By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
Do not argue with me find someone else to advise as well or better still simply look the other way.
With most opinion Polls generated by Pollsters( Who have been terribly wrong before about Trump against Hillary lest we forget) showing that he seems to be trailing against Biden by a couple of percentage points, it all shows or seems to point to the fact that he may be headed for a crashing Defeat to the Democrat Biden this coming November. Something would have to give.
This advice therefore,is premised on this apocalyptic scenario. Why would a Trump defeat be such a scary turn of events for Humanity you ask? More on this later.
In the Machiavellian manual of Political stratagem in State Craft we have seen how elections have been decided or swayed in several ways. We do know for a fact that, staring defeat in the face some regimes have engineered situations that have served as necessary distractions from the coming polls or provided situations that have given a losing sitting Leader an opportunity to turn the public perception of them around. We are sad to report that even Wars have been know to have been started to achieve this very outcome and innocent people have lost their lives in order to keep or sustain someone's Presidency. We have heard how in some parts of the world Markets have been gutted and innocent people have been gassed in trying to falsely implicate their rivals, Mass Sporting events or entertainment activities have also been used to manipulate the general public and distract their focus on more pressing scandalous issues in the land cetera et cetera.
This is what we in The Business call An Event. It is all meant to Create or Shape Public Opinion. It will perhaps surprise most to learn that, it could well have been the jus ad bellum that was behind 9/11 sacrifice to Moloch. This may earn me a reputation of being a silver foil hat wearing Con head but all the facts on the ground do point to that very conclusion.
Well,as it turns out, as tempting and as appealing as it may seem for the bloodthirsty Cabal ,it does seem a little too late for Trump to trigger any conflagration anywhere in the world since his foreign Policy direction thus far seems to be pulling all or most of existing American Troops abroad back home from where they had been deployed to engage in pointless and senseless wars that have been of little or no strategic importance,thank Heavens!
An alternative approach or option left for him and his Administration is to do the extraordinary and untraditional. After all, it is a well accepted Maxim that Desperate times call for equally Desperate measures!
For all of Trump's bohemian nature, perceived misogyny or unorthodoxy in the running of State, one thing people must realise is that he is not completely stupid! The ties he has forged with Russia as discomforting as they may be for the Democrats have made him both a Threat and a target for manipulation by the Shadow Government. Talk about that handy multipurpose tool in your tools box.The Military Industrial Complex and the Global Cabal may have a thing or two to worry about with a Putin allied Trump still in the White House after November. Their time line for implementing and unleashing planetary Evil courtesy of COVID will be set back some what as these two Leaders has seen through the whole Plandemic chàrade it is not even funny any more!
In order for The Trump Administration to turn around their political fortunes they may consider trashing the State Secrets Act and make some earth shaking revelations about the Crime that was 9/11. Tell the American people what really happened and they will be sick to the core when they find out what was done to the American people.
He seems to be on this very trajectory by already hinting at spilling the Beans that Seal Team 6 may not have killed Osama Bin Ladin after all. That statement is itself quite ambiguous in Nature. It may have meant that some other ragtag outfit hastily assembled killed him instead or the more bone chilling implication which he actually driving at, as conspiratorial as it may come out to be to the uninitiated is that, Osama may actually be at some exotic island somewhere seeping on coconut juice right now!
When I mentioned this to a group of people I shared an afternoon with only yesterday, they rather hastily dismissed it saying Trump is just a Neo-Nazi nut head hell bent on tainting all of Obama's so-called 'achievements'! Unbeknownst to them though ,there is actually more at play than they realise or than they have been let to believe. Who even buries people at sea anyway? Are people really that stupid not to see through the lies? All these Things are what Vladimir Putin once equally threatened to reveal at one point because the Kremlin does know a thing or two about what actually happened.
How then would revealing such things help Trump in November you ask. Well, unlike the disclosure of your catacombs of Tunnels under the Zambian State house which were dug by some nondescript Yugoslavian company, those above events in The US represent everything that is wrong in America which partly credited Trump with victory against Hillary as he promised to truly drain the swamp and go against Washington and how it is run. The 9/11 debacle happened under a Republican presidency but the Osama Raid was under a Democrat and Biden was the second in command. If he is exposed as having been part of a lie and the subsequent cover up then the bottom of Democratic election bucket falls out! Is Trump truly that crazy and desperate to pull a 'cheap' stunt like that? Well, all I can say is that, do not under estimate his 'abilities'.
Why would a Trump defeat be apocalyptic for Humanity? Well,it is oft said that there is Power Behind The Power in those United States and I suppose just as there is everywhere else in the world really but non more so evident than in the country of the Stars and Stripes. This is basically in reference to the mystical or mythical unseen hand that has an overbearing influence on the affairs of the Global Order. They have been known to facilitate victory for candidates who they see will be pandering to their whims and dictates. This perhaps was what The Very Right Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan from The proud Nation of Islam had in mind when he aptly said," Our Brother Obama was Not Elected but Selected".
Have you noticed how Trump was literally arm twisted into wearing a Mask when he had hitherto vowed never to do that? Did you notice how he was dead against Fauci and all the people behind the Plandemic but was made to quickly turn around? Have you noticed how the Pro-Democratic News Media corporations like CNN have been blatantly biased against him by embarrassingly bashing Trump at every turn for his stance on the PLANDEMIC and have been promoting illogical mandatory Mask wearing even by healthy people and whipping up fear mongering machinery for the coming mandatory VACCINATIONS of Humans. That is the Democratic Agenda! This they will do even if it means injecting Trump himself with Flu spores so as to make the world become more amenable to the COVID fallacy hence that not so believable bout of influenza Trump supposedly had which was meant to break him so that he appears to have succumbed and capitulated to their machinations. They(The Cabal)apparently have such an inflated ego which does not take kindly to being publicly put down, demeaned and embarrassed by a stubborn Leader of the free world. America is a Symbol of Global Freedom so having itself under their Thumb is a highly Symbolic as a victory scored and a prelude to more to come.
The Global Elite will only keep Trump in the White house to the extent that he remains useful in the furtherance of their Plans for Humanity by resetting the Global Economic Order using COVID as their Special purpose vehicle of sorts.
It was during the last Trump Hillary Election that we brought to the attention of world that endearing and heavily pregnant philosophy of The Hegelian Dialectic. Well, it may be coming round full circle with this election in November. While there are many Nations and Climate organizations bruising their knees praying Trump loses the coming election, there are equally a lot more Interest groups that see a Trump defeat as threatening to their very existence, literally! One thing is for sure,the Knesset may be having sleepless nights holding crisis meetings as we speak running simulations and algorithms trying to figure out what their precarious position in the Middle East will be like without a Trump on their side. Tel Aviv may not have such an ally in Biden to look away as they criminally go ahead with illegal Settlements in the occupied territories as an Apartheid State, their posturing against Tehran which has not discounted the possibility of a preemptive military action against their Nemesis Ayatollah Nation so as to derail their acquisition of The Bomb,that Peace inducing Device which creates a stabilising effect through a phenomenon called M.A.D (Mutual Assured Destruction) that Gordon Michael Sumner (Sting) called Oppenheimer's Deadly Toy. Now you know exactly who or what Trump meant when he said he has very powerful invisible Allies who support him!
There are those who see a Biden victory as being Obama 2.0 a perpetuation of the unholy thing in the White House. They see Barry technically running the show again in a third term of sorts. This they cannot stomach and will stop at nothing to ensure it does not happen again. It has not helped matters to have the septuagenarian Biden pick Kamala Harris, a woman of Colour as a running mate. Look,let us face it,White America is worried sick that should the unthinkable happen like Joe choking on a morsel or something and no one is on hand to administer the Heimlich maneuver,The US will record yet another first, first Woman,who just happens to be Black shall be President! Other Country's Constitutional provisions are that clear cut and cast in Concrete. It is not like in Banana Republics where they would be thrown into a panic clamouring to see all How that clause should be interpreted and understood when it has always been there in the highest Law of the land but some how the whole Nation and its citizens are dunces who cannot read and comprehend simple English and intention of the Crafter's of their Constitution they always need to refer everything Legal to their Constitutional Court for interoretation . Roll of the eyes! Accompanied by a typical Barotse Nyota for good measure.
This is one prospect the Rednecks are not exactly looking forward to with relish. Perhaps,now you have a fair enough ideal just what is at stake come November. If bringing Kamala on board was meant to gain support from the Black Caucus it may not have helped with the blight of Biden's voting record on Race Relations. His choice for running mate may actually backfire.
This, therefore, points to the fact that, for all his tangential over night tweets,his stubby fingers(generally perceived to be indicative of lack of intelligence) as he gesticulates in making a not so coherent repetitive point, the World Does ironically need a Trump in the Whitehouse at least for the time being in order to deal a death blow to all the schemes of the Global Cabal who are determined to strip Humanity of their civil liberties at a scale never before seen in living memory. Trump and Putin have truly been the bane on the minds of Globalists. These two have frustrated their intentions to completely overrun The Global Order. They remain Our only Hope for now.
My advice to Trump is be steadfast, we can overlook some serious personality flaws if you can save us from the hand of The Evil Cabal hovering over Our heads like the proverbial sword of Damocles as they use the PLANDEMIC to microp Chip and inject Humans with Mandatory Vaccines. An enemy of my Enemy is my friend certainly does hold true.