals from different sectors. They have then opted to present a personality that outwardly expresses their inner self .These people who decide to go dreadlocked have a personality that is capable of confronting a stereotype and conquering it. They have attained a certain higher plane of spiritual awareness of their innermost being that had hitherto been trapped in a cocoon of self-imposed ignorance and fear of retrogressive societal norms but have now freed themselves to radiate a soul liberated from all known prejudices. This has long been dubbed rebellion against the established social order of things. These have been fearless and intrepid political activists against all forms of injustice and all manner of ills that still plague and mar the societal fabric. This is exactly what I was as a freshman at uni when I had kept my hair long and occasionally in dreads for a specific reason that is! These are a people, men and women alike,from all walks of life who have not fallen for the lies that have been spread for years to people of colour that you look untidy when your hair is in dreads or kept kinky. There is a fight, a sort of, undeclared war against the keeping of hair in a seemingly ‘unkempt’ state by attaching some ugly stereotype and caricature of it being an embodiment of all that is unclean and vile before the eyes of so-called civilized modern society. This has triggered the mushrooming of barber shops at every street corner from every nook and cranny. These have consequently been profiting from this falsehood that anything naturally afrikan is ugly and dirty. During the ‘60s In the deep South of the United States a well-tended afro hairstyle was the in thing then as it was used as an assertion by the oppressed people of colour’s pride in their afrikan heritage to let the oppressors know that, to paraphrase James Brown, we are Black and extremely proud that we are! We are never apologetic about it! What my favourite world’s greatest radical poet, Mutabaruka advises is that we truly need to ‘Dispel The Lie!’ My honest truth is this that no self-respecting Caucasian male ever cuts their hair as short as we Africans do. Unless of course, these Caucasians were of a lower social class, or recently survived a vigorous cancer treatment of Chemo and Radiotherapy combined or were members of some Right Wing Neo-Nazi group of Swastika inked skinheads that holds that, ” To attain a certain degree of congruence with The Fuhrer philosophy is the ultimate goal of any well-meaning Neo-Nazi protagonist.”-Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama. We so unwisely clip our hair even during the coldest months of the year. This has made us look like a batch of cleanly shaven clones of skinheads from a yet controversial Eugenics experiment. The climatic conditions in afrika make it unbearable to keep long hair so you have been made to believe? The other excuse we have been sold is that kinky or afrikan hair is difficult to style and does not look nice when uncombed. This is of course a bunch of tripe, utterly preposterous and stupid. What really is at the core of the matter is what the world has been made to believe Beauty is and in whose eyes it is beheld. But, above all, people ought to look beyond the state of hair and see or reach out to the humanity in people. What, if I may know, drives our afrikan women to be so desperate and dehumanizing to themselves by imitating or mimicking the straight hair of Caucasians by burning theirs or smearing in it some offensive chemicals so extremely damaging to my olfactory abilities? They have even pushed the boundary of low self-esteem and self-perception by wearing the hair of actual dead people all in the name of vogue! This is when I find it particularly troubling. Just how ugly does one feel about themselves to want to walk around adorning some copse’s hair whether Peruvian or aboriginal? I dread to live to see the day my own daughters will want to change their appearance because they feel ashamed of my genes as their father that did not accord them the outward appearance that the world considers acceptable. If one engaged in some pure Chi-Thinking it would be revealed to them that there is a whole lot more at stake than just personal outlook and hygiene of the black African person. They have perpetrated the myth that as an African you look unclean when you keep your hair long. What you will see is that with long hair you will reach a realization that your appearance will be reflecting the true image of our ancient original Hebrew Sephardic Jewish ancestors as Beta Israel. The greatest of who was the man Yeshua, The Christ! Your heritage and connection to this personage has been made nebulous in various copious religious translations of manuscripts and writings and it has effectively been stolen from you. The reality we grew up with as young and radical Garveyite youthmen is that Caucasian hair is incapable of matting into dreadlocks naturally the way that of negrescent or that of people of colour does. We proudly sing that, “we had never seen the image of a bald head Jesus Christ, for we read it in our Bibles that Jesus Christ was indeed a dreadlocked Nazarene! You correctly ask, “When will we learn as Christians not to judge others based on their appearances??? Such un-Christian behaviour and I doubt Jesus is proud of all those who look down their noses at others because of their hairstyle!! This behaviour is indeed shocking actually. But do you really want to know why Jesus would be particularly disappointed? Lo and Behold, he was himself Dreaded! Remember him being referred to as Jesus of Nazareth? He was and is a Nazarite or a Nazarene , who took the vow of the Nazariteship as recorded at Numbers 6:1-5. This vow involved a very strict regimen of dietary restrictions and behavior in society. Although, Jesus himself was by his very nature a revolutionary individual who came and challenged most of the laid down traditions. He could come into contact with the dead contrary with the dictates of the Nazarite Vow. Some of the notable Nazarites in the bible were Samson, John the Baptist e.t.c The prophetic revelation of the appearance of The Ancient Of Days as recorded at Daniel 7:9 will tell you without a doubt the texture of his hair. Wool as we know it is not straight but kinky! I could obviously go on ad infinitum on the subject but time and space cannot allow….. SUBTLE SEXISM OF SWARTHY MASCULINE BOVINES DECODED By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama The following below is an excerpt from the Summarized Version of The ROYAL BAROTSELAND NATIONAL INVESTMENT POLICY 2012 (First Draft) You will, no doubt, find that this is a very nice piece of writing indeed. However, from the very first paragraph which reads, “Building the nation is an activity that is very enormous and it requires every citizen’s participation for us to have a society that is founded on strong laws and policies which don’t segregate any black bull. We have a vision that is achievable and we need to share this vision with all the black bulls." It must be remembered that, SEGREGATE and BLACK BULL are the operative terms here. It is shockingly blatantly oxymoronic in a way; Am I the only one who has picked it up? Let me explain; I know not whether that was meant to emphasize something that we are probably not privy to or what exactly were they trying to say here? The above statement from the Investment Policy repeatedly and deliberately segregates against 'Black Cows'! This might seem funny,trivial, petty to most and hence viewed as an academic argument but to me we appear to building a sexist Nation that is already making the fairer gender feel more alienated. This type of disposition has a psychological effect of influencing the thought processes and behavioral pattern of the resultant society in whose psyche the expression is drummed into. The effect of which could manifest itself in a multiplicity of ways. What I fear, more than anything is when it gets engrained as a skewed mass tendency to isolate women and marginalize them in the struggle for total liberation and the subsequent rebuilding of Barotseland especially when it comes to occupying positions and roles of decision making. This issue is all the more worrisome in that the statement above appears in such a key document as the Investment Policy which should chart the course for our gallop into the beckoning economic future of the Nation where we all need to be equal and dedicated players. Unless, of course, you tell us that you are using 'BLACK BULL' as a generic term like MAN which to me would be utterly ludicrous as we know that all Bulls are Male! It is also zoologically impossible for a Bull to be a Cow. Moreover, as far as I recall animal husbandry has not yet ventured into the area of transgender operations. It is my humble request that I am afraid we may have to come up with a more uniting expression or phraseology to denote the collective people of This Great Nation of Barotseland and not one that calls its citizenry after some testosterone-packed Bovine species! There is a psychological phenomenon which I have coined ‘Reinforced linguistic Operant conditioning’. Not exactly in your classic sense of Skinner and Thorndike, but their ideas and work were the precursors to my line of thinking. The Reinforcement occurs when Black Bull is repeatedly used to refer to Barotses in general. Operant conditioning in Psychology is a process of behavior modification in which the likelihood of a specific behavior is increased or decreased through positive or negative reinforcement each time the behavior is exhibited, so that the subject comes to associate the pleasure or displeasure of the reinforcement with the behavior. The reward the operant gets is an emboldening sense of Nationalistic identity that induces an unexplainable inner warmth for being referred to by a collective term, albeit a terrible divisive misnomer. The reality and what I feel is the truth about its true origins is in the mistaken belief by most traditional afrikan societies that men are actually in the forefront of any struggle. It is but a male-chauvinistic expression meant to exclude the fairer sex as they are deemed more fragile. It is a well-known fact that cattle is a symbol of national wealth in Barotseland hence its appearance on most proposed future National insignia. The Bulls are a masculine symbol of strength and sexual virility even among our many tribal cousins. The most interesting possible explanation for the use of ‘Black Bull’ comes from my early pre-pubescent years growing up in Rural Barotseland when we used to herd cattle. We used to organise animal duels in the plains between villages. Each village would select what they felt was their strongest stock of fighting Bulls. These would then have their horns sharpened with broken glass so as to inflict the most pain. I vividly recall how the boys from each of the villages would return late evening with their sets of Bulls covered in blood gashing from the multiple goring wounds sustained in the plains at the hands of ill-informed savage boys, that was us, then. In retrospect though, now that I know better and steadily on a Buddhist path, I would never imagine myself engaging in this form of inhumane savagery of the worst order. Visions of equal barbarism by Matadors of Spain spring to mind. Anyway, before I digress too much I believe I have successfully made my point. As for the colour of the Bull, it merely makes reference to the legendary rich skin hue of us Barotses who are heavily endowed with melanin.And for all those that may be curious, I am very much male but I felt compelled to bring this issue up and subject it to stringent public scrutiny. You will find that actually the more accurate Anglicized rendering of the full expression ought to be, “ Children of The Black Bull”. This though, is by all counts, a bit of a mouth full hence it is rarely ever used. But still you realize why it is subtle, The Bull surely must have been born from a cow that was once in calf but this biological logic is scrambled in nationalistic fervor. Knowing Malozi as I do, they may come up with some idealistic mythology suggesting once there was only a solo Bull that appeared mysteriously from the watery deep. I just so love the creativity of my people. We clearly we need to fully understand in depth the sophistication of Malozi in order to know them and how they are really wired as a people. I leave you with my favourite words by Alexander Pope (1688-1744) “A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again. Fir'd at first sight with what the Muse imparts, In fearless youth we tempt the heights of Arts, While from the bounded level of our mind Short views we take, nor see the lengths behind; But more advanc'd, behold with strange surprise New distant scenes of endless science rise!” FOOTBALL PARADIGM SHIFT By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama The Hitlerites have this week stamped their tactical supremacy on the European football scene in a very authoritative manner. The outfits from the Fatherland, Deutschland that is, made easy meat of the Iberians like they were not even there. The last two nights UEFA Champions league fixtures further underscored the fact that any ‘team’s’ over reliance on individual players usually exposes their Achilles heel and consequently spells their ultimate doom . This point football managers world over can choose to ignore at their own peril. This psychological aspect has been known to completely kill off self-esteem and confidence of other players or make it remain inert forever without having an outlet. The general belief and expectation is that only a select few can perform wonders and so it stays in those teams. The diminutive Amazonian from the Andes was virtually nonexistent even invisible in the team from Catalonia and believe me this was not for his lack of vertical reach at all. You could clearly see how the Bavarians were running circles around him as they brought the juggernaut in their territory as a unified force without any identifiable solo soldier. They could not know who to pick out and concentrate their resources so as to neutralize the threat. And so it was, a tidal wave came and what we saw was a 4 nil drabbing of an otherwise quite useful side by mainland European standards of performance in football. The Bumble Bees from Borussia as I endearingly like to call them were equally relentless against the Spanish municipal Whites from Madrid. Out of my immense respect for their maverick coach who thank heavens might be making his way to Stamford Bridge to stage a daring come back, soon I hope, I will not be saying much here. Let us just say for now that they made him look, well, not so special but more ordinary than he would have us think of him! In the end I guess this reality check has been long overdue. I can imagine how he must have relished the possibility of leaving Madrid on a high, say with a continental trophy for them to remember him by but alas Dortmund had other ideas on their mind. All I saw was that goal from Cristiano which he celebrated with much pomp only to have it expunged by someone’s solo effort. I but blinked after the half time break only to see the scores which at first sight were unbelievable 4 goals to the Germans against the one for Madrid. In case anyone is entertaining illusions of a possible upset of these first round results in their next encounters, you may wish to know that most of us do not share your optimism. The only down side to all this sporting duels is that permutations permitting, sadly the prospect of an all-German final looms large on the horizon and some of us would rather not have had this outcome. Granted, that the modern generation of Germans would rather discard and completely sever any ties with their past and the immense influence that the Fuhrer has had on their affairs. I do not mean to get historical but what the world should never forget is that these teams are extremely disciplined and are still inspired by age old German values for the pursuit of excellence in all they set out to do. This is akin to the war machine that he(The Fuhrer) put together which made the whole wake up from their slumber which consequently almost caused large territories to be taken over. These virtues are still engrained into their psyche in all they do. This aspect may not have been noticeable to most but it was there for all to see. Look, this is what has given us such state of the art technological aesthetics like BMW, Mercedes Benz, Audi, Volks Wagon, OPEL etc The lesson we get from all this is that just because we are constantly bombarded with commercialized biased television imagery of Spanish and English football leagues does not mean there is no football skill elsewhere in the world. Humble pie sure does have a bitter taste sometimes which makes it rather hard to swallow. THERE HAS NEVER EVER BEEN ANY REPORTED CASES OF CHOLERA IN BAROTSELAND? By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama This was one assertion of that a brother called fact after my earlier submission on ‘Malozi And Their General Hygiene Or The Lack Of It Thereof ’. Whether or not this...... can be collaborated by thorough Epidemic Research Survey findings collected over a protracted period of time is something we have to subject to scrutiny. I will from the outset state that I am no medical expert in any specialized field or neither did drop off from med school or anything of the sort but I will attempt to explain the above phenomenon as debatable as it maybe. Cholera is a diarrheal illness caused by the bacteria Vibrio cholerae. This species is not endemic to humans, and its presence in the human digestive system is not part of the natural life cycle of the bacteria. Normally found in estuary ecology, the Vibrio cholerae bacteria life cycle naturally shifts between various reservoir species such as small snails and crustaceans, free-floating planktonic forms and static forms resident in the silt and muck of the estuary.Vibrio cholera bacteria enter the human ecosystem through a variety of routes. The most common entry is through contaminated food or water.(SOURCE: An acquaintance of mine once lambasted this growing trend among academicians of citing web sites in their former scholarly presentations as not being a commonly accepted practice. I am yet to have some good old intellectual intercourse with her for me to fully appreciate the angle she has taken on the matter. It is just unfortunate that I may never even have this chance though. Since I am not exactly writing for my Post-Doctoral thesis yet, nor am I a fledgling academic, allow me to indulge myself as above. It has been established that wet conditions are a necessary precursor for the spread of the disease causative agent or vector of cholera. The topography of Barotseland proper being generally low lying and set so many meters below sea level which mostly would have made it more prone to flooding . Surely this feature ought to have provided ideal conditions for the spread of Cholera, right? Wrong! What would have been technically more correct to state was that when we were still trying to be legally part of Zambia then courtesy of that Agreement, the Vice-President’s Disaster Management Team may never have constantly blackened our door steps that much because look, where we come from we celebrate floods and they are never viewed as disaster per se. Back to the vibro issue, let us address other conditions we see in Northern Rhodesia which has annually helped them get persistently plagued by this same disease yearly just like clockwork. It is almost an officially recognized and accepted occurrence, which is quite shocking if you asked me! The geology of Barotseland even in times when it receives heavy down pours of rain does not predispose it to conditions that can allow cholera to thrive. The Barotse/Kalahari sandy soils we have will always ensure that all the rain water that falls on it never collect in stagnant pools but percolate and seep through right down into the lower lying aquifers , water tables and under lying bed rock. This rain water even if it did fall, does eventually become part of the hydrology in the many sources of running fresh water in the rivers, streams and brooks spread all across the length and breadth of ancestral Barotseland. It is also a well-known demographic effect of population density that if poor sanitation exists disease will almost always be the inevitable end result. This is not usually true though as can be seen from other densely peopled metropolitan cities around the world. In Barotseland, the general description of our human numbers by head count per square kilometer through a stratified random sampling method is termed as sparsely populated. This amount of people is scarcely sufficient to generate the needed filth to provide an enabling environment for germs to breed. I have always held that the degree of urban conurbation is directly proportional to economic activity. This is what attracts people to be huddled up in a small area well exceeding its carrying capacity. The come to cities in that well known cliché of old ,rural urban drift. The only trouble is that the whole of Barotseland proper is mostly rural so there is no one drifting anywhere to search for which jobs in which industries created by whom? So our numbers are by and large mostly scattered in neat pockets of near predestined poverty. This reality we have to seek to redress and fast. This does remind me of a scientific paper I presented as a child at secondary school on the potential of unchecked population density causing mass deaths as espoused by The Right Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus in his dissertation on The Principle of Population. I experimented with bugs and gooey stuff on petri dishes people Yuck! The only problem is that, Barotseland Proper is mostly rural and has endured years of abject inhuman poverty through a sustained subtle form of economic neglect and I shudder to even think of what I had to go through growing up in rural Barotseland .To think that my kith and kin are still going through conditions of similar and even worse squalor just bites at the inner core of my consciousness. Mine eyes get glazed close to tears just recounting our day to day ordeals of life back home. These facts prove that there is hardly any chance of Malozi generating enough litter and waste or disposed of excess food material as most households sadly lack the financial spending power for them to buy the non-existent goodies that would eventually create garbage anyway. Let me put it more coarsely and crudely and for this, I apologies in advance. It is a well-accepted biological fact that you need to have eaten to defecate. Pardon me if you are fresh from enjoying a sumptuous meal, I did not exactly intend for you to get disgusted to the point of bringing the food back. I just needed to put things into their rightful context. Ladies and gentlemen there is poverty in Barotseland , we do not just parrot it, some of us have lived it and who feels it knows it,lord……singing! It is therefore my humble submission that to assume we have not had cholera in Barotseland because we are generally more hygienic than other people may be slightly flawed. The assertion above by the way, is one that, as I would say in Latin tongue Quod Est Demonstrandum (Q.E.D). We should take heart though for,” Amid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, be they ever so humble, there is no place like Home.” – John Howard Payne. There is a clarion call though silent, but when we meditate it ,we will hear it as loud a Jewish Shofar from our ancestors to genuinely look back home in a way we have never done before and answer the call. We urgently need to prepare for a Renaissance of enormous proportion, may God, Nyambe ni Nasilele richly Bless us ALL! MUSIC AND THE HUMAN BRAIN By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama “Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and quits the ear with difficulty. Magical music never quite leaves the memory.” -Sir Thomas Beecham quoted Lord Booth by ‘My Yesterday, Your Tomorrow.” ... We no doubt all have different genres of music we enjoy, some plain and gentle, some mellow and just and others coarse and offensive even vulgar at times and others exquisitely sublime and heavenly. In order to fully enjoy music a genuine connoisseur is really never that fixated about what genre a musical piece is, for as long as it appeals to their inner spirit then they respond to its rhythm. I do completely agree with this assertion however, truth be told, you will never ever catch me dead walk into a music shop with any reputation to speak of and come out with a copy of some of this racket that we are treated to which passes as music. We must be alive to is the fact that, as shocking as it may be,there are actually human beings who do this and we are forever indebted to the great fashioner of human natures for this diversity of their interests in all things artistic. After having said all this you will perhaps appreciate I have cherished collections of Age, Nature Sounds, The music of The Brave i.e Hard Rock, Native American Chants, Gregorian Chants, Radical & Dub Poetry Yiddish(Jewish)& Arabic folk Tunes, hypnotic Barotse Royal Drum beats. We must however respectfully admit that, for most, their taste is but a cacophony of incoherent unintelligent din. The only consolation is that and this is true, to those who are keen lovers of music, somehow we all have a particular piece or pieces of music we can play over and over ad infinitum but still enjoy them the same way as if playing them for the very first time. I will give examples of a few of the many songs I cannot seem to stop playing back. 1. Zahara’s Loliwe,an eternal ballad sang in Si Zulu. 2. Johann Pachelbel’s Canon in D 3. Giacomo Puccini’s Nessun Dorma ; well ,really most other Classical symphony pieces by great composers just whisk me away to another spiritual plane I never thought possible. 4. Antonio Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons or like I would say in the scanty Italian I picked up from my brief Tuscany connections, ‘Le Quattro Staggionni.’ 5. The Celts and their Gaelic Tunes mostly on flute and Harp. 6. Barotse Royal Drums-Sikota Mutumwa litondo lya linene/ Ngoma ya Lume 7. Mzwakhe Mbuli(The People’s Poet’s) poetic renditions 8. Linton Kwesi Johnson’s Dub Poetry 9. Mutabaruka’s (Which is Burundian or Rwandese meaning ‘The Unconquerable One’) his Agitative Propaganda usually delivered as Radical Poetry. 10. Scottish Highland Bagpipes Etcetera et cetera ……….. The simple explanation is that one may just like the song, period. The truth though, is deeper rooted than that. The inner workings of the mind and brain are more involved than earlier realized. This perhaps is why left handed people using the dominant Right side of their brain have an upper artistic advantage. If you are interested in knowing just what happens to your brain under the influence of music I urge you to read up on this subject matter on ( The personality which we are born with or the one we have acquired or attained because of being shaped by the external environment we find ourselves in has a lot to do with which music we lend an ear to as well. To most, the music they choose to listen to is reflective of a certain mood they are in and it keeps them that way for as long as they want. What I can state here with a great degree of certitude is that whoever we are and whatever we listen to, any music is by its very nature spiritual. I may not be an acclaimed neuroscientist or anything but I am quite curious to know just which parts of our brains get excited for us to respond to different types of musical pieces differently from other people. I will here give an example of situations when a certain song is loved by a surprising huge number of listeners and manages to maintain its followers. Are we to say these people were touched the same way when they first listened to it? Unless you are wired like me and are not afflicted with Herd Mentality and have not thus succumb to the Lemming Hood Effect then you would understand what I mean. If you have had to suffer the misfortune of being born in a part of the world replete with overzealous Christian fundamentalists who are perpetually on a high of religious excess where we get all manner of half thought through explanations for certain physical or psychological phenomenon. From them, you will even get to hear nonsensical talk of certain songs having great appeal because they were composed under the sea by some mythical mermaids! What balderdash indeed, these folks may be abusing substances seriously! I have never done anything because everyone is doing it no matter how strong the urge becomes and i have realized that sometimes I have done this out of sheer stupid pride. The saddest thing is, most pieces of music no matter how nice after they are first released, have been spoiled from being over played to obsolescence. I have, on countless number of occasions, simply kept away from and avoided things that every Tom, Dick, Harry and Jane have taken to like a bear to a honey pot just to be different. I will never be painted with the same brush as my surface is a bit coarser than your average bloke. You may need brushes with wire bristles to achieve this artistic feat. This is exactly what I did when James Cameron show cased Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio as they treated us to that epic romantic nautical disaster that The Titanic was. This apparently also applies to certain movies I find irresistible to sit down and watch over without ceasing. You just cannot seem to get enough of them. So there are Mermen or satanic directors at Holy Wood right? Please get a life! Those who have had an encounter with me know that I am a keen follow of global Illuminati activity and the extent of their reach in influencing events on the planet past and present, but we are now over stretching issues to dizzy heights if we ever started thinking like this. I hope you had sufficient attention span to go through my rumblings which a brother called unsolicited verbiage! Mwiice, I will bring a train on you Mudaala….. WARNING: SIM CARD REGISTRATION EXERCISE COMING SOON NEAR YOU! By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Kindly join me in saying a BIG NO to the current maneuvers of forcing mobile phone service subscribers to register their Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards. I am of the considered view that we have given up way too much of our privacy already. Therefore, this latest intrusion into our affairs is highly uncalled for. Look, just because South Africa has done it does not mean we all must follow suit. This is Africa, the registered SIMs will merely be used to track down people and political opponents who have divergent views to the established body politique. To the relatively uninitiated these are the initial signs of The Illuminati moves of extending their tentacles into your sleeping quarters if they must and these actions are akin to the micro-chips to be implanted into the nape of your necks or foreheads and the upper right arm. What? So they will ask for my blood group as well, eyes color or the arrangement of nucleotides in my Double Helix DNA molecular structure? This is utterly absurd. The concept of Big Brother always peering into our affairs with that Occultist ALL Seeing Eye of Horis is one that needs to be confronted and opposed. Seeing that am not really up to date with the Rhodesian social calendar, I may be behind a little who is doing this anyway, ‘ZONKTA’? As a timely warning therefore, to all those who lacked the good sense and got my mobile number, wasted their meager phone memory space on their humble phones, but have never used it for calling me, I am afraid as a matter of principle this might be the last chance they have of ever calling me. I have chosen to be off any mobile communication if it ever came to this manner of autocratic Corporate Aggressive Coercion. I will officially be heading to being the typical village boy that I have always known meself to be. Folks will cry on and on until the cows come home but I will choose to be without a phone because, like Sting (Gordon Michael Sumner) aptly put it, strangers are listening in to my transmissions! This will very much be in keeping with my much sought after but yet elusive Minimalist outlook on life. These introductions, It has been stated, that without the micro-chip implant for instance it will be made rather hard for anyone who will not succumb to carry out day to day activities especially in global commerce and trade. The American public has had issue with such matters due to that Health Care Bill which was recently signed into Law by Hussein, who by the way,is very much in league with shadowy elements owing to the agenda he is towing. Americans are taking a stand due to their much cherished privacy. Granted, that I have nothing to hide really, but there are certain people and entities I choose to know things about me and that is just the way things are. I recently UN-LIKED Barack on Face Book for the many unfulfilled promises he made to the world. Some of us had way too much hope in the poor guy even when he is poised for re-election, It quickly dawned on him upon taking office that there are far more powerful forces that control world affairs than this Kikuyu man had earlier realized. He is but a marionette on the strings of those that rule the world in proxy! This planet is indeed exciting I want to Live forever!!!!!! selah Kozo, Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Barotse Patriot Barotseland, Central Africa “I tell you a Truth, Liberty is the best of all things, my son, NEVER live under a Slavish Bond.” – Sir William Wallace’s Uncle REVELATION TIME! INFORMATION ONLY FOR PEOPLE WITH CRITICAL MINDS. By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama Few may have noticed this, but who remembers that the SHAPE of the LOGO for RSZ (Rail Systems of Zambia) was actually a Pentagon with a rail track insert drawn in perspective? Do you know the predominant colors of their company logo were Blue and White? Did you know where the people who were running the company came from? Do you know the Occult significance of the Pentagon? Do you know the nation which has The Star Of David as its National symbol and is even depicted on its flag? Do you know that the Pentagon is at the center of the so called Star of David? Do you know that the citadel of American military might is housed in an edifice of a geometric Pentagon? Have you ever wondered why? The Pentagon building is located in Arlington, Virginia, (just across the Potomac river from Washington DC). If you realize that we are living in the days of Biblical Revelations fulfillment, kindly read Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 and think about it for a minute. Do copy and paste this link in your browsers; ( No one now living has ever called themselves Jewish but only the current inhabitants of Palestinian Land, ignoring Belfour Declaration of course! Why these verses are so important to consider is this that these quoted passages of scripture which appear in the very last book of the Bible are revealing a truth which a lot of people have not been aware of. If these be the days when people will have truths revealed to them then we know who the scriptures are referring to ,correct? Are their actions Godly when you look at their treatment of Palestinians? Do copy and paste this link in your browsers; ( The beauty of it all is that it is going contrary to what people may have hitherto known is the biblical truth as to the real identity of original biblical Hebrews/Jews and not those Eastern Europeans immigrants settled in Palestine today. Do copy and paste this link in your browsers; ( Do you now see the world happenings and the events in the Middle East and the world in general in context? Too many people been blinded to certain truths and I feel it is about time you WAKE UP! I find it utterly shocking that you have been in narcoleptic sleep for over 400 years while your heritage has been stolen from right before your very eyes. I know all sorts of adjectives will be heaped on mine head for having had the testicular fortitude of bringing meself to saying all this in an intrepid fashion. I very well know that so-called ‘Anti- Semitism’ has been made criminal in most Schengen countries but is that what it is called now when you disagree with the these people’s actions in the world? Have people developed an almost mind numbing morbid fear of a people self-branded as the apple of god’s eye who have been effectively elevated to the level of demigods? Granted that this expose has pretty much been presented in a disjointed manner but then like I said it was meant for those with critical minds who would sift through the intellectual rubble and get the gist. This material is only for those brave enough individuals who have not accepted to shallow information they have been fed for years hook, line, sinker and rod! DISAPPOINTED DOOMSDAY PREPPER By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama May truth be told, after all is said and not done, there are some of us who eagerly waited for this world as you know it to END! Yes, just fizzle out by any means necessary. We as humans badly needed a fresh start to things and generally in the manner we have been doing things on this planet. This is partly because of the sodding mess we have found ourselves in as a people, and largely because of what has been our experience on this Big Blue Marble that EARTH is. We as the human race really need to engage the RE-SET button for a lot of reasons. If you saw that captivating music video by the Rock group Linkin Park, “What We Have Done!” then you would probably understand why. So as it was, the day came,we awoke to the disappointingly clear azure sky, with nothing ominous about it save for some nimbus cloud hovering the skies which sent a lot of us agog. This soon gave in to disappointment as only traces of them remained and later to have them all disappear after a slight precipitation. We tried to get an overview assessment of what may have been happening elsewhere in the world from cable television only to be treated to images of a bunch of crackpot New Agers gathered around at Ground Zero of 2012 Dooms Day watchers at The Pyramid of Kukulcan at Chich'en Itza in Mexico. They were clad in ragtag apparel while they engaged in some hypnotic humming and ritualistic chanting which almost nauseated me due to the silliness of it all. All in all, if one lesson had been learnt, and it is true it is this that we need to give our Mother, yes, Middle-Earth a little more credit. She has been around for way too long than we have been made to understand for her to just simply vanish for whatever reason. This planet is bound to endure a whole lot longer than earlier thought. This is of course when you wisely choose to ignore even the rantings of religious fanatics or zealots caught up in a feat religious excess about an impending end of the world. What I found really disheartening it must be stated here is how even scientists were also way off in their calculations this time around. Indeed another proof that it does not belong to man who is walking to direct his own steps. The most realistic scenario I orchestrated in my mind about how it was all going to pan out was this that, an over-zealous Netanyahu would get so uneasy and unleash their Zionist nuclear arsenal on the revolutionary Iranian regime as a pre-emptive strike and almost simultaneously cause an already edgy Brother Mahmoud Armedinajad to want try out his hitherto thought ‘non’ existent and yet to be perfected ‘weapons’ which the West still believe no Arab country should be trusted to possess as they are a preserve for the West and other ‘favoured or permitted ’ nations. It would be down-right stupid to do this if you asked me, for look if you suspect I have The Bomb and you choose to bomb me to make sure I do not use it against you! So much for the fabled intellectual brilliance of the Jewry I would say. This is Nuclear Fission we are talking about here people. The resulting Mushroom cloud would trigger a ripple effect which might cause other reactions in neighboring nuclear nations of Pakistan and India. A Synchronized Thermonuclear explosion of this magnitude would release so much energy that there is no telling what would happen to the idle weapons in the former Soviet Republics nearby. The resulting nuclear fall-out would then block out your mid-day sun light and throw the world into pitch black darkness causing untold panic and looting. This , if you recall, is exactly how the Dinosaurs where brought to extinction when a meteorite is believed to have struck earth and a huge dust bow arose which effectively obscured the light from the whole planet and ushering in an Ice Age from the resultant low temperatures. So you see, it was never going to be an inter-stellar or intergalactic, apocalyptic cataclysm of ethereal origins which will cause our own demise as a people. The above scenario if allowed to occur was to me the surest way that this world as we know it would be brought to instant oblivion. It is really sad that a combined Zombie/Vampire invasion has been postponed yet again. This is truly stuff for the box office as I can imagine how Quentin Terantino would have feasted on this event to come up with a blockbuster.