Saturday, December 21, 2019
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
How the '7-0 Loss' to Algeria was but a prelude to more troubles to come.(I know most of you did not get to watch the Game, So before you rather hastily correct that score line to 5-0, like it is any better,do know that, unbeknownst to most, 2 other goals were only narrowly ruled offside)Yeah,go right on ahead and choke on that,it was actually that bad alright! So,if you are a pessimist with a hyperactive sense of imagination, you are free to extrapolate the scoreline and round it off to the nearest possible margin to rub in a dire situation of the dwindling Zambian footballing fortunes.)
The idea as we see it is this that,some known people are inciting key players to rebel or plant seeds of discontent within the Camp and divide it so that all remaining Games are lost in order for the Citizens to start baying for the 'Blood' of Kamanga's Administration to be sucked to pave way for known former Administrators. The hitch is ,the current Administration have the full backing of the architect of 'Wako in Wako' Ideology , the once former Soccer Fan No.1 Who,at some point, as it happens, might be pulling more strings than one at even higher levels of more serious non Sporting Administration of Country.
All this scheming by the Anti-Kamanga camp will obviously prove to be a tall order but desperation is so high that they may even be banking on an all out, countrywide insurrection by the Football loving citizens which could potentially trigger protests calling for the removal of the current administration even if it means shaking the buttressed support base the Kamanga Administration already enjoys from the higher echelons of Real Power. Herein lies the danger you see, it is exactly here where they need to tread very carefully as the whole plan might have National Security ramifications which are too dire to contemplate. It is a well known Socio-Anthropological phenomenon that there is no activity on the Planet that unites people in this country more than sport,even Religion does not come close. We are all familiar with the expression 'Football is Politics' and this is even more real with what is currently happening. The trouble with meddling in Football administration to this extent is that the people might get so agitated with the Football and before the powers that be realise it, the crowds would have Attained enough Critical Mass and their anger would effectively blur their reasoning and thus get channeled elsewhere in keeping with the logic in the adage, " When The Banner is unfurled , All Reason is in The Trumpet." This highlights the behaviour of an excited mob. It would quickly turn ugly as it may no longer be about the football anymore you see. This incident would prove to be a fissure for the crowd to now vent out their years of pent up and bottled anger at everything they see wrong with how the country is being generally run. What may start out as mass expression of displeasure with football Administration could so easily cause an all out degeneration of Law and Order,consequently into the total break down of Social Order potentially triggering unrest to the levels of Compton and Brixton that would shake the political landscape as we have known it to its core . All it takes is a priming spark to trigger an avalanche of sorts that can invariably erode years of gain in infrastructure development. This kind of Human behaviour is all nicely choreographed in the book ," The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. " By Dr. Erich Fromm.
What we, as independent observers need to address is something I have always struggled with, that is, to establish the direct real link between Football Administration and the existence of Actual Talent among your crop of players. Granted,that in administration you talk of things like motivation of Coaching Staff and The Players, Player Selection choices,Finding the right Coach and paying them well enough to produce required results, Team Selection, Scheduling Fitting Football Friendlies in Pre-tournament preparedness, Team Fitness, Calling dispersed players plying their trade abroad in foreign leagues into Camp early enough to enable them gel well together with the local ones to ensure on the pitch cohesion e.t.c However, with humility ,people need to sometimes come to terms with the possibility that you may actually not have what it takes to challenge for high profile competitions on account of your skewed nature of constituting your so-called 'National' Team which has effectively narrowed the pool of talent you have to choose from. This is a topic for another day.
Which Player have we heard has stormed out of Camp? This is not infinitesimal Calculus whose knowledge you need to figure out what is really going on behind the scenes,you can surely connect the dots.Which is the invisible hand controlling some players like a marionette on strings and to what end? We may not yet be privy to the ins and outs of Camp or the goings on at Football house but it is clear for all to see that there is trouble in 'paradise'. What is true though, is that, if they are to restore their country's Sporting Football Pride to its former Glory Days( Bruce Springsteen), an urgent shake up is needed before the damage becomes irreparable. What is also true is that, things cannot go on as Business as usual any more. Have you no other Administrators who can offer their services even in an advisory role. You really do not have to topple the whole administration. If you mean well approach them and hope they would not be too proud to listen and implement suggestions from various quarters. Which ever way people want to look at all things Football in this Country, Time has Come to Call for a National Indaba on the Sport since you do not want to do the same for more serious things like the Economy and addressing Contentious issues in the Political landscape that need levelling. You will never catch me dead talking about Bill No. 10, No Mining in Lower Zambezi, Electricity Imports, State of the Judiciary, Secretive Contraction and Expenditure of Foreign Debt without Parliamentary Oversight and Approval,The Nature of Appointment of Constitutional Court Judges and its effect on their ability to impartially discharge their duties, Public Order Act, etc These are all things that have been 'Happily allowed to happen and exist by the citizenry, so I find it largely counterintuitive to merely talk about things you are not really serious about and actually willing to see Changed so as to actively participate is challenging the status quo.
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
The Creationist(Biblical) Account and The Evolutionist(Scientific)Account both miserably fall short in explaining this Question.
If it is indeed true that the Post-Diluvian dispensation( Do contrast this with The Royal Ante-Diluvian Order of The Buffalo,R.AO.B,this is much deeper stuff) There were No other Human survivors on the Planet after the Flood save for One Man ,Noah, his Wife and their Three Sons(Ham,Shem and Japhet and each of their Wives) making a total of Eight (8) human souls on the Planet to survive the Flood. As it allegedly happened,are we to gather then that, it was ultimately from this remnant stock or Family that the entire Human Race spawned or reproduced and repopulated the Earth? Would Noah,the Albino Son of Lamech (Book of Enoch 105:1–3) explain away the eventual appearance of other Races on the Planet since there were only Black People on the Planet as Scientists have now confessed and proven? Noah's being born with White Skin frightened his Father because they were themselves Black like their Fore father Seth before them and his father Adam, the first Human being on Earth. Noah's Father Lamech likened his Son's appearance as being that of The Sons of The Angels . Angels you see,were copulating with Human females since there are only Males Angels, with normal regularity to give rise to Nephilims, who we hear were Giants . Was it all Nephilims who were giants or it was only some of them by virtue of the circumstances of their birth? If they were all Giants, then why and when did they become smaller and what caused them to shrink to normal or regular size like other 'normal' human beings? These Nephilims are the ones Noah looked like in his features but there is clearly no record of him having been a Giant. Noah's appearance,was unlike the visage of his parents ,for he was born with White Skin,Long hair and beautifully Radiant eyes that shone with blinding light. Therefore,this incident to me, was a turning point in our effort of trying to finally understand the True origins of the races and one that should be given some degree of greater focus in our endeavour to unravel this mystery.
Sadly, though,the Book of Enoch quoted above with these details is not considered Canon and is kept away from circulation precisely because it contained details that The Church authorities feared would reveal the True appearance of the first Humans. This gives you an idea of just how much more has been hidden away and the degree of doctoring that was done to the material you now read as 'truth' in the Bible that they deemed fit for you to know.
The current Intra and Inter Species variations cannot and have not been adequately explained as being due to differences in Climatic Zones or Diets in that on going struggle between Nature versus Nurture and whatever has been profered is largely inadequate. This is because,as every Geneticist would tell you, Like Begets Like unless there occurs some rare genetic aberration which often times is usually recessive and never dominant to enable it exert itself on subsequent Generations in a Population and alter its phenotypic composition permanently. This is the Restorative Quality of the Species in Nature. Our very basic understanding of Evolution as the change from primitive life forms to very complex ones at a molecular level or the more extreme Post Darwinian version which has been interpreted and latched on by those with Racist inclinations that Black People are the missing link between Humans and other Primates has served as the sole basis for our total rejection of the theory. Even if it were given Billions of years,the Theory of Evolution,I am afraid to say, does not really hold in my world. To this, add another one of science's most ridiculous explanations of how Life appeared on the Planet,The Absurdity that is The Big Bang Theory.
If people have been so gullible as to believe this story of the Flood Survivors Hook,Line,Sinker and Rod without so much as subjecting this Biblical narrative to the most basic logical thought and enquiry, then, I truly find it sad. We have been so casual by Living Our lives as if everything made sense. No Scientist or Religious scholars have adequately explained the True origins of the Races and the very emergence of Life on the Planet to my satisfaction. Are we expected to just ignore everything as normal? Fortunately though, I am not one to simply look the other way.
How could a single Couple, Man and Woman (Noah and His Wife)being of whatever Race eventually give rise to all the races we now see today with all their diverse features? Since starting this enquiry from Adam may have been some what demanding and largely daunting, this is why I opted to start from of one of the more recent purported events with far reaching implications that potentially reshaped our planet by pressing the Reset button on our numbers and composition as a Race. What good would it do to know all this? Why not just live our lives....forge global unity and sing kumbaya ,right? Well,wrong,that is where you and I differ, I was never quite cut out like that. Certain things ,I believe truly need to make sense unless we accept them as mere fables and allegory. In which case, they need to have been categorised as such. The first step towards true unity among the Races will only come about when we understand where each of us came from then respect and appreciate Our various origins for, to naively accept that we all came from the same source borders on the most stupid and highly dangerous form of casualness and naïveté that threatens the very continued existence of the Human Race.
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By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
This long overdue decision has been received by many Revolutionary minds as one that ought to have been made a long time ago. It is therefore, for this very reason that, some of us are not really overly frenzied about it because we have always known an Immutable Universal Law that,"You can not Fight Nature and expect to Win." What has just happened here now,ha actually been happening in many other progressive countries for some time now and comes as no surprise at all but is a natural progression of events and one that delayed Humanity from benefitting from God's bountiful supply of Natural Plants with multiple Human uses. Without having to say too much on the subject, especially seeing that enough has been said already, it is almost making my head ache from reading it all. I will not stoop so low as to even address or drag in the usually narrow and naive Blinded Religious view that it is unchristian. I have had just about enough of chaps imposing their social mores on the Globe on all matters, it is even making me nauseous, Pheew!!!
If they want to protest it ,they might as well direct their protestations at God who makes it(The Plant) grow so lushly and makes it available to one and all and lends itself for use in various applications.
We all seem to understand and appreciate the Industrial Applications of Weed or Marijuana or the byproducts of any of its cultivars but it is the medicinal use that may need some bit of light shed on it. I have however, noticed that there is also a great deal of confusion and misinformation as to what has really been Legalised in Zambia. Simply put ,it is Marijuana Growing for Industrial and Medicinal Use by people or Companies who have a Permit or License which has rather shockingly, been pegged at a mind numbing Quarter of a Million US Dollars($USD250,000.00)! Some chaps,for some strange reason want to muddy the waters and have dragged in issues of Hemp which has not been mentioned specifically in this Legalisation ruling Declaration since it is only but one of the many products or uses that exists or is extracted from this multipurpose Plant. While appreciating the views of those that have always hated the plant for usually unsound reasons, like their abhorrence of the RASTA Community due to their perceived nonconformist or 'Rebellious' Nature against Authority but that we, in the know, simply Call Consciousness and their supposedly unkempt appearance, this Legalisation move has, in a way, actually totally vindicated many such people that have always seen this Plant as having some immense Social Economic potential. The International convention on narcotics stipulates that a country growing marijuana should only export 25% of its total production. So, what happens to the 75%? Do we have capacity as a country to consume this 75%?
Globally, the RASTA Farian Movement has been a foremost proponent for this Policy move hence do not be surprised if they burn the incense to commemorate this as a Spiritual Victory for HIM to have finally opened their Third Eyes to have the good sense and courage to finally do the right thing. The ever Wise RASTAs, who are the remaining vestiges of Global Wisdom and Custodians or Protectors of Mother Earth that have long since used it and campaigned for its eventual Universal legalisation in Song and Dance before the so-called conventional societies wizened up or awoke. In Zambia, we saw the emergence of The Green Party, a Political Party formed under the very genuinely able Leadership of the ever analytical Revolutionary, my Elder Brother Mr. Peter Chazya Sinkamba to specifically champion issues of Environmental Protection with Green Gold( Marijuana) as one of the/main products it seriously feels needed to be given due attention because of its potential to economically contribute to the fiscus.
This ,for me, is wherein lies the Catch 22 scenario of sorts. The enforcement of this ruling, I find to be replete with a Multiplicity of Challenges which I will attempt to break down. From the outset, you will no doubt agree that, there are a number of questions that now beg to be critically addressed without prejudice.
Are they now going to be Customising Illnesses for this Plant or Drug to Cure? Human beings suffer from different Health conditions and no one has the Right to dictate which Drug to use to remedy them. Unlike your regular Conventional Medicines,where you depend on a medical Doctor to prescribe specific cocktails of Drugs, Marijuana is technically a Plant or Herb which possesses an inherent chemical substance THC( Tetra HydroCannabinol) with Psychotropic Properties and has medically been proven to offer relief for a number of conditions. This Plant has been around for Centuries and if someone tells you that ,from their own experience,the health Complication or condition they feel or have been battling for years requires that they ingest Marijuana either by eating the leaves or Smoking it and they always feel better when they do this ,who is to deny it to them? Would the Doctor's Hippocratic Oath allow such people to be denied access to this Plant ? If someone was to be found peacefully sprawled away on the lawn in sheer abandon in a Public Park puffing away on a mega busting spliff because they have been battling this excruciatingly painful itch under their left ingrowing Toe nail and they told you that a few long puffs of freshly ground dried leaves of this Naturally growing Plant without any artificial chemical additives,rolled up in a rizzla soothes their Pain without taking your regular pain killers ,would you arrest them in light of this Ruling? What if they told you they have been surviving on it or doing this for years, would you arrest them for 10 to 15 years and take away their medicine and impose an alternative Hospital remedy on them which they may not even afford?
The would be patient may have always known this fact and thus does not require any Prescription from anyone to tell them what to take or the quantity of it to ingest. I believe, this use technically qualifies as medicinal , albeit, self medication in pretty much the same way people easily get Panadol, an analgesic for their pounding headaches,which they make readily available in their Homes. It defeats logic and common sense to go to a clinic when you know that Weed will have the same effect as the panadol they sell. Common sense will also tell you that ,in order to have such quick remedies readily available, people might consider growing a plant or two in their backyard. Will this kind of use,since it is medicinal as well and thus now Legal, equally require a $250,000.00 License?Would it be in order to arrest them for 10 Years simply because they have been found in possession of a quantity more than the set threshold of what is prescribed as being for personal use and consequently deemed Trafficking? With this Growing License, will the Drug and Psychotropic Substances Trafficking Act or Clause now be repealed or modified to include or exclude those growing it under License?
It shall not make sense for the medical fraternity to suddenly become authoritative and impose a List of Illnesses or conditions for which they alone can prescribe a Monitored and controlled dose or Medication with Sensimilla. Who feels it, knows it and if people do not want to incur huge medical Bills for some conditions, will they be Arrested for wanting to cure themselves cost effectively or cheaply with this now Legal Plant when grown for medicinal use? Who will be dictating what is Medicinal and what is Recreational? While taking it for medicinal purposes, are they somehow, going to magically inhibit it from having its accompanying Psychotropic side effects or the patient will have the good fortune of ,' Having the cake and eating it by enjoying both the plant's Curative and Recreational High inducing properties? How sure are they that people will not now be feigning illness to have a spliff of their long known 'Cure' for their long known 'malady'?This is how Herbs like Marijuana and others have helped some people while others take them for the High it induces as it calms them down and to a large extent helps them cope with Life's anxieties and the never ending pressures,does this not Qualify as medicinal? Who is to say?
Those of us who have had the good fortune of growing up in the village know that whenever we got sick,Our very Dear Grandmothers simply got hold of their hoes and headed into the nearby Bushes to either dig some Roots or harvest some leaves to come and Pound for us to be steamed in or ingest and, Lo and behold we got better. This is how The Great Spirit through its infinite wisdom and divine providence kept us alive to this day. Now you should make his Natural Herbs he so lovingly made available for Our use illegal because you want to promote the Profit motive by the capitalistic money hogs. We did not have to enrich Big Pharmaceutical Companies by buying their Drugs which eventually become poisons to Our bodies with their continued overuse. For the record,this is one of the very reasons the Legalisation of Marijuana has been fought against for so many years because of the relief it offers for so many human health conditions that require their expensive Drugs. It has been deemed as an existential threat to their Business Profits and very continued operational existence. The other headache they have is how they cannot patent it since God somehow makes it grow so Naturally without the need for their expensive inorganic Fertilizers or Insecticides and it is accessible to all even the very poor communities. They do not see how they will make their Billions from it as it is not likely to be made a prescription 'plant' anytime soon. The wealthy Corporations involved in the manufacture of these drug poisons are non too pleased with the current wave of Global Consciousness and Awakening towards its blanket Legalisation.
The Legal fraternity may need to equally brace itself to be inundated with technical legal precedences after this Ruling from handling cases of people who will be arrested for using Marijuana for medicinal purposes. To expect or demand a $250,000.00 Growing License for a Home remedy of an Innocent shrub growing in your backyard is ludicrous and illogical.
All in all, I believe this is the picture that the policy makers needed to have exhaustively brainstormed on and made abundantly clear to the general public. They should have had the interests of The Poor Majority in mind when they Legalised this Plant and included them in scheme of things like the Value Chain to ensure their active participation in the economic space and not to suddenly turn around by still continuing to issue threats of arbitrary arrests from the use and possession of what you have already Legalised. A hallmark of progressive societies lies in their ability to evolve and embrace new ways of looking at issues and not just copying and pasting things or blindly complying with your Donors who were funding your Drug Enforcement campaigns but have themselves since turned around to think more progressively to Legalise that which you still persecute your own people for using while they make quantum leaps in Research and Development of medicines and Industrial by products or materials from this plant.
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
I have always argued against the currently existing name for FRA for a more correct rendering of this State entity responsible for ensuring the protection National Food situation which is rather erroneously called Food Reserve Agency when its operations point to it being better known simply as Maize Reserve Agency. Look, let us face it, in as much as they might want to claim they are equally involved in the buying of Cassava, Millet or Rice and what not, that scale, if at all it even exists, is insignificant. FRA is predominantly, sadly only concerned with the Buying of Maize cheaply from Poor Farmers who Grow it expensively, and are stopped or barred from Exporting it to neighbouring Countries at a higher profit because this would substantially empower them,which , as it happens,is not really the intention of the powers that be as this will cause too many farmers to be empowered by having enough money to take their children to school. This, as it happens, is not the outcome they envisage or look forward to with relish. They would rather be the ones to possess the Monopoly for exporting the Maize they did not grow and not openly account for the proceeds from these exports.
Imagine how much sensible it would be if FOOD Reserve Agency actually meant what it is supposed to mean. That is,them Expanding their scope by being actively involved in the production of everything we call Food in this country and depend on as a Nation. Fish, All Grain Crops and not just Maize, but including Vegetables crops, Livestock etc These are the things termed Food which we live on and FRA should be interested in their maximized production. This entity should have been empowered to oversee the production of all these items from the field to the Plate. Even the Maize that they Profit from, is it not shameful how they do not even care how much suffering the Poor Farmers go through to grow this Crop but simply want to buy it off them at a seriously disproportionate and laughably lower price than the actual Cost of production. They should have been involved in the Seed, Fertilizer and Crop Pesticide and Extension service Supply Chain. Although,the down side to this picture is perhaps that it would inevitably make the price they buy the Maize from the Farmer even way cheaper thus making its production by the farmers become even more meaningless.
The envisaged establishment of MRA or its variant WRA( Weed Reserve Agency) is for the active actual empowerment of the Locally existing Farmers and the many folks who will eventually be inspired to take up farming as a viable industry given the recent Revolutionary Policy shift to Legalise the Growing of Marijuana for Industrial and Medicinal purposes. The suggestion here is to have who ever is interested to get involved in the growing of this Cash Crop do so by making the License affordable and MRA be the up takers from the Citizens and then MRA guards it and exports it to which ever Country that will use it for whatever purposes Industrial,medicinal or Recreational and then the realised Foreign Exchange fed back into the National Coffers.
For once ,let us be serious as a Nation,no one can Smoke a whole field of weed! To prevent a scenario of having a High or heavily stoned citizenry, make the price for buying off the crop good enough and people would rather make money to spend on other things than get High on their own Supply, en masse! This would ultimately cause a Nation to be full of Citizens with an extremely elevated Consciousness and this might be deemed too threatening to the overall National 'Security' as the powers that be would rather continue with the current scenario of having a heavily sedated,malleable and pliable and Docile citizenry who see everything as A OK and Normal without ever mustering the courage to challenge the Status Quo for the betterment of Country. This,you see, is another subtle reason why Marijuana had been contained world wide as it has been feared that the self Awareness and assertiveness levels it induces would be potentially disruptive to what they consider Social Order. It is almost like the fable of that Plant in the middle of the Biblical Garden of Eden where you were told never to 'Eat' from as your Eyes would surely open! An epiphany has just hit me, what if ,it was not really an Apple in the Garden but this very Plant? I know this seem like some what radical revisionist Eschatology but hey, anything is possible but then, this is a subject for another day. This Plant is way too versatile to be just an ordinary Plant.
The direct involve of a Government entity in this manner will ensure that the revenue generated stays in the Country to develop it. You cannot seriously allow any foreign Entity, who are the only ones that will afford your exorbitant Growing Licenses to use your Country to grow this cash crop and cause Capital flight after they make their profits from your land to go and invest it in their countries. Or this aspect did not occur to anyone? Make the License affordable and Let the Citizens create Cooperatives to grow this crop at expanded levels of production and sell it to MRA. This model is laughably simple, it is actually almost shocking why it was not considered.
The question that begs an answer is, how will the National Maize Security be impacted with the advent of a new kid on the Block, Marijuana? How would government inspire people to still think it is worthwhile to grow Maize when it is a no Brainer that Weed will give them more money? Which farmer in their right will continue expensively growing maize on a commercial and for what? What we must realise though is that families will be surrounding mountain of Weed in the evening to live on, that would be illegal? What if it is their family medicine? There will still be need to have maize for Livestock Feed..... Why would farmers still continue on the Maize path though, what will be their motivation? If or when farmers ditch Maize as a crop the impact on other sectors will be severe and the Nation can only suffer adversely.
Whatever direction we choose to head in as a Country, one thing is for sure that ,I hope the Policy Makers realised that this Policy directive is a radical Paradigm shift and Agriculture as an industry has literally turned on its head and we can not carry on as business as usual. This Plant,Marijuana that is,is why too serious a Cash crop to allow it to be embroiled in your mediocrity of Maize Production and Marketing. We need to engage Think Tanks to come up with workable Value Chain Models so that we can maximally profit from it and not allow allow it to degenerate into the FRA Debacle or circus. By the way, when I say WE should benefit I mean, including or and especially the ordinary Citizens!
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
There has been a lot of raving reviews and sentiments aired to Congratulate the New Office Holder and the Appointing Authority for what a number of people feel has been a long overdue bold decision to have taken. Some people have gone as far as saying the predecessor should not be paid his December salary because he spent most his free time beating up people instead of working,which is of course silly right? This is pretty hilarious if you asked me but it is really not in anyone's place to call for that. On the other hand ,there are others who cannot completely come to grips with what has happened and feel it is too good to be true but still want to make sure it has really happened. They have gone further to enquire about KZ's actual fate as they see him to be too sensitive to be simply thrown out in the cold like that. They claim CIA 1 is still a big enough fish by any measure as he knows way too much to be easily cast by the way side like that. There also those who are extremely apprehensive and feel that KZ might be whisked away into the Shadows to serve in some secret arm to still further his craft and manifest as a Political Ventriloquist and perfect the art of double speak and make a number of Public statements with tongue in cheek. There are some that fear he is still a huge indispensable asset in the field that he could simply be redeployed to handle the coming Big One in the year of the proverbial Perfect Vision plus One 2016 style with even heightened vigour and aggression, for make no mistake, it will truly be a make or Break event.The recently released caricatured images on canvas of him represented as a Shadow Republican President did not help his chances of still keeping his job as it represented ,to me one of the worst and last throw of the dice in his tarnishing the image of the Presidency which some quarters thought he had effectively captured. This proved to be one affront Eagle ONE could not take lightly and is actually one I thought may have bordered on Satirical Treason as it insinuated he had been 'toppled' in a sense. Then came the litany ear splitting, hardcore X-Rated Kopala alphabetical obscenities or rantings of unprintable epithets amidst groans that almost made my ears bleed from a gentleman calling himself Joe Coloured as he received a thorough pummeling from supposed KZ goons.
Even as I write this, I very well know that these are not people to mess around with as you can easily be 'Cleaned Up' by them at their slightest infuriation with anything you do or say about them that they find not too pleasing. I will be careful in walking this tight rope so as not to inadvertently step on any of their toes too firmly. It will perhaps shock you to note that, there are even those who already feel they will miss the endless scandals from the Plot 1 Big wig as they do not expect any such drama and juicy scandal coming from that direction anytime soon. This because it has dawned in me that Zedians are literally sustained on Political and social drama. There some who even needed to first enquire whether KZ would be at Chita lodge in Kafue before they could attend any weekend social functions there as they feared for their safety while others may have actually become genuine fans of the 'occassional' goings on there when he is around and thus have lamented his ejection from public office as he ironically,may have actually contributed to the patronage to that establishment as there were people who looked forward to setting their eyes on him due the clout his exuded like that of a Rock star. This was the KZ Effect on business volumes to that place for which they were not even paying him. There is even some extremely hilarious memes we are now being treated to online that are comically suggesting that KZ's house has officially been added on the Load Shedding schedule after his dismissal. All crazy funny stuff if you asked me.
Notwithstanding,the obviously brilliant résumé that Mr. Zumani Zimba has managed to garner under his belt, it is important that even before all the dust finally settles on this turn of events, we put things into some perspective here. A number of youths feel glad that one of their cohorts has been given a chance to serve in such a dignified high profile job and hope it is a start of more such appointments to truly deserving and patriotic Youths. There is the majority that are now urging The President to initiate a total purge of his Cabinet and rid it off some named office holders who people feel have souled his name and will prove to be excess luggage going into the coming big one thus should be shed off in earnest. They derive confidence in suggesting this from the fact that the sacking of KZ came as a result of increasing public pressure ad outcry. Little do they realise though that,in the fullness of time ,though it might take long, The President acts on his own clock and he cannot be arm twisted or rushed into making a decision over anyone or anything.
We know not exactly to what extent they may have foreseen the positive effect this move has had on the Presidency as an office which has finally been seen as having the unction of appointing such an unblemished and raw individual and ejecting one deemed so vile. What we all need to realise though is that, in Life No one is ever completely good and we are all never Completely Evil either.
True to this immutable universal Law, we have already started seeing the unearthing of some quite candid Online seemingly anti-Establishment Political views that Mr. Zimba has shared over the years which have made some of us even wonder whether he was fully vetted before he was appointed to that job. Be rest assured though, that very little ever escapes 'The All Seeing Eye and All Hearing Ear ' of The Presidency hence I doubt they never knew what opinions or views that man holds but His Excellency still went ahead and appointed him. Here is what this action clearly immediately says about him,The President that is,He has opted to take the Moral Higher ground and ignored everything that may have been discovered when Mr.Zimba's Personal File was brought up for review and opted to see his potential to serve The Nation. The President has displayed the highest level of Political maturity by reaching out across the aisle of Political Divide of divergent views and brought I some one who may not always agree with his decisions and governance style. What value would have been in having a vassal or Yesman by his side? It also shows that, as the Head of State, he is extremely tolerant and allows or promotes Freedom of expression and he is not vindictive and is largely accommodative of divergent views.
The other important Lesson that we should learn from this incident is that, as people who aspire to someday hold or occupy positions of authority and influence in Life, we seriously need to be more mindful about what we carelessly say online as it might come round to haunt us one day when it is dug up and may spoil our chances of Connecting with our destiny through facilitated Social, Corporate or Political mobility. This should however,not be the case in a perfectly Democratic environment where Freedom of Speech is not only Allowed but Constitutionally Protected.
With this expression of magnanimity,The President has certainly done his approval ratings a world of good . We are yet to see though whether this is as a direct result of KZ having been truly that bad a person or Mr. Zimba being such a blue eyed intellectual marvel that he has been celebrated or made out to be. We still need to be alive to the fact that He still needs to be Baptised by Fire or prove himself by experiencing,handling and being thrasted into the highly Volatile and and combative Political Landscape replete with Real life Drama that requires him to be thinking on his head and not dealing with virtual scenarios in the lecture theatres of academia.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
Granted, that I may not be Herr Sigmund Freud's Great Great grandson or a psychoanalytical expert to arrive at the above diagnosis but all the evidence points to it. It should also be appreciated that it is hardly in my place to comment on how you conduct your Business but Since this matter has been escalated all the way into the Bedroom, may be it is about time that things are put into a little more gripping Contextual perspective just to sort of highlight the sheer absurdity of it all. Do people realise that, according to the 'Holy' Laws of Zambian Nature, a Hand Job is also a transgression,Yes,just as touching oneself to achieve the Big 'O'( Onan Style) either as a Stress relief strategy or merely a pass time activity to prevent the affliction of some cheap, now since discontinued Accounting Courses(NutAche) or Blue Balls or Drilling for Oil,( because at that particular moment, one has not a willing consensual participant in the exercise. Do you actually realise that even the good old Fellatio and Cunnilingus of and with your partner is equally an act deemed against the 'Holy' Laws of Zambian Nature and thus effectively punishable by Law? This could well then, technically mean that, even the Oriental Aphorisms in Love that Karma Sutra is could well be illegal since the different modes of sensual expression of Love between partners deemed untraditional may be frowned upon as unnatural or Anti-Zambian as only the Biblically ordained Missionary posture during sessions of erotica is what is acceptable as Kosher. You might want to brace yourselves for a possible Law empowering a yet to be created Conjugal Police. Knock,Knock!!! It is the C.P, What style is that? By order of so and so,tonight you are hereby reminded of the Position you must assume as decreed by the Powers that be. You may find this a rather cynical and exaggerated scenario and one that misses the point. But,what exactly then is the Point,if there be any at all? That all the other vices are alright and should be condoned or not spoken against openly but a whole nation can descend on other people's method of Sinning when yours is fine and kept secret and never criminalised? Why does not Higher Level Corruption of Theft of Public Resources become Non Bailable and Punishable by Firing squad? This would make more sense in my Books. As regards this much ado about nothing really, concerning which portal or orifice is used to attain sensual gratification between partners whether Linear or nonlinear, just speaks to people's shameful pettiness and total lack of priorities on matters of greater import. This is why some of us have since concluded it to be nothing more than a laughable distraction that has been employed just as it is clearly explained in the CIA Book of Dirty Tricks pretty much the same way that Sports events have been and are still being used to sway the Citizen's attention from Critical National issues that deserve your Intellectual energy and input when there is too much pressure bearing down on a regime. It is little wonder we are in the mess we in because of a total lack of serious Critical thinking and interrogation on important things in Life. While you burn your Midnight Oil and Candles on both ends over what other people's Choices of a Sexual partner are, Constitutional Amendment Bill No. 10 is quietly being passed right under your gaze. Forest 27 has been carved up, Huge monies for Electric power imports you are not going to receive or enjoy have allegedly been paid out, NRC Registration exercise is underway in specifically chosen areas, Foreign Loans have been contracted without Parliamentary approval or you knowing where the Money went or monitoring its use,other people are not allowed to gather for flimsy and made up reasons, People are being Hacked and their Brains are oozing out from their skulls(Do parson my gory depiction of Sean Tembo's recent attack it is deliberate) but you are quiet etc You are indeed a Truly special Breed of Humans,this I can give you!
This is also being used as gimmick to try as much as possible gain support from the evangelical Lobby and Radical Hypocritical money Loving Christian Fundamentalists who, will rather naïvely, not see this for what it is. The School of Applied Reason and Logic will tell you that it makes no sense to use your Religious Text or scriptures to reason with other people from other Religions or who, for some reason or the other, may not even subscribe to them(Your Teachings or a scriptures) or any Deity at all. How is it even Democratic to Decree and Dictate a Religion for all the people and use those Teachings in that Religion to hinge your Judgment of everyone including those that do not believe them or regard them as sacrosanct teachings to live by? This is a hallmark of autocratic,Despotic and tyrannical dispensation at its worst.
Thursday, June 27, 2019
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
Granted that,although you would never ordinarily catch me dead lending an ear to his particular Music genre , I however, find General Kanene's latest artistic offering in Big Fish or 'Nsomba Ikulu' , a spot on piece of Social Commentary punctuated with quite Witty and well thought out social intercourse anecdotal renderings. He has carefully Remade or remastered the Nigerian P Square's 2019 hit song 'Nobody Ugly' and hijacked the beat to make it his own and perhaps, more importantly, embued it with irrefutably captivating relevance as regards the goings on in the Zambian social calender circles. The usually not so obvious Class distinction between patrons of public Mingling places is highlighted in this Song. There is a clique of Patrons that have been outted in this song who are seen lurking in the shadows and exude a distinctive aura of genteel sophistry which he urges Women of Easy virtue to try and sniff out or pick up on if ever they were to embark on an Angling Excursion in the cover of the night and were serious about landing Zeb Hogan's Positively 'Moster' Fish.
Kanene's artistic tenacity has come full circle and further goes to prove that , despite his usual bland and witless deafening racket he impregnates the airwaves with, which folks want to allow to pass as music and his now only too familiar Infractions with the Law on account of his randy nature that makes him gravitate and lavish over borderline nubile nymphets, the chap is not such a bad musician sometimes after all. This, even when he is given to persuasions of that Old man in that Book by Vladmir Nabokov, Lolita. He has effectively managed to seemingly recover from having been snabbed and thrown under the proverbial truck by his previous paymasters he used to sing for maybe due to his perceived Political Ethnic Incorrectness and through his repetitive social shenanigans which saw him get jettisoned as unrequired excess buggage and left to languish in gaol.
Lesson Learnt, "In Life ,if you are persistence at what you like doing, You eventually attain some degree of proficiency you hitherto never thought Possible." The end result of which can only sheer financial and spritual sense of abundance and fulfilment that not even Money can give you.
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
Granted that,although you would never ordinarily catch me dead lending an ear to his particular Music genre , I however, find General Kanene's latest artistic offering in Big Fish or 'Nsomba Ikulu' , a spot on piece of Social Commentary punctuated with quite Witty and well thought out social intercourse anecdotal renderings. He has carefully Remade or remastered the Nigerian P Square's 2019 hit song 'Nobody Ugly' and hijacked the beat to make it his own and perhaps, more importantly, embued it with irrefutably captivating relevance as regards the goings on in the Zambian social calender circles. The usually not so obvious Class distinction between patrons of public Mingling places is highlighted in this Song. There is a clique of Patrons that have been outted in this song who are seen lurking in the shadows and exude a distinctive aura of genteel sophistry which he urges Women of Easy virtue to try and sniff out or pick up on if ever they were to embark on an Angling Excursion in the cover of the night and were serious about landing Zeb Hogan's Positively 'Moster' Fish.
Kanene's artistic tenacity has come full circle and further goes to prove that , despite his usual bland and witless deafening racket he impregnates the airwaves with, which folks want to allow to pass as music and his now only too familiar Infractions with the Law on account of his randy nature that makes him gravitate and lavish over borderline nubile nymphets, the chap is not such a bad musician sometimes after all. This, even when he is given to persuasions of that Old man in that Book by Vladmir Nabokov, Lolita. He has effectively managed to seemingly recover from having been snabbed and thrown under the proverbial truck by his previous paymasters he used to sing for maybe due to his perceived Political Ethnic Incorrectness and through his repetitive social shenanigans which saw him get jettisoned as unrequired excess buggage and left to languish in gaol.
Lesson Learnt, "In Life ,if you are persistence at what you like doing, You eventually attain some degree of proficiency you hitherto never thought Possible." The end result of which can only sheer financial and spritual sense of abundance and fulfilment that not even Money can give you.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
By Namakando Nalikando Sinyama
It is with a great sense of Humility and Honour that I,Namakando Nalikando Wa Sinyama III, declare that , In keeping with my Personal epic sojourn on Earth, I embark on this mission of Self-Rediscovery by assuming a highly Revolutionary and Radical Afro-Centric Quest to reconnect with my ancestral Roots and seek Out That which We as Afrikans have hitherto been missing all along, which does, to a great extent explain away Our current State of Being as The Original People of The Book who Once Ruled The Earth. This is material only for those with a long enough attention span and those that have not been afflicted and succumbed to the yet to be officially acknowledged and diagonised medical condition i have coined Acute Bibliophobia. From my pre-puberscent years,I started off by seriously doubting whether or not we were really The Architects and Originators of the many Disciplines of Medicine,Mathematics, Astronomy , a lot of which have been credited to Us. Looking back at how We carry on today as a People, I have found it rather increasingly hard to accept that,We indeed built The Geometrically imposing architectural masterpieces that the Pyramids are. Our behaviour today as Afrikans sometimes lends credence and adds fuel to the most demeaning categorisation we are ascribed by Cold-blooded Rednecked Hardcore Racists. We successfully give them Reasons to be Racist against us sometimes by the way we run Our affairs, which makes them blatantly refuse to accept that we are their equals,if that is what ate supposed to be. This, is me finally coming to grips with their justification and perspective and in turn, quite frankly their understandable but not acceptable reasons for their Racism against us.We have given them many Reasons to be Racist against Us by Our very conduct. Some of them though, Hate Us for merely being Who we are, Black Afrikans. Unbeknownst to Most, The Historical Hatred directed towards The Afrikan, is more Spiritual than you think and has a lot to do with Your True Identity and Heritage that certain Quarters actually attest to and which has been The World's Best Kept Secret, The True Identity of Gods People Today.The Scientific World Community has slightly emboldened me by lightening this heavy load which has , for many years weighed in on my bemusement with their Revelation from Project Lucy that Africa, has indeed been The Cradle of Civilization all along. I have since been grappling with a raging Question as to when did it All Go Wrong? Where did We miss it and lose it all and to be so unassailably overtaken by other Races in all matters of Our endeavours ? The Explanations offered by Conscious Bredrin in their Hard-Hitting Reggae lyrical pieces where they have long since sought to teach Us who we really are and what happened to Us as a people of Colour seem to sadly fall Short. It is only rather sad that many do not lend an ear to this genre of Artistic expression(Reggae), as it carries a societal tag that makes it seem socially unacceptable as its proponents are considered outcasts when they have been vessels of great Wisdom that may well prove to be our only Hope for rediscovering who we are. For instance , Robert Nesta Marley sings of The Generation Gap left by the marauding Slave Traders who captured Our able bodied ancestors who were, by extension, Our Custodians of Vast Cultural experience and a plethora of knowledge but who sadly, were uprooted and ferried to the Americas and beyond during the worst blemish on the collective Human Consciousness that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was. We read how Our people were jettisoned over board like worthless excess cargo,resulting in the Worst Holocaust ever witnessed in living memory. This explanation though,scarcely suffices in quenching my thirst and quest of Knowing What really Went wrong with Us. The Judeo-Christian writings as well, have sought to explain away Our current Chain of Being as a People as having been due to a very Powerful Curse that was metted out on Us as The Original True Biblical Hebrew Israelites on account of Our disobedience to the Laws of Our God,YahWeh as recorded at Deutronomy 28: 1- 68. This, i have later discovered ,has only increased my levels of bemusement as 'half the story has never been told 'indeed. We need to See The Light and conquer the sometimes self-inflicted veil of ignorance bringing Darkness. The Hardcore Talmudic Racists have also latched onto Our condition by proposing or offering an alternative narrative by fanning The Hamitic Myth (Noah’s supposed ‘curse’ of Ham one of his Sons and ultimately myriads of negrescent (Blacks) after him. This story has everlastingly assigned to the African, the role of servitude as divinely cursed servants of white people. This Proselytized fake 'jewish' Ashkenazim fabrication of the Hamitic Myth has provided the moral pretext upon which the entire slave trade grew and flourished.
I therefore, leave you with the words of One of the Greatest luminaries alive in the World today,who I humbly beseech every Afrikan ,who cares , even in the least, to understand Who They Are, Where they Are From,Where they Are Now and Why, and Perhaps, More Importantly,Where they are going and What they Must do as an imperative to successfully get there. How they will finally reposition themselves again on The Table and Comity of Nations to reclaim their past granduer and Lost Glory.
May these words serve as an Eternal guide and beacon of Hope and may they find fertile ground in your Soul and Resonate with your Divine Spirit and have meaning as they have had with Me. Selah!!!
By Nthlathle Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa (1964)
O give me not the strident, Demon wail
Of penny whistle and tea-chest guitar;
Nor give me tales of those who rode the trail
Deep in the West of far America!
Oh, not for me the songs and nonsense tales
That thrill the modern rabble rout
Who, leaving far behind their tribal values
With traitor zest, ape ‘culture’ from without!
Rather than the modern crooner’s foreign voice,
Or the loud howls of modern township jive,
I shall leave far behind that mad’ning noise
And hurry home where Tribal Elders live.
There ‘neath baobabs or flat-topped munga trees
Where nestling birds with many tongues argue,
And flaming aloes bless the smiling breeze
With heady scent; and where the distant view
Of scowling mountains ‘gainst the silver sky
With dread and reverence fill the misted eye!
Where, on the gentle slopes of ancient hills there browse
The bearded goats, the sheep, the shambling cows;
And loud above his lowing wives the bull
With awful bellow, dares the distant foe!
There I shall sit before Ubabamkulu
Who shall relate to me the Tales of Yore.
There I shall kneel before the old Gegulu
And hear legends of Those-that-lived-Before.
There I shall live in spirit once again
In those great days now gone forever more;
And see again upon the timeless plain
The massed impi of so long ago.
The words of men long dead shall reach my soul
From the dark depths of all-consuming Time
Which like a muti, shall inflame my whole—
And guide my life’s canoe to shores sublime.
Clear with the soul’s time penetrating eye
I shall see great empires rise, flourish and die.
I shall see deeds of courage or of shame
Now forever carved on the Drum of Fame.
With Shaka’s legions I shall march again—
A puppet knowing neither joy nor fear;
Which trained to kill, heeds neither wounds nor pain,
And knows no other love save for its spear.
I shall feel once again the searing heat
Of love in hearts that have long ceased to pulse
And with Mukanda shall captain the fleet
Of war canoes; and storm Zima-Mbje’s walls.
Here is these stories still told by the old,
I feel the soul and heartbeat of my race
Which, I cannot in tales by strangers told—
For these, within my heart I have no place!
The tree grows well and strong, Oh children mine
That hath its roots deep in the native earth;
So honour always thy ancestral line
And traditions of thy land of birth!
It is with a great sense of Humility and Honour that I,Namakando Nalikando Wa Sinyama III, declare that , In keeping with my Personal epic sojourn on Earth, I embark on this mission of Self-Rediscovery by assuming a highly Revolutionary and Radical Afro-Centric Quest to reconnect with my ancestral Roots and seek Out That which We as Afrikans have hitherto been missing all along, which does, to a great extent explain away Our current State of Being as The Original People of The Book who Once Ruled The Earth. This is material only for those with a long enough attention span and those that have not been afflicted and succumbed to the yet to be officially acknowledged and diagonised medical condition i have coined Acute Bibliophobia. From my pre-puberscent years,I started off by seriously doubting whether or not we were really The Architects and Originators of the many Disciplines of Medicine,Mathematics, Astronomy , a lot of which have been credited to Us. Looking back at how We carry on today as a People, I have found it rather increasingly hard to accept that,We indeed built The Geometrically imposing architectural masterpieces that the Pyramids are. Our behaviour today as Afrikans sometimes lends credence and adds fuel to the most demeaning categorisation we are ascribed by Cold-blooded Rednecked Hardcore Racists. We successfully give them Reasons to be Racist against us sometimes by the way we run Our affairs, which makes them blatantly refuse to accept that we are their equals,if that is what ate supposed to be. This, is me finally coming to grips with their justification and perspective and in turn, quite frankly their understandable but not acceptable reasons for their Racism against us.We have given them many Reasons to be Racist against Us by Our very conduct. Some of them though, Hate Us for merely being Who we are, Black Afrikans. Unbeknownst to Most, The Historical Hatred directed towards The Afrikan, is more Spiritual than you think and has a lot to do with Your True Identity and Heritage that certain Quarters actually attest to and which has been The World's Best Kept Secret, The True Identity of Gods People Today.The Scientific World Community has slightly emboldened me by lightening this heavy load which has , for many years weighed in on my bemusement with their Revelation from Project Lucy that Africa, has indeed been The Cradle of Civilization all along. I have since been grappling with a raging Question as to when did it All Go Wrong? Where did We miss it and lose it all and to be so unassailably overtaken by other Races in all matters of Our endeavours ? The Explanations offered by Conscious Bredrin in their Hard-Hitting Reggae lyrical pieces where they have long since sought to teach Us who we really are and what happened to Us as a people of Colour seem to sadly fall Short. It is only rather sad that many do not lend an ear to this genre of Artistic expression(Reggae), as it carries a societal tag that makes it seem socially unacceptable as its proponents are considered outcasts when they have been vessels of great Wisdom that may well prove to be our only Hope for rediscovering who we are. For instance , Robert Nesta Marley sings of The Generation Gap left by the marauding Slave Traders who captured Our able bodied ancestors who were, by extension, Our Custodians of Vast Cultural experience and a plethora of knowledge but who sadly, were uprooted and ferried to the Americas and beyond during the worst blemish on the collective Human Consciousness that the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was. We read how Our people were jettisoned over board like worthless excess cargo,resulting in the Worst Holocaust ever witnessed in living memory. This explanation though,scarcely suffices in quenching my thirst and quest of Knowing What really Went wrong with Us. The Judeo-Christian writings as well, have sought to explain away Our current Chain of Being as a People as having been due to a very Powerful Curse that was metted out on Us as The Original True Biblical Hebrew Israelites on account of Our disobedience to the Laws of Our God,YahWeh as recorded at Deutronomy 28: 1- 68. This, i have later discovered ,has only increased my levels of bemusement as 'half the story has never been told 'indeed. We need to See The Light and conquer the sometimes self-inflicted veil of ignorance bringing Darkness. The Hardcore Talmudic Racists have also latched onto Our condition by proposing or offering an alternative narrative by fanning The Hamitic Myth (Noah’s supposed ‘curse’ of Ham one of his Sons and ultimately myriads of negrescent (Blacks) after him. This story has everlastingly assigned to the African, the role of servitude as divinely cursed servants of white people. This Proselytized fake 'jewish' Ashkenazim fabrication of the Hamitic Myth has provided the moral pretext upon which the entire slave trade grew and flourished.
I therefore, leave you with the words of One of the Greatest luminaries alive in the World today,who I humbly beseech every Afrikan ,who cares , even in the least, to understand Who They Are, Where they Are From,Where they Are Now and Why, and Perhaps, More Importantly,Where they are going and What they Must do as an imperative to successfully get there. How they will finally reposition themselves again on The Table and Comity of Nations to reclaim their past granduer and Lost Glory.
May these words serve as an Eternal guide and beacon of Hope and may they find fertile ground in your Soul and Resonate with your Divine Spirit and have meaning as they have had with Me. Selah!!!
By Nthlathle Credo Vusamazulu Mutwa (1964)
O give me not the strident, Demon wail
Of penny whistle and tea-chest guitar;
Nor give me tales of those who rode the trail
Deep in the West of far America!
Oh, not for me the songs and nonsense tales
That thrill the modern rabble rout
Who, leaving far behind their tribal values
With traitor zest, ape ‘culture’ from without!
Rather than the modern crooner’s foreign voice,
Or the loud howls of modern township jive,
I shall leave far behind that mad’ning noise
And hurry home where Tribal Elders live.
There ‘neath baobabs or flat-topped munga trees
Where nestling birds with many tongues argue,
And flaming aloes bless the smiling breeze
With heady scent; and where the distant view
Of scowling mountains ‘gainst the silver sky
With dread and reverence fill the misted eye!
Where, on the gentle slopes of ancient hills there browse
The bearded goats, the sheep, the shambling cows;
And loud above his lowing wives the bull
With awful bellow, dares the distant foe!
There I shall sit before Ubabamkulu
Who shall relate to me the Tales of Yore.
There I shall kneel before the old Gegulu
And hear legends of Those-that-lived-Before.
There I shall live in spirit once again
In those great days now gone forever more;
And see again upon the timeless plain
The massed impi of so long ago.
The words of men long dead shall reach my soul
From the dark depths of all-consuming Time
Which like a muti, shall inflame my whole—
And guide my life’s canoe to shores sublime.
Clear with the soul’s time penetrating eye
I shall see great empires rise, flourish and die.
I shall see deeds of courage or of shame
Now forever carved on the Drum of Fame.
With Shaka’s legions I shall march again—
A puppet knowing neither joy nor fear;
Which trained to kill, heeds neither wounds nor pain,
And knows no other love save for its spear.
I shall feel once again the searing heat
Of love in hearts that have long ceased to pulse
And with Mukanda shall captain the fleet
Of war canoes; and storm Zima-Mbje’s walls.
Here is these stories still told by the old,
I feel the soul and heartbeat of my race
Which, I cannot in tales by strangers told—
For these, within my heart I have no place!
The tree grows well and strong, Oh children mine
That hath its roots deep in the native earth;
So honour always thy ancestral line
And traditions of thy land of birth!
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
100 % PASS RATE!
100% countrywide Grade Seven Pass Rate amidst massive Examination Leakages!!!😳 🤣🤣🤣🤣What should that be put down to now,able Leadership right?🙄
What are we saying here exactly? Is this outcome statistically a virtual impossibility? Not quite,if you believe that with a little more effort even Pigs can fly,it is just that ,when you are only too aware of your Population's peculiarities, it is only then that the Biometric asinine absurdity of it all becomes too apparent. Ladies and Gentlemen,there are Jokes and there are jokes. This result pushes the hilarious to extremely dizzy zenithal heights alright. Just when you thought you had heard and seen it all. This makes one completely lose faith in anything to do with numbers and counting of scores.Yes,Elections as well,especially that. What chunk or batch of results could have been artificially inflated to achieve this rare Event? What pedagogical 'miracle' can these 2018 Grade Seven Results be attributed to so that the feat can be replicated over and over again in the coming years?It would have been more rational to simply state that all Grade seven Examinations have been discontinued so that all pupils reach Grade Nine as a bare minimum so that they can be empowered with the very basics of Reading and Writing. This would then help reduce the negative impact of early marriages on the Girl child who would be supported with knowledge on Gender issues and maternal health.
What are we saying here exactly? Is this outcome statistically a virtual impossibility? Not quite,if you believe that with a little more effort even Pigs can fly,it is just that ,when you are only too aware of your Population's peculiarities, it is only then that the Biometric asinine absurdity of it all becomes too apparent. Ladies and Gentlemen,there are Jokes and there are jokes. This result pushes the hilarious to extremely dizzy zenithal heights alright. Just when you thought you had heard and seen it all. This makes one completely lose faith in anything to do with numbers and counting of scores.Yes,Elections as well,especially that. What chunk or batch of results could have been artificially inflated to achieve this rare Event? What pedagogical 'miracle' can these 2018 Grade Seven Results be attributed to so that the feat can be replicated over and over again in the coming years?It would have been more rational to simply state that all Grade seven Examinations have been discontinued so that all pupils reach Grade Nine as a bare minimum so that they can be empowered with the very basics of Reading and Writing. This would then help reduce the negative impact of early marriages on the Girl child who would be supported with knowledge on Gender issues and maternal health.
When the collective consciousness was aroused by the sheer repugnance of the utter audacity of open and unbridled Racism at this open access Public Beach, the people opted to communicate their anger in the most emotive way possible. They slaughtered a Sheep on the beach as a symbol of a cleansing ritual to rid it of the evil blemish of racial segregation. What we have seen is a huge expression of sympathy for the Sheep from Animal Rights Groups and The Humane Society in South Africa. The hypocrites campaigned vehemently for the Sheep to be spared and they sought to have its Rights to Life protected. They sent letters and campaign pleas but to no avail. Its carcass was eventually eaten at a braai on the very Beach.
Why did they seem to be oblivious to the injustice of Racism when Black people were barred from their ancestral Land solely based on their skin hue? This segregation was clearly an infringement on their quality of Life and it is a total disregard of their Human Rights but they chose to support the Sheep and begged for its Life when they were extremely quiet in the light of racially motivated human lynchings of people of colour.
In Arabic we call it Kis'met. To all the believers and adherents to the falsehood and intellectual airlock that is the human existence of a life pre-planned and foretold and us merely fitting in simply as pawns in the grand scheme of things at the behest of other higher determinants of our great chain of being. If a Tornado,Hurricane or Tsunami strikes does it occur in your mind to say that those people's time had truly come to die? If a Bus or any form of public passenger mode of transport carriers off the road and kills many, does it really make sense to any satient and truly thinking Homosapien to believe that ,somehow by sheer happenstance a randomly constituted crowd can so conveniently board the same Bus and be killed together because their collective day to die was synchronised in the heavenly Chronicles. This is to some of us balderdash and sheer Hamburg.
"The outward aesthetic appeal of any Distance Reducing Contraption that Motor Vehicles are is essentially a hedonistic allure meant for onlookers since when inside, either as a passenger or driver, you are largely oblivious to its outside Beauty which you only briefly appreciate when getting into it. Are you really justified in paying all that extra money to sustain an aura of a cosmetic flashy materialistic existence using a Car as the Status symbol to project your Station in Life?" - Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
For the record,may it be known that, I have never been one to condone or allow Tribal Dominance where ever it raises its ugly head or in which ever fashion it is packaged or promoted either as a subtle official policy or otherwise as a mere protectionist posture of Ethnic Groups to prevent themselves from being culturally overrun by another as an excuse.
Perhaps,more importantly, this is why we do not,in the least, appreciate or believe it is right that the life of an innocent infant was unprofessionally and needlessly put on the line in order to state a political stance on a burning issue by a Public servant no matter how justified he may have felt, is permissible at all. That action by the Medic could well have constituted reckless endangerment of a Life which totally goes against any known medical ethics or Hippocratic Oath which would send Lady Florence Nightingale reeling in repugnant disgust at his conduct. He should thus be reprimanded accordingly and be helped to see the folly of his chosen course of action.
However, people need to be courageous enough to address a matter that may be dangerously simmering underfoot seeking release in perhaps the most destructive ways possible if left unaddressed.Enter Dr. Austin Mbozi's Language Debate.
So,why are people rather conviniently not asking why that Lady did not speak a more neutral and less polarising Nationally accepted Official language that English is since she clearly knew how to, but instead sought to impose her indigenous language on another person? Is it acceptable social etiquette for you, as a guest in other people's land to impose your language on them? Is it not generally accepted universal show of courtesy,politeness and congeniality to first make a genuine effort at learning the mode of communication of your hosts instead of rudely seeking to dominate them by forcing them to use your language? Do please,also consider, if you may,whether it would be logical or justified if one was to go and speak Luchazi at some hospital facility in Osaka, Japan while seeking medical attention there? If this is too far-fetched an example,something a little closer to home might be in order. Do you feel it would be advisable for me to go and insist on speaking and imposing my Kwangwa to the local medical personnel in Lundazi or Chadiza when I could simply use English? This scenario would have been totally different if that lady did not know a word of spoken English but as the video shows, she was more than perfectly conversant.
These are clearly very emotive issues which should be allowed to be freely discussed so that there is a boisterous exchange of views from the citizenry if you are to foster that ever elusive environment of genuine National Unity and not the usual empty parroted slogan of fictitious cohesion which, in the end ,is but a mere expression of a naive wish whose burning aspects surrounding its realisation or actualisation are ignored. The unfortunate observation on the ground is that ,if the issue of language is not adequately addressed to bring about lasting Tribal unity, the repetitive mantra regurgitated at us which was muted by your founding father of One Zambia One Nation may only be in people's heads and will be seen by most as one meant to tranquilize and subdue the ethnically unassertive lot whenever they attempt to promote their cultural identity and Pride as a people. It will be considered a vehicle for suppression when it should actually be a rallying point for lasting unity and Co-existence of the people of that country. We have always stated how language is nothing but merely a different way of flickering ones tongue in the buccal cavity to produce varying sounds that are in turn used as an Ethnic identifier of groups that share the resulting mode of expression or coordinated sound we call language. This should never be used as a tool to divide Humanity at all.This would be as irrational and senseless as using Skin Hue to be a basis for segregation against another being within the species as practiced in Racism. Now, we have even observed the emergence of Intra-Racial Racism among Afrikans where certain cliques of ignorant Black Afrikans of a much lighter shade of skin deem themselves better looking and more superior than those spotting proud Chocolate Nubian features of unadulterated negrescence. It is this very psychological handicap and twisted thought process that has been the cornerstone or basis for a multi-Billion Dollar Skin Bleaching and Fake Hair industry to thrive on the Continent.
It should be noted that,the European Rennnaisance and the attendant levels of massive industrial and technological or generally developmental strides there were achieved largely after they had long since conquered or overcome certain retrogressive isms fueled by things like Tribe that can potentially fragrament the efforts of a people after a common beneficial Goal. Our counterparts have long since graduated from these primitive divides as they no longer have Gauls,Saxons,Picts Vikings or Angles but simply Europeans with identifying National Languages merely for ease of communication. Africa clearly does still have a multiplicity of divisive and backward practices that she grapples with which effectively hinder her progress like the issue of Tribe and Language ,which,sadly sometimes,even selfish politicians have sought to capitalise on to further their own ends. I do remember how on a public bus there was a near rapturous rancor from a section on the bus which protested the playing of a video of some local production which featured a Bi-lingual dialogue of English and one of the local languages which they claimed was unacceptable as they claimed, rather shockingly that,despite countless years of their coexistence with that Group,they still could not hear a word of that language but instead preferred and insisted that a Nigerian production ,from Thousands of Kilometers away ,in West Africa,replete with a fudged mix of Creole and pidgin English and unpredictable defeaning sound variations was better. There is need for concerted efforts at raising the national consciousness and confronting these pressing matters in a more open manner instead of shying away from them while you witness the steady creation and degeneration into a dangerously balkanized National landscape.
Without seemingly claiming full knowledge and conversance with the tenets and hallmarks of Pure Democracy as envisaged by Grecians ,it was such an envy and joy watching Democrat Nancy Pelosi deliver her acceptance speech after her latest election as US House of Congress Speaker and the Conduct of House of Commons speaker on the other side of the pond oversee business of that house during the tumultuous BREXIT Debates , your skin hairs literally stand on end with admiration about just how mature Business there is conducted.
P.S. Although ,to be honest,it was quite worrisome how she kept giggling away in that grand motherly way as if she was almost yielding to some terminally crippling or battling some pre-existing condition which could prematurely impair her capacity to ably execute the demands of that high office. Although,at 70 it is perfectly expected.
It is should now be pretty evident how staining ones thumb with Pemanganate of Potassium may not suffice to bring about the El dorado the majority seek and a changed landscape of an oasis of tolerance, Integrity and accountability in the management of public resources. The Modus operandi of bringing about this dispensation however, is the Million Mupu question. Quoting Sherlock Holmes,"How My Dear Watson,is the Question?' Because clearly,the electoral process scarcely suffices in helping the masses achieve this outcome and never will. As revealed by the bloke benefiting from Archimedes' upthrust Principle not really in the Ultimate Pool, their talons are sunk way too deep into the near putrid flesh of the cadaver that is Chambia. They know only too well that departure will equate to imminent prosecution hence their,quite frankly, understandable dogged resistance in making way for a new dispensation. Demon.cracy is ill-equipped to deliver the required outcome,this is sadly the elusion that the masses are still inebriated with. There is an End Game to all this though. It is just a pity folks cannot visualise it. It is,if you like, a form of Marchiavellian Strategem that would leave the citizenry agape in awe of its simplistic sophistry when implemented. Niccolo would turn green with envy at its seamless execution. It has to be done now as a matter of greater urgency or the damage will be way too great. It is a Marshall Plan of sorts. And what really annoys me is how it has been hidden in plain Sight all along. It can only be disclosed to a select few on a Need-To-Know basis due to its sensitivity. This is classic MI5 stuff alright. The very best of Modern Lewanikan Statecraft from the Plains.
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
I will start by making this disclaimer that whatever will be said in this piece, as emotive as the subject matter evidently or ultimately proves to be,is not at all meant to willingly challenge or demean or belittle anyone's tenets of faith or their chosen ideas about their God. If then,in the end, they find it overpoweringly impossible to be rational and objective about what they will read and opt to get upset,then that will have been entirely by choice and that am afraid, is something I have no control over and are thus more than welcome to engage in the highly encouraged exercise of emotional carthasis and vent out their ire but by god, let me not be used for target practice while they are at it.
It will greatly help here also, to acknowledge that, ever since I took to the path of Higher Level Spiritual Consciousness, matters of religious affiliation and its evident expansionist Agenda as propagated through the offerings of alternative interpretations of Scriptures so as win over more converts and outdo others in terms of membership,the showmanship of Magic like antics of sleight of hand in the name of Miraculous works by the unscrupulous clergy meant to dupe the willingly gullible laity or blind and unthinking followers or the Philanthropic involvement in charity work of building service organisations such as Mission Schools or Clinics, while appreciated, have not blinded us to the true motives behind such posturing . You will remember that, in medieval times this degree of aggressive cohesion was equally practiced and taken a notch higher during military campaigns in Crusades when Christians matched under the banner of the Crucifix and Muslims wielding that characteristic unfurled insignia of the Crescent Moon almost encircling a Star with its full esoteric significance literally waged Wars to forcibly convert people in distant lands to adopt their modes of worship and establish permanent presence in those far flung territories by erecting imposing edifices to their honour and that of their preferred gods. The Knights Templars were equally sent by various Royals to go and pillage holy cities and steal religious relics and amass immense wealth in Gold and Silver for The Crown in the guise of being men with religious intentions when in fact not.
This having been said however, it should be noted here that, my background in matters of religion prevents me from keeping quiet when I see or hear blatant falsehood being championed by people from different denominations in Christendom with various motives,whether willingly or otherwise out of sheer dangerous ignorance. It should further be respectfully stated that Evangelicals and the Pentecostal movements are most notorious in this regard. This , they have done in different ways and even embark on exercises to promote these teachings in various forms such as Song and Dance , staging extravagant Crusades or religious gatherings for this very purpose.
I do appreciate how ,after this piece ,the many faithfuls will seek to set the records straight to correct what they will deem my wrong interpretation of scripture,leap at every opportunity to point out my oversight or their perceived weakness in my analysis and promote their version and understanding to be the most correct one . I find this kind of response of inundating my inbox or string with a litany of scriptural citations and threats of Hell Fire , Heresy or Blasphemy(not necessarily in that order) extremely counter-productive and one not exactly in keeping with my cherished norms of intellectual engagement in progressive civil discourse.
I have grown up lending an ear to various forms of artistic expression and music with its different genres it presents as being the foremost attraction of my leisure time during which i luxuriate in treating meself to anything from either Catalonian Rhumba, Afrocentric Beats,Radical Dub Poetry with agitative Propaganda themes,Reggae of the Roots and Culture sort, Classical Symphony,New Age, Brobdinagian Bards, Gregorian Chants,Ancient Scottish and Irish Celtic Tunes,Yiddish sounds,Arabic and/or Indian sounds,serving the best for last, The Music of The Brave ,Hard-hitting Rock!!! I deliberately left it till the end to draw out all the Rockers out there who I stood ready to be lynched by for this intentional suicidal omission.
I sometimes find myself randomly wiggling my toes or tapping my finger away to so-called gospel tracks blaring away until I hear something that does not quite agree with what I know to be the Truth,as subjective as this concept is. I had been seriously taken aback when I heard a chap sing away by naively and hypnotically screaming on top of his lungs in his country's local dialect that, " Umulopa Wenu Ba Yahweh......" to mean ' Your Blood Yahweh' literally implying The Almighty Jehovah God actually died and shed his Blood for Humanity or, and as it is now common in Christendom where they proclaim that "Jesus Our Almighty God." YAHWEH, according to the Tetragrammaton and existing Septuagint of the time is supposed to be the equivalent of Jehovah ,Almighty Hebrew God . Yahweh comes from the four Hebrew letters usually transliterated YHWH or JHVH that form a biblical proper name of God. To the best of my memory Jehovah has never died before unless there was some passage of scripture I missed. Just imagine the overall implication of suggesting,albeit indirectly, that the God you worship and look up to for Salvation is actually a mortal God and was slain. Clearly, this could only have been in reference to Jesus. Now to make his son ,who their scriptures openly state is the first born of all creation Almighty is quite frankly scary as this would be executing a coup det'at of sorts in the firmament. This,because even he himself said that his Father is Greater than he is and he should not at no time be Worshipped. When he was being baptized in the river Jordan,the Holy Spirit, in the form of a Dove descended onto his head like a hologram and a voice,God's voice or his Father's deep husky commanding authoritative Voice declared from the parted cloud that,'This is my Son,in whom I am well pleased.' While on Earth,when Jesus was being pursued by his eventual captors in the garden of Getsamane during the transfiguration looked up in supplication to his Father and pleaded that if he willed and if it were up to him he should let that Cup of Suffering pass him by. This was when those holy men ,Elisha and Elijah,who are the only personages never to have seen or tasted physical death appeared on his side embued in a bright heavenly glow to discuss matters which the onlooking disciples found unintelligible. The very idea that he was sent to Earth on a mission means the sender is more senior than he. The confession by Jesus himself that even he does not know when the End of The World will come surely proves somebody more senior than him knows all. This is why, I advise caution before unconsciously parroting Amen-hotep in unison when listening to publicly offered prayers that have blatantly misrepresented the Truth about the Ethereal hierarchical orderly arrangement of Power structures and Protocol. You would be deemed party to fanning falsehood by simply proclaiming 'So Be It'.
The concept of God The Father,The Son and The Holy Spirit and their being 'One' is to me nothing more than The oneness of purpose and intent as exists between Man and Wife joined in Holy matrimony. Now ,to begin to calling Jesus 'Yahweh' is a dangerous and criminal error of attribution which even he was humble enough to admonish his followers to desist from doing.. Although,it must be mentioned here that, he did not himself exactly help matters much either as he merely asked of his Apostles to tell him who they thought he was and what the people were saying he was, in a strange display of identity Non- Commital.
So then, what exactly are we saying here exactly? Well,to be absolutely honest with you,nothing really. No one knows the entire Truth,Remember the Analogy of the True appearance or description of the Pachyderm that is Loxodonta Africanus spp. as described by a number of unsighted people who relied only on their tactile faculty to fully describe what they touched.This was just me helping to prevent your suffering some irreparable cranial tissue atrophy by you supplying it with oxygenated blood by triggering your thought processes. Exercise that convoluted mass of fatty grey tissue while you still can.You may go on believing in whatever religious verbiage or teachings or system of Beliefs as you please with my best wishes,to the extent that it does not bring the bacon home,I will not in the least give it a rodent's Gluteus maximus! Right now,I am more concerned with what Earth shaking breath of fresh air and emboldening stance that will come from Namuso to completely change Our State of Being Forever as a people and whether that stubborn Woman across the pond survives the No Confidence Vote this evening and how the Brits are now embarrassing themselves with shocking disorganisation with the way they have made a sodding mess of BREXIT. Are we to understand that there is so much illiteracy in Britain now that the majority of the citizens ignorantly Voted to Leave Europe without knowing what it fully meant? Welcome to the Eternal Curse of Demon.cracy that Africa is belliguered with due to its massive illiteracy levels where the majority of its people of humble learning ultimately decide who leads their countries at the ballot. But then, that is supposed to be Great Britain for Crying Out Loud!!What do they really want to achieve with a second Referendum Vote,forcing a square peg into a Round hole until they Rig the Poll to get a Remain Vote outcome? The people already spoke ,even if some quarters did not like what they heard. Have they sat to think just how stupid they would collectively look if ,and heaven forbid,they ever went for a second Referendum and their Citizens still Voted to Leave? And all along we thought they knew better,rolling mine eyes in repugnant disgust at what is unfolding in the once Great Island.
If in doubt of the veracity of this truism and its debilitating effects on the structural integrity of any Government, all you need to do is ask South Africans and Democrats in Those United States who under the tenure of the fuzzy haired Germanic one seem to be writhing in pain under the strangle hold of that Ex-KGB strongman from The Citadel of Power that is the Kremlin staging his silent 'Warfare' like Machiavellian statecraft right under their noses and never saw it coming. The Feds are only waking up this harsh reality when it is too late.Remember Niccolo was Italian,do words like Sicily,Omerta,La Cosa Nostra, La Familia ring a Bell?
There are restricting demands of Royal Etiquette and Decorum that prevent Your Regal personage from openly calling for help so it is done by simply dropping hints in the most subliminal and subtle of ways which are in themselves extremely loud messages for you to reach out to him and hear them out. You only need to be discerning enough using your Ancestral Third Eye and Ear . Do not develop blinding cataracts and auditory miatus at this crucial hour of His need. Your Ancestors may have finally hearkened to your Supplications but cannot directly intervene,so be alert and stay awake.
If ,for whatever reason, a woman chooses to enhance their Gluteus maximus or Bum artificially by wearing those padded stuffings now common in Chinese shops and then someone touched her behind,would that legally and technically,not forgetting logically constitute sexual harrassment? Asking for an incorregibly naughty friend who just cannot seem to keep his hands to himself.
Believe it or not,due to the feedback we are getting from Namuso, I have woken up singing praise to Barotseland's reigning Royal. Paying due Reverence and Adoration to His Regal Splendour and Majestic Authority as symbolised by The African Black Bull Elephant,which has, for a time been Our National Symbol .
" Yalila Ngoma,yalila ngoma Ya Imwiko yalila Taha ubone Yalilleee...signing." I sense we are officially on the verge of a Spiritual and Geo-Political paradigm Shift even though we were seemingly bogged down in the proverbial sands of Time. The Lowlander jaggernaut continues its relentless match, until We cross The Rubicon ,Twice!! Get in its way at your own peril.This will soon exonerate His Legacy and the memory of all his faithfuls who stood by his side in trying times.
We beseech The gods and the Spirits of Our Ancestors to Collectively Come to Our Aid.
May They Graciously Hear Us.
If you asked me,which you obviously have not,I find the latest offering of Johnny English:Strikes Again far much better than John Wick,which apparently ,before watching half of it only last night,I heard had received raving Reviews and so much exaggerated hype about it. There is way too much random unexplainable needless Bloody gun violence i could not quite wrap mine head around or let alone get meself to finishing it. And ,to realise that all that loss of Human life ,albeit make believe, had alot to do with, of all things, some rickety old jalopy that got knicked off him and some slain quadruped Canine pup of Canis domesticus spp. Look,Did the Russian Mob kill his Wife? Nyiet!! It all just makes the whole production almost upsettingly bland really. As a result, i effectively classified it together with Rambo IV or is it Rambo III which you would never catch me dead wasting the little space i have remaining in my cranial department watching as it had more Haemoglobin splatter than you get in an Emergency Room or a Blood Bank using blunt needles. Do pardon me for the rather unneccesary gory description so early in the morning. Not exactly the most ideal way of starting ones day but I am sure you quite get the point. The Choreography of the Assasin moves are straight from the top drawer though and are ones that i would proudly employ, only during Paint Ball ,as in real Life, this movie does stretch fiction to dizzy heights alright. Look,quite frankly speaking, the legend of Zorro was more believable ,at least he did not go around discharging bullets into people's heads who themselves seemed to only fire blanks or missed every time they shot at him. All in all, i am still buffled and scratching mine head in wonderment as to just why they were fighting in the absence of a discernable story line. I must confess though, that part of my confusion arises from the fact that, i never got to watch the very first Chapter of John Wick,(for the same reason In never watched Titanic, too much ado about nothing really) hence found a movie that starts with guns popping away from all angles and people dying at every turn such a waste of my precious evening. It eerily looks like they might even take it all the way to Chapter 5 after John Wick Chapter 3 Parabellum . This is what you get when producers come up with a less than convincing Plot they rwsort to inundatibg the viewership with unending sequels to make up. P.S. Was his skin made of Teflon? What is it with him(Keanu Reeves) and Lawrence Fishburne always showing up in movies together like some complicated case of Conjoined Siamese Twins?It is no wonder even The Matrix Still remains a mystery to me to this day,apart from the rather rudimentary explanation I landed on that it is actually about, believe it or Not,Computer Viruses!! It is only when my other associations whispered to me that it has alot to do with Illuminatti Mind Control than anything. I humbly submit this movie review for your consideration.
By Namakando Nalikando-Sinyama
We are all too familiar with scenes of the embarrasing treatment of Black players in the Diaspora by ignorant folk who still think we are Monkeys and they even publicly express their shocking primitivity by throwing Bananas at them during matches.There are times when racial slurs are hurled at them during games when they near the touchline which sometime back even made a player,Mario Balotteli i think it was , decide to simply walk off the pitch while the referee watched on. The victims of this abuse react to the treatment in different ways and i feel they are well within their rights to express their, quite frankly,righteous indignation at that sort of backward treatment in which ever way they please. When Lingard scored a goal In the recent FA Cup match between Manchester United and Arsenal, he expressed himself or communicated a poignant message,which i thought was highly indicative of The Black Panther Salute, a radical movement that championed the fight for Civil Rights in those United States. The members of this Group,together with Jesse Owens put up a similar show of defiance during the Munich Olympic Games in Germany before a packed stadium with The Führer in attendance . This act of Courage is meant to assert a sense of Identity and Pride in their Negrescence as a People of Colour. The variation of this is what we were recently treated to in the NFL by the Afro spotting Kaepernick et al when they unanimously resolved to Take A Knee for Freedom whenever the American Anthem was sang. This is to them a song that doe not represent them as a people and has since come to embody a system that officially condones the ill-treatment,even the Cold-Blooded Murder of African Americans by uniformed Governement Law Enforcement officers. There is abuse from the fans, from fellow players of the same Club and from players of the other side and then there is racism from the officiating staff who are seen to sometimes treat players of colour rather harshly by being overly punitive with their obvious innocuous infringements by showing them cards that are not shown to other players commiting even worser tackles.
The Fans will only appreciate and respect Black players when they have performed extremely or almost super-Humanly well. The Black Players have in turn come to realise that, in order to attain any level of recognition or respect, they woud have to work doubly as hard as other players ordinarily would.The mistakes of Black players on the pitch or anywhere else they apply their trade in their various professional lives are seen to be more heinious than those of others and thus become targets of much graver criticism which other players may not face. It must be mentioned here though that, not everyone in all football leagues are like this. The truth of the matter is that ,most fans have evolved and are civilised enough to know that We as a people of colour are actually the very first Humans on this Planet and are an embodiment of the perfect sporting specimens as such, we cannot possibly be thought of as Baboons by any intelligent Human. Quoting The Right Honourable Minister Louis Farrakhan of The Nation of Islam, ' We are Actually the True Calipha of the very image of God.' Perharps, the words of one The most influencial personages of Our Age below ring true even to this day. " The Children of Africa are Citizens of various Nations in All The Continents . We need to remind them where ever they may be that, Arduous Toil,Strainous Devotion and Untiring zeal in their Glorious Cause is Expected of Them." H.I.M( His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Sellasie I,Selah.
Is BBC's Business Anchor or Staffer Aaron Heslehurst quite alright or he just simply enjoys his job that much? Or is it merely an official Corporate attempt at spicing up their delivery by not being out done by their colleagues across the Pond at CNN who have their own Richard Quest who means Business? In both cases, i would not totally dismiss the possibility of the potential enjoyment of some mood altering palmate herbage with serrated foliage.
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