So then Michael, I mean Sata of course, has been invited to speak at Oxford, yes the University. Do not blame me I cringe at this prospect and it is for good reason. This of course, is if he does indeed accept the invite and chooses to go and meet the Oxonians. Let us constitute an ad hoc committee to school him in anger management and diplomacy so as to save face. Those Rottweiler- like tantrums have to be checked seriously. Call me a hater; I will not in the slightest give it a hoot!
In the modern global geo-political landscape there are unfortunately certain basic Pre- requisites in international decorum and etiquette necessary for individuals who aspire for high office. In one of my favourite quotable quotes it has been said that every generation of citizens of any given country deserve the leaders they get. And these leaders are a fair representation of the average calibre they feel is worthy to lead them forward to prosperity or damnation whichever the case maybe. Alright, alright I may have added a few lines there! But the point still remains that , It is really sad when people’s only choice of leaders is from an insufficient sample space because other brains are ethnically excluded thus leaving an unrepresentative electoral process skewed by a carefully crafted and nurtured generational propaganda machinery which has spewed falsehood resulting in dangerous hatred for others. The result is ending up with nothing else but near dregs as choices of leaders who unapologetically publicly and persistently display uncouth behaviour. They become the last resort for political redemption in the face of repulsive tyranny which is fostering hegemonic power. I cannot bring myself to imagining certain crop of so called leaders addressing the UN General Assembly in a coherent speech without uttering some intelligible gibberish. It is quite a great shame even am when am pretty much apolitical meself . For most of us some folks just do not cut it as deserving leaders in our books period! We are never going to stoop so low,the standards shall never be compromised to those extents. So am I judging them? You are damn well right I am! This generation deserves far much better that what is dangled like the proverbial carrot. This situation as Sting (Gordon Michael Sumner) once said, it’s indeed a classic case of “the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea behind me!” If you think this piece cryptic thus did not make much sense because it was encoded I would not blame you!
I may be ill advised in saying this in public but here goes ,as and when I decide, rather ethnically unorthodox, to take the step of making that agonising trudge to the local mohel I will do the weirdest thing I know. I will be armed with a vial for drenching my prepuce in formaldehyde and forever display it in me sleeping quarters.
Ooooh gosh if it is not the minimum presidential qualification deliberation re-loaded! Without seemingly resurrecting this debacle of a debate which seemed to have gone on ad nauseum, let me just state a few things. For all I know only a few of us ended up on the losing side of this deliberation. There was way too much muscle in support of the other camp which vehemently sought to outlaw the qualification clause. The now defunct NCC weighed in and threw it out of the constitution review process much to the jubilation of the zambian populace. What my position was contrary to most was that it was a misnomer to even call it the degree clause. It should have been referred to as a minimum qualification clause for the office of the presidency.
I have very fond memories of the leadership acumen of my late grandfather, Mr. Macholola, that gallant Barotse leader who served in the Great King Lewanika’s army. But then for all his wisdom am afraid I would have been the last person to support his floatation as a possible worthy candidate for president to lead any modern country into the 21st century and beyond. The demands of this modern age are too much and he would not cope. I loved him way too much to lose him due to some stroke from over exerting himself at the office. I give up, I guess in the end what it comes down to is what standards are ready to set for ourselves in our leaders. The late great Joseph hill of the Culture fame put it this way, “ Babylon you jump outta of a frying pan into the fireee!”
Sorry again folks, that MC in the title is not Michael Chilufya what not, am not all of a sudden afflicted by the same morbid obsession with SATA like Chaanda Chimbala’s (or whatever name he answers to) Stand Up for Zambia programme. To the uninitiated that stands for Male Circumcision. It has been hailed as the newest weapon at the battle front of halting the spread of the dis-ease that is HIV/AIDS (anything that causes you to be UNEASY is a Dis-Ease, did you know that is the linguistic morphology or how the word was formed?) Except am a wee bit uncomfortable with the reasons zambian men and the rest of the medical fraternity are advancing as justification for men to be bared by severing their penal-dermal extremity! How is that for a whammy to all those that seek to deconstruct my basic lexicon appreciation? Come on folks am sorry but you may just need to keep up. As the Yanks would say, this train aint waiting for no bady! You have to get circumcised to prevent the contraction of HIV they say, now is this from their wives or from elsewhere? Have we as a society completely given up on the preservation of admirable virtues of marital fidelity? Have African women just accepted that their men will almost always fool around due to their run away libido and resolved that when they do stray they might as well have some form of protection, of any form? The truth on the ground is, due to the cloud of doubt surrounding the efficacy of this prevention method these men still go further to use condoms or at least that is our collective hope. Come now, with almost all sense of feeling completely deadened, why even bother to engage in that sensual gratification exercise? My advice is as unsolicited for as it may be, look you might as well cut a short piece of a bicycle tube and slide it down onto the erectile tissue of the phallus for good measure.
by Namakando Nalikando Sinyama on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 12:08pm
Thanks you ever so much for all the Easter wishes people. Now, where is that wretched bunny? Before you go on to call me names from what am about to say and ASS-U-ME what you think i am and what am not, which you must understand would effectively mean you are making an ASS out of U and ME! Granted that JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS, and his death covered our sins. Now, these same sins were they the ones we are alleged to have been born with or the ones WE had when he died (For those who are old enough to have been present then) or the ones WE ARE going to commit in future (Sounds like an except straight from a Sci-Fi block buster-Talk about futuristic sins!) Which sins are covered really by the crucifixion of Jesus? Since it seems all too easy to sin in Christianity am I sinning by asking these questions? Are we sinless now that he died and covered them all up? Since he died for everyone without exception do not complicate it by saying his death only becomes meaningful when you are born again and what not, he died for every one period! Am not all together comfortable with the assertion that my sweet babies are already a sinners condemned from conception .Through one man death entered,Romans chapter what? This arrangement of things I will always struggle with from the cradle to the grave! Look, just because its written does not make it fair, at least not where I stand. Am only being honest and If that be sin then so be it, are we not all sinners after all. Pardon me; it is just that I have a medical condition of insufficient space in my cranium this is why I need to constantly create more space for new information by asking probing questions. And please do spare me a whole sermon on the mount alaaaa! Never assume everyone knows these things .Am only trying to be a better Christian so that I fully appreciate and really value the death of the man YESHUA. Please do try to make sense as another person may benefit from your explanation.
by Namakando Nalikando Sinyama on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 2:52pm
A ZAMBIAN DAILY TABLOID/NEWS PAPER HEADLINE RECENTLY READ: CHILD BAROTSE DETAINEE DIES IN POLICE CUSTODY AS GOVT COP SIKWA... Haaau Bo Mukulwange Bo Namakando M'eembe,Even if the aim was to stress the age of the victim please note that that was wrong english i think, it should have read,BAROTSE CHILD DETAINEE DIES IN POLICE CUSTODY AS GOVT COP SIKWA.... You need not be so desperate to paint them in bad light.These people do not need help they seem to be managing it quite well by themselves. A wise old adage goes, " A man headed down hill does not need pushing!" They are succesfully plotting their own down fall quite well i must say how so shocking. Look up 'The Lemming Effect' if you please. "To those open-minded, independent thinkers I wish to help free you from the blithering barrage of bovine excrement dished out by the lemming masters." - Dr. Albert D Pastore Phd
by Namakando Nalikando Sinyama on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 5:56pm
In the modern global geo-political landscape there are unfortunately certain basic Pre- requisites in international decorum and etiquette necessary for individuals who aspire for high office. In one of my favourite quotable quotes it has been said that every generation of citizens of any given country deserve the leaders they get. And these leaders are a fair representation of the average calibre they feel is worthy to lead them forward to prosperity or damnation whichever the case maybe. Alright, alright I may have added a few lines there! But the point still remains that , It is really sad when people’s only choice of leaders is from an insufficient sample space because other brains are ethnically excluded thus leaving an unrepresentative electoral process skewed by a carefully crafted and nurtured generational propaganda machinery which has spewed falsehood resulting in dangerous hatred for others. The result is ending up with nothing else but near dregs as choices of leaders who unapologetically publicly and persistently display uncouth behaviour. They become the last resort for political redemption in the face of repulsive tyranny which is fostering hegemonic power. I cannot bring myself to imagining certain crop of so called leaders addressing the UN General Assembly in a coherent speech without uttering some intelligible gibberish. It is quite a great shame even am when am pretty much apolitical meself . For most of us some folks just do not cut it as deserving leaders in our books period! We are never going to stoop so low,the standards shall never be compromised to those extents. So am I judging them? You are damn well right I am! This generation deserves far much better that what is dangled like the proverbial carrot. This situation as Sting (Gordon Michael Sumner) once said, it’s indeed a classic case of “the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea behind me!” If you think this piece cryptic thus did not make much sense because it was encoded I would not blame you!
by Namakando Nalikando Sinyama on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 1:49pm
Ooooh gosh, if it is not the minimum presidential qualification deliberation re-loaded! Without seemingly resurrecting this debacle of a debate which seemed to have gone on ad nauseum, let me just state a few things. For all I know only a few of us ended up on the losing side of this deliberation. There was way too much muscle in support of the other camp which vehemently sought to outlaw the qualification clause. The now defunct NCC weighed in and threw it out of the constitution review process much to the jubilation of the zambian populace. What my position was contrary to most was that it was a misnomer to even call it the degree clause. It should have been referred to as a minimum qualification clause for the office of the presidency.I have very fond memories of the leadership acumen of my late grandfather, Mr. Macholola, that gallant Barotse leader who served in the Great King Lewanika’s army. But then for all his wisdom am afraid I would have been the last person to support his floatation as a possible worthy candidate for president to lead any modern country into the 21st century and beyond. The demands of this modern age are too much and he would not cope. I loved him way too much to lose him suddenly due to some stroke from over exerting himself at the office.(Hint) I give up, I guess in the end what it comes down to is what standards are ready to set for ourselves in our leaders. The late great Joseph hill of the Culture fame put it this way, “ Babylon you jump outta of a frying pan into the fireee!”
by Namakando Nalikando Sinyama on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 5:47pm
Sorry again folks, that MC in the title is not Michael Chilufya what not, am not all of a sudden afflicted by the same morbid obsession with SATA like Chaanda Chimbala’s (or whatever name he answers to) Stand Up for Zambia programme. To the uninitiated that stands for Male Circumcision. It has been hailed as the newest weapon at the battle front of halting the spread of the dis-ease that is HIV/AIDS (anything that causes you to be UNEASY is a Dis-Ease, did you know that is the linguistic morphology or how the word was formed?) Except am a wee bit uncomfortable with the reasons zambian men and the rest of the medical fraternity are advancing as justification for men to be bared by severing their penal-dermal extremity! How is that for a whammy to all those that seek to deconstruct my basic lexicon appreciation? Come on folks am sorry but you may just need to keep up. As the Yanks would say, this train aint waiting for no bady! You have to get circumcised to prevent the contraction of HIV they say, now is this from their wives or from elsewhere? Have we as a society completely given up on the preservation of admirable virtues of marital fidelity? Have African women just accepted that their men will almost always fool around due to their run away libido and resolved that when they do stray they might as well have some form of protection, of any form? The truth on the ground is, due to the cloud of doubt surrounding the efficacy of this prevention method these men still go further to use condoms or at least that is our collective hope. Come now, with almost all sense of feeling completely deadened, why even bother to engage in that sensual gratification exercise? My advice is as unsolicited for as it may be, look you might as well cut a short piece of a bicycle tube and slide it down onto the erectile tissue of the phallus for good measure.